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Why do millenials not like to use the phone and prefer texts?

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phone, millenials, prefer, texts
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20210913 131512
(1 hour after post)
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I think it's social anxiety

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It depends...see...when you're on the phone...that's the only thing you can do. You can't play a video game and also be on the phone with someone without being distracted...text isn't like that.

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8c4b2750 eacb 4bb1 8471 bb64a37cbd76
(6 hours after post)
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Both of the above answers are correct.

I'd say it's not just millennial though. Boomers/older generations are simply used to phone calls so that's what they choose. If they had texting when they were younger, I'm sure they'd prefer it.

Another big thing for me is that I have a hard time speaking to people. I like to think out my answers before I reply to somebody. Over-the-phone conversations have an expectation to respond quickly, and that makes me panic to just say the first thing that comes to mind without planning the words to communicate properly, so my words that come out don't reflect how I really feel.

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(12 hours after post)
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I'm not a Boomer but prefer calls also. Texting seems sterile

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Anonymous wrote:
I'm not a Boomer but prefer calls also. Texting seems sterile

Some people are better written communicators than oral communicators.

That said, the best way to become a better oral communicator is to do it more.

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Phone calls are so inconvenient for me. It has less to do with social anxiety and more to do with constantly being busy. If you’re asking me a quick question, I’d prefer a text any day. Cut the small talk, get to the point. I’d much rather talk in person if a chat is needed.

(1 day after post)
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I'm arguably a millennial, born July of 1981 and made so by other people and their decision to lump me in with them even though I had never heard the term "Millennial" until after I was 30....................

But if I am, I will say that I don't like the phone because I worked in a call center for a lot of time and I just don't like the damn thing anymore.

It's like working at a fast food restaurant and then wondering why you don't want to eat the food anymore. Not that it's necessarily bad, but smell and touch the same food for 5-7 days a week 8-12 hours a day and see how appetizing it is after that!

Also, being in a face to face conversation or a conversation on the phone doesn't allow for well thought replies.

I can sit here and think about my response to your post. It might take twice or three times as long to reply because I'm writing it out instead of talking out of my ***ass trying to make ****shit up as fast as I can while losing most of the substance.

Here, or in a text or lettter, I can think about it, put all my thoughts into one concise(or not concise as the case sometimes may be) piece and present it to you knowing that I haven't left any important details out. Which I can't do on a phone call or in face to face conversations.

It is easier for someone to trap you in a conversation and bully you into their point of view because you don't have time to think and it can blind side you. At least if you prefer to think about how you're responding, like I do.

If I actually took the time to think about how I really wanted to reply in a face to face or on the phone, you would become too impatient and dismiss me as a retard, or try to sell me something, when I'm really just forming a detailed and comprehensive response. So really, screw your damn phone and face to face conversations. I actually kind of hate them.

Because snake oil salesmen are great at using conversation to trap you into verbally induced mental constructs. I prefer to avoid them is all.

When most people talk, all that comes out of their mouths is BS anyway.

(2 days after post)
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i used to identify myself preferably with texting because i could always make sure i would say what i intentionally wanted to say

instead of spewing out what i didn't mean to say

if that makes any sense.

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(3 days after post)
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I struggle to process verbal speech and dont process spontaneous conversation very well. Texting allows me to take my time. If i forget what i have said i can look back and remind myself. Speech uses up alot more energy for me because of my illness. I have vsry little energy so I feel where it is spent more

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(3 days after post)
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Yorick wrote:
i used to identify myself preferably with texting because i could always make sure i would say what i intentionally wanted to say

instead of spewing out what i didn't mean to say

if that makes any sense.

Haha yes! Like when I spoke with my Dr on the phone 😂😅 i think he must have hated me after that.

He wasnt being fair but it triggered me and i maybe should not have said some things. Or perhaps should have used a different tone. But i dont even know anymore whether it was good or bad. And im probably making no sense LOL

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(3 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Also, being in a face to face conversation or a conversation on the phone doesn't allow for well thought replies.

I can sit here and think about my response to your post.

Here, or in a text or letter, I can think about it, put all my thoughts into one concise(or not concise as the case sometimes may be) piece and present it to you knowing that I haven't left any important details out. Which I can't do on a phone call or in face to face conversations.

Im with you on that one. My only problem with writing letters to people is that they may not read them or may skim read them and not actually read and understand them properly.

I have spent hours and hours writing letters and emails to then never have any response from them and being told they didnt have time to read all of that.

Face to face means i can ensure they are understanding what i am trying to tell them.

Problem is that speech conversations never really go as planned. I hate how im unprepared for all responses and only remember stuff i should have said when it's too late.

My communication is really complex and fluctuates. Its such hard work. I prefer the person to be here infront of me so I can see their body language and facial expressions. I ask them to write to talk to me and i read. I may talk verbal or write to talk.

But i like having the papers left behind so I can look over them afterwards.

People hate how time consuming it is with me. The Dr said i take advantage of professionals time. :/

20210913 131512
(1 year after post)
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Its way more fun, to have a phone conversation.
I get this feeling sexxx will be replaced by some texting in the future

Img 5499 photo full
(4 years after post)
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Legalized wrote:
Its way more fun, to have a phone conversation.
I get this feeling sexxx will be replaced by some texting in the future

Apparently there is "sexting" now

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