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Are you woke?

written () ago

Do you believe there are 50 genders?

What to do about a landlord who refuses to rent to someone suffering from depression

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written () ago

Why is there no compassion

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written () ago


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written () ago

My landlady sold yhe house and I cant find a place to live.

Where is the center of the universe??

written () ago

Is there something unique being in the center of the universe

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Top Replies
Legalized's Top (2) Replies by other users' votes
Why am I so depressed

I'm holed up 8000 feet. It's cold icy and snowy cabin fever??

- written - voted for by DragonLady
Why do millenials not like to use the phone and prefer texts?

I think it's social anxiety

- written - voted for by BA1
Last 5 Replies - All 9 Replies ยป
Are you woke?

Its a word the progressives use to think there thinking is spot on , no matter how crazed it sounds. Hence the post.
Only woke people know eating aunt jemiah pancakes is racist.

- written
i dont mean to be mean

You know you will get in trouble saying something like that.

- written
For those of you on mental health medication...

I highly recommend you look into the right strain of canabis

- written
What to do about a landlord who refuses to rent to someone suffering from depression

I spoke to a lawyer padre and we are going to sue the landlord.

- written
Why do millenials not like to use the phone and prefer texts?

Its way more fun, to have a phone conversation.
I get this feeling sexxx will be replaced by some texting in the future

- written