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For those of you on mental health medication...

How do you deal with the loss of productivity?

So I had been off medications for a couple of years, but my depression has been coming back, and after speaking with my doctor it was agreed to go back on meds...

Before going on meds I was doing ~3000-4000 words a day with my writing. The first med we tried was a zombie. My productivity went to 0 overnight. When I spoke to my doc again we switched the med. Now I'm able to do some writing, but I'm lucky if I can write even 1000 words a day.

My loss of productivity is almost as bad as the depression I'm on the meds for, to begin with. How have some of you coped with this?

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20181121 142229
(6 hours after post)
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I have never taken any meds for my mental health for the same reason. The side effects, and tiredness, outweigh the benefits, but for some people some meds work.

My daughter takes meds for her anxiety, especially when she has a panic attack, and those do work. Perhaps you should ask in a forum that specializes on depression; people there will have more experience with meds and side effects.

I do hope you will find the right solution soon. Battling depression is tough.

What helped me to stop depression some decade ago, was a Biblical Counselling book by Ed Welsh - Depression, Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness.

(11 hours after post)
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I've took meds long ago, over one too many of variety for "depression" .. tho their effects were something similar to being hi-beam on your headlights, pretty bright! when frankly - I just wanted to feel normal..

I didnt like it so i stopped and began with will power, vitamins, meditation. yea in a sense im trying to self-medicate even when im told its not the way to go. my argument is I rather go organic than synthetic. heh to think of it im not a vegan any how .. YET

so to answer ur question .. how do i deal with it? how can you too?

my guess is trial and error, do research.. question everything.. find out what's best for you. I wish i could tell you a quick and easy way out of this, but I'll say those who persist will get what they're looking for.

(12 hours after post)
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Talk with your doctor about changing meds or dosage, but if it's helping you more than the loss of productivity is hurting, it's worth continuing as-is if there is no better option.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(5 days after post)
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I take an old skool SRI for neuropathic pain caused by a torn disc & it totally screws with my energy level. Luckily, I'm on disability, or my life would be totally screwed. I get by with attempting to accomplish at least 1 thing every day. Stuff gets done, but it just takes longer.. much longer.

Img e2062
(2 weeks after post)
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Try taking a vitamin D supplement in the morning in addition to your medication.

(2 weeks after post)
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MusicLover wrote:
Try taking a vitamin D supplement in the morning in addition to your medication.

isnt that milk or something?

20210913 131512
(3 weeks after post)
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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 month after post)
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Take half the dose and see what happens. Is the writing slower or are you just not as motivated or is it an inspiration problem?

Help me with:

I need help.

Mine.... mine i say!!!
(1 month after post)
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Oh, that's rough. I've been on medication for a little over 6yrs, and have still had the same anti-depressant. When I'm dragged downward from time-to-time, I benefit by changing-up some part of my daily life or routine.

Whether it's moving furniture, sleeping on a different end of the bed, starting some project I know I'll likely not finish, research an entirely new subject to the point of feeling an existential-shift within.

I'm glad you can get some assistance with this.

20210913 131512
(2 months after post)
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I highly recommend you look into the right strain of canabis

(4 months after post)
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I have never been on antidepressants but I know relatives that have been on the medication. Seek advice as the dosage might be too much or the medication is making you worst. Seek advice from your doctor. It sounds like you are getting bad side effects from the medication.

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