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I want someone to write my resume for me.

Am I lazy? I don't think so.

The act of putting it together just forces me to ponder my meager life accomplishments and feel a deep sense of inadequacy as I submit this small story for someone to literally pass judgement on it.

I have the uncomfortable experience of two contradictory urges. One, to try and make it seem as impressive as possible, embelish, perhaps lie. The other, stronger, is to exaggerate how inadequate I am, lest I be accidentally seemed worthy.

I would literally pay someone to do it at this point.

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I know the employment centre in my town has a free service that will write resumes. It might not hurt to ask at your local employment agency.

Lano edited this post .

I want someone to write my resume for me.¬ ¬ Am I lazy? I don't think so.¬ ¬ The act of putting it together just forces me to ponder my meager life accomplishments and feel a deep sense of inadequacy as I submit this small story for someone to literally pass judgement on it. ¬ ¬ I have the uncomfortable experience of two contradictory urges. One, to try and make it seem as impressive as possible, embelish, perhaps lie. The other, stronger, is to exaggerate how inadequate I am, lesslest I be accidentally seemed worthy. ¬ ¬ I would literally pay someone to do it at this point.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
I know the employment centre in my town has a free service that will write resumes. It might not hurt to ask at your local employment agency.

Thats a good idea. There really isn't an "employment office" near me. But the college i graduated from does have career services and maybe they can help.

Unfortunately this is kind of time sensitive and its the weekend. Sigh.

I can do it i just HATE it so much, my least favorite part about looking for a job (or in this case a promotion).

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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I mean i probably have a few days at least so i can always look into that on Monday

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The downside to getting someone else to do it is you still have to tell them everything or write it down. They essentially just format it.

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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
The downside to getting someone else to do it is you still have to tell them everything or write it down. They essentially just format it.

Honestly thats fine. At least it would ease the anxiety of having to worry about making it look professional.

(10 hours after post)
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I can help you do it later today, I can't guarantee how far we will get but If you want someone to write and format I'm game.
It would have to be about 3 30 or 4 PDT

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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Crogence wrote:
I can help you do it later today, I can't guarantee how far we will get but If you want someone to write and format I'm game.
It would have to be about 3 30 or 4 PDT

I appreciate the offer, that is generous. I did not really expect someone to actually want to do it for me on here tho now that I reread the post it kinda sounds like that.

I'll do it myself i just want to b**** and moan noisily and let the world know how much I hate it. I will google some templates and get it ready and maybe try and get in touch with the career services officeni mentionednon Monday for a proofread or something.

(4 days after post)
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i feel ya, a resume .. infact writing an impressive one is alot of work.

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