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Didnt realize it so much before.

But now I realize certain things are triggering for me.
Not things youd expect to be triggering.

I'm pretty depressed again. Which is okay
But I thing it was triggered rather than natural

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depressed, natural, realize, triggered, triggering
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The brain wants to feel good 24/7. So to me, if I feel depressed it is always triggered by something or a series of events and thoughts. Depression is an unnatural state for the mind to be in.

For instance, I recently had an event that contributed to my recent bout of depression. The death of my loving pet Pomeranian, Sierra. The vet said she had a strong heart for her advanced age, but her liver was starting to give out. So the heartbreaking decision was made to euthanize her. That was only a week ago. And the recovery continues.

Happy earth
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If you can recognize the triggers, you can deal with or avoid them. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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