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Think people!


Why not question everything?
Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl's? Why the Dollar store and not a mom and pop shop?
Why can't you have an elective surgery, but you can have an abortion (which is elective)?
Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus? Why can't kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?
Why can a family of four live together in isolation, travel in their car in isolation but can’t go on a boat together in some states?
Why don't people know that these are "recommendations" not laws (a law goes through due process)?
How do people not know that we are a Republic, not a democracy?
Why is it okay for government officials to get a haircut, or to fly around the country and meet with hundreds of people but not common citizens?
Why the fear, when this virus has far less than a 1% death rate?
Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?
Why does the CDC encourage medical workers to list Covid-19 on death certificates of everyone dying right now including heart attacks and stroke patients, etc who have never been tested for it?
Why have other death rates dropped since the virus?
Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?
Where has the flu gone?
Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?
What makes one person essential and another not?
Doesn't shelter at home mean there is a whole population of people, not staying home so we can? Why are they dividing us?
Why are they telling us to mask up after 2 months of lockdown?
Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?
What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our us?
Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019? Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government? Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars? What does a computer geek (Bill Gates)have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus v*ccines?
Why ID 2020, Agenda 21 and 2030? Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019?
Why are areas like Chicago and NY gearing up for mass, mandatory vaccination?
Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a " SUPRISE PANDEMIC " and then runs the pandemic team?
Why are they infringing on religious freedoms?
Why can 500 people shop at Menards or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into our church buildings?
I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat, if you're not asking these questions you should.
It’s only our entire way of life at stake.

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[quote Anonymous]
Why not question everything?

Good idea. But let's not forget that everything means everything so we should start with this post.

Anonymous wrote:

Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl's? Why the Dollar store and not a mom and pop shop?

those places sell food. There are still mom and pop shops that sell food that are open. I've been to and have ordered from them. So we questioned, and got the answer. Good on you for asking the question.

Anonymous wrote:

Why can't you have an elective surgery, but you can have an abortion (which is elective)?

Interesting. I don't know. Do you have more information? I mean, off the top of my head, it seems to me like abortions are a bit more...well, time sensitive than other types of "elective surgery." Also not all abortion requires surgery. So we need the question to be more specific before we can answer it.

Anonymous wrote:

Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus? Why can't kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus??

To the first question, this is patently false and also makes no sense and no one who knows what they are talking about is saying this. Trump made this claim during one of his infamous press briefings and afterwards took it back and claimed he was joking. If sunlight killed the virus, the only way it could spread is underground and underwater, because, I don't know if you've noticed this, but sunlight is everywhere on planet earth. Regular outside temperature heat does not kill the virus, or any virus that effects humans. Again, this makes no sense. Viruses have to survive the human body temperature which is typically higher than the ambient temperature except during extremely hot days in summer.

To answer the question about children...the concern was that they would be vectors for the virus and unknowingly spread it to other people. However, recent evidence suggests that children are not completely safe from the virus either. There seems to be COVID related inflammation that can effect some children and be highly dangerous to them.

Anonymous wrote:

Why can a family of four live together in isolation, travel in their car in isolation but can’t go on a boat together in some states?

Good question. Probably some research would answer it, but I'm not feeling motivated enough to do it. I don't even own a boat. I encourage you find out for us.

Anonymous wrote:

Why don't people know that these are "recommendations" not laws (a law goes through due process)?

It depends on which "recommendations" you are talking about, and which state we are talking about. New York is the hardest hit state by the pandemic and it's possible to get fined for not wearing a mask. But, as the governor of new york said today, if 19 million New Yorkers decide not to social distance, there is nothing he can do about it. everyone I know is willingly social distancing because they don't want to hurt their family or friends or neighbors.

Anonymous wrote:
How do people not know that we are a Republic, not a democracy?

Well, the truth is...we are both, at least in terms of how those words are typically defined. A democracy is a genre of political system and "republic" is a type of democracy. In a republic, officials are democratically elected to represent us in a legislative body.

Anonymous wrote:
Why is it okay for government officials to get a haircut, or to fly around the country and meet with hundreds of people but not common citizens?

I have this question too. Though it's more specific for me...who's cutting Trump's hair??? to the second part, government officials ARE social distancing, including the President, Congress, and others.

Anonymous wrote:
Why the fear, when this virus has far less than a 1% death rate?

Well, right now, worldwide, from numbers I just checked online, the death rate is about .6 percent. The last estimate I heard is that approximately 50 percent of Americans will get COVID if left unchecked. Let's do the math....

900,000 people dead with a .6 percent death rate in The United States alone. Tens of thousands already dead. That is why many people are anxious and afraid. But I guess if it's not someone you know, who cares, right?

Anonymous wrote:
Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?

Well, that's an easy one...because it's their job to investigate the cause of someone's death. Not every single death listed as a covid death going to be correct. Many that are being reported as Covid Deaths right now we will probably find out later were not directly or indirectly due to covid...problem is hundreds of people dying everyday. Do you think it's easy to figure these things out on the fly? Probably some who tested postive ended up dying from an unrelated stroke, or some who died of COVID like symptoms but they didn't get to test before they died...these things aren't perfect and no one is claiming they are.

Anonymous wrote:
Why does the CDC encourage medical workers to list Covid-19 on death certificates of everyone dying right now including heart attacks and stroke patients, etc who have never been tested for it?

Source? Also see the previous answer.

Anonymous wrote:
Why have other death rates dropped since the virus?

Probably something worth studying, but an offhand guess would be people staying inside and not getting hurt doing other things. People driving less alone is probably a huge driver of this. Also see the previous-previous answer.

Anonymous wrote:
Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?

This is part of one of the aid packages passed on a bi-partisan basis to off-set financial cost hospitals are incurring during the pandemic.

