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very enlightened

by this surefire vlog. but be reminded that every statement is not backed by facts.. even i didnt look in to it. but seriously this girl is speaking out.


some input of thougts would be super

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very enlightened ¬ ¬ by this surefire vlog. but be reminded that every statement is not backed by facts.. even i didnt look in to it. but seriously this girl is speaking out. ¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/qbC8uF27yWc¬ ¬ some input of thougts would be super

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I almost didn't finish watching the video after five minutes because I disagree with the premise and I also think a lot of what she was saying is in bad taste. But against my better judgement, because you asked for takes, I soldiered on.

Also I admit that much of what I have to say is anecdotal...but so is most of what she's saying, so I think it's fair.

I am dividing my take into three parts to hopefully make it easier to read. First part is about the premise, second part is about the statistics she uses, and the third part is just some other thoughts I had about things she said.

Two problems with the premise:

1. I have not done a survey of how George Floyd has been portrayed in the media, but in the media I consume, there has been pretty consistent acknowledgment that George Floyd has a criminal past...I've never heard the term hero or martyr used in regard to him in the media that I consume. Not to say that I don't believe that some people are saying that kind of thing...I'm sure they are...but the point is "media" is a general term, and blah blah blah you get what I'm saying here. It seems like an absurd generalization to me because I'm just not seeing what she's seeing.

2. Who cares whether or not he is a martyr or a hero or whatever? As far as I know, the protests aren't about George Floyd as a person, and to make them about him misses the point. They are about police violence against black people. So basically a strawman argument.

The second part of the video is about how racially motivated police brutality against blacks is a myth..ok, fine if that is the actual point you want to make...but if it is, why talk about George Floyd's history at all? The stuff about his wrap sheet isn't logically related to the point about the video that actually matters, which is whether or not racially motivated police brutality exists.

It's almost like she kind of wants to imply Floyd got what's coming to him, but doesn't quite have the cahonies to actually cross that line and make that point.


You have to be careful with statistics. Even if they are true, you have to ask what they really say.

"You are more likely to die from police as a violent white criminal than you are as a violent black criminal."

First question you should ask is, suppose that's true...does that really prove the racially motivated police brutality doesn't exist? I'd say no, not really. Think about it: Suppose it's true....does that mean police brutality is actually motivated against whites? I suppose you could argue that. But it's not really an automatic conclusion you'd draw, and neither should you automatically draw a conclusion the other way.

But let's get into the nitty gritty a bit. "You are more likely to die from police as a violent white criminal than you are as a violent black criminal."

Can taking stats from a single year really show that? And when selecting a population size, is using the number of murders committed relevant? It might be, but we would need more information about those numbers. If there are 500 murders in a year, and 1 black man did 300 of them, then clearly not. That's an extreme hypothetical, but you see my point. Black men could be a smaller percentage of the violent criminals if they are more prolific violent criminals than the average white violent criminal. That's just one variable that is missed in what she's saying, there's also the question of what percentage of those violent criminals actually have police encounters, and probably other variables I can't think of right now.

Also, the number of deaths statistic is from a different year than the percentage of murders by black men statistic (2018 vs 2019)...which is just bad statisticing...you're taking one statistical fact and basically applying it to the wrong population.

To put the point in it's full absurdity it's like saying you're more likely to get a cavity as a white dentist patient because in 2018, 19 white people had cavities and 8 black people got cavities and in 2019 40 percent of dentist patients were black.

She can only speak from her experience, and I get that it's anecdotal...but non-criminal black people also seem to have experiences with police that suggest to them that discrimination is a thing. And not just a small minority of non-criminal blacks....like pretty much every single one that I've heard speak on the subject. I'm not going to stop believing them on account of one young woman who seems to think it's a media hoax and uses cherry picked statistics to back it up.

I think the narrative she spins about blacks just wanting to blame white people for their problems is completely inconsistent with things I've heard from leaders in the black community, and regular black people. Black people know they have problems coming from their own community. For a young black woman like herself to pretend that they don't strikes me as really bizarre.

"How hard is it not to spend multiple times in prison." This statement seems packed with naivety to me and makes me think that she is really out of touch with the black community as a whole.

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I hope you like my book of a comment. I can sign it if you like.

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Something just struck me and I find it amusing because it seems true to me. The people who are against the protesters will say "Everybody agrees that what happened is bad!" Well, we have a video. Of course you agree that murder caught on video is bad.

If there was no video, I am sure they would not be saying that. They'd say the police did their job and should go free.

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The protesters aren't asking for Floyd to be canonized.

Protesters want better training for police officers. They want excessive force tactics like chokeholds to be banned. They want police to be held accountable for when they make fatal mistakes. That's not a black vs white thing. Innocent white men get killed by police too. It shouldn't be a Republican vs Democrat thing either.

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I thought this was just some random girl saying her opinion, she's a pro Trump activist lol.

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She's an Uncle tom

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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
She's an Uncle tom

I wish I could be so succinct.

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I mean, you see this and I think you should ask yourself if you should really take her seriously.

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She's a trump follower, she took the pill, she'd say anything for her master trump. Therefore she is, an Uncle tom... Subservient to her white master.

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When the police start killing white petty criminals for misdemeanors, I may agree with her, but for now I don't believe police have a right to act as judge,jury and executioner. That's just not how the law works in our country!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I know you're more likely to die from a bee, wasp, or hornet sting than a police officer. I try to stay away from bees, wasps, hornets, and cops.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
I know you're more likely to die from a bee, wasp, or hornet sting than a police officer. I try to stay away from bees, wasps, hornets, and cops.

Well, I'm white, so yeah. But I'm not likely to tan that deep any time soon. In the meantime, I'm more than willing to spend my privelege currency on standing up, and speaking out for POC who aren't as lucky as I am. Wasps and hornets don't scare me.

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Black comedian's response to Candace Owens.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Dave Chappelle had some things to say about old Candace Owens too, everyone should watch his new video I guess. Really it just stirs up more $#it. She took it all in stride and said it was an honor to be mentioned by one of the world's greatest comedians. Good for her.

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uncle tom is getting deep in me

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