20210913 131512
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What to do about a landlord who refuses to rent to someone suffering from depression

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depression, refuses, rent, suffering, landlord
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Having depression should not be what defines you. Do you have a job with a steady income? Do you pay all your bills on time? Do you have friends that come or go at all hours of the day? Are you kind to those that live around you? Do you cause issues with the landlord? Society can be a hassle to deal with but deal with it we must. People that are only into themselves and live as hermits never smile. Ever.

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(2 days after post)
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I'm not sure what local recourse there is. Most places, if you can prove that he is not renting because of an illness you can take legal action based on discrimination.

Here in Ontario Canada, you can take the landlord to the Landlord-Tennent Board for arbitration and legal actions.

20210913 131512
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I spoke to a lawyer padre and we are going to sue the landlord.

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i never liked renting.. i have before.

seriously look into owning,

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