Anonymous wrote:
Where has the flu gone?

It still exists. It's not flu season, by the way, and won't be for a few months.

Anonymous wrote:
Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?

Which doctors speaking out against what? And source?

Anonymous wrote:
What makes one person essential and another not?

Anonymous wrote:
Doesn't shelter at home mean there is a whole population of people, not staying home so we can? Why are they dividing us?

No. Shelter at home means everyone, even essential workers. If you're an essential worker, that means you go to work and then go back home after work is done. You're not partying and having a good ole time while everyone else is home.

Anonymous wrote:
Why are they telling us to mask up after 2 months of lockdown?

The one thing is not directly related to the other. There are still new cases so people should still be careful.

Anonymous wrote:
Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?

This is mostly false except in specific circumstances. And if the mask causing you to have difficulty breathing, you should remove it. No one is telling people to suffocate.

Anonymous wrote:
What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our us?

It's rough and depressing and a tragedy in and of itself. A bigger tragedy is the pile of bodies that keeps getting higher and higher by the minute. Social distancing will end. Loved ones cannot be replaced.

Anonymous wrote:
Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019? Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government? Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars? What does a computer geek (Bill Gates)have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus v*ccines?
Why ID 2020, Agenda 21 and 2030? Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019?
Why are areas like Chicago and NY gearing up for mass, mandatory vaccination?

This would take more time and effort to parse and research that I have the patience for right now, so you do the homework and get back to us on that one if you would be so kind.

Anonymous wrote:
Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a " SUPRISE PANDEMIC "

Because he is a smart guy and studies this stuff for a living. Scientists have been predicting the next pandemic for years. this is't the first pandemic, it won't be last, and it won't be the worst. Where have you been the past twenty years? There have been major outbreaks of disease every five years or so.

Anonymous wrote:

and then runs the pandemic team?

He doesn't, Mike Pence does.

Anonymous wrote:

Why are they infringing on religious freedoms?

God will forgive you for not going to church for a couple of months.

Anonymous wrote:
Why can 500 people shop at Menards or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into our church buildings?

500 people? Wow, which Home Depot do YOU go to? And are home depots really open? Maybe because of construction supplies for infrastructure maintenence? I don't know, do the research and get back to us on it?

Anonymous wrote:
I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat, if you're not asking these questions you should.

All questions are valid when seriously posed and considered and not just rhetorical.

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Here' here Rob.
Some people are coming by the same questions due to their honest and transparent conclusion of what the answers really are.
The only people who should be questionable are the narcisstic pencil whipping wizards who are legends in their own mind.
Meanwhile, it's clear to many what's coming over the horizon.

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BA1 wrote:

Some people are coming by the same questions due to their honest and transparent conclusion of what the answers really are.

No, see, that is backwards. You don't start with the answer and then ask the question...unless you're not really posing an honest question and are just being rhetorical.

BA1 wrote:

The only people who should be questionable are the narcisstic pencil whipping wizards who are legends in their own mind.

The post starts out "Why not question everything?" Not "only question people who disagree with what I am saying."

Img 5499 photo full
(23 hours after post)
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" Probably some who tested postive ended up dying from an unrelated stroke, or some who died of COVID like symptoms but they didn't get to test before they died...these things aren't perfect and no one is claiming they are."


While people may not directly be claiming the satistics are perfect, behaviour speaks louder than words and pressuring people into lockdon is behaviour suggestive that the statisics are reliable or valid.

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(23 hours after post)
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"What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our us?"

Somme people are commiting suicide. One man already did and i have growing concerns tha a friend of mine might take their life eventually.

My best friend is another i have had concerns about and not being able to go out is not helping his mental health with bipolar. He cant play he drums cos the neighbours upstairs are not at work so his body it in more pain.

H strugglees to cope because they are pretty much his life and help calm him down when he is struggling and he has quite afew mental health problems and his mam died afew months back and he doesnt really have many friends.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 08/10, 2:07
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Jetmoo wrote:
" Probably some who tested postive ended up dying from an unrelated stroke, or some who died of COVID like symptoms but they didn't get to test before they died...these things aren't perfect and no one is claiming they are."


While people may not directly be claiming the satistics are perfect, behaviour speaks louder than words and pressuring people into lockdon is behaviour suggestive that the statisics are reliable or valid.

Whoa, hold on a second...there is a difference between saying that some mistakes are being made and saying that the statistics aren't reliable or valid. Even if 50 percent are wrong, that's over 30,000 people dead. The numbers are probably not off by nearly that much. There is DEFINITELY a good reason for the lockdown.

Jetmoo wrote:

Somme people are commiting suicide. One man already did and i have growing concerns tha a friend of mine might take their life eventually.

My best friend is another i have had concerns about and not being able to go out is not helping his mental health with bipolar. He cant play he drums cos the neighbours upstairs are not at work so his body it in more pain.

H strugglees to cope because they are pretty much his life and help calm him down when he is struggling and he has quite afew mental health problems and his mam died afew months back and he doesnt really have many friends.

It is really hard. I won't argue with that.

Remember something though. We are suffering...but our suffering is literally saving people's lives. You are protecting someone with your suffering. Of all the meaningless, rotten suffering that we get in this life, this is one case where we KNOW our suffering serves a higher end. To me, that is worth it.

I would encourage you to reach out to this person when you can to make sure he knows someone is thinking about him. That is how we get through this, by supporting eachother.

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(2 days after post)
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Im trying to support ppl but its hard going. Being on here makes me more unwell in itself but sometimes i need a break from life. I feel abit like giving up trying to manage my life because i know i cant without extra help. N still struggling to get the help. Health making me unstable.

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why not cook when you can order out..

more like why order take away when you can cook..

trust me when i say doing the hardest than the easy way out is much much more rewarding.

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