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everyone in town is treating me like i poisoned their dog...

i haven't done anything to anyone to deserve this kind of reaction. i don't even understand why they're all acting like this...

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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understand, kind, deserve, reaction, acting
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(6 minutes after post)
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Something in the air? Sometimes it seems like everybody goes crazy at once...

Original Poster
(18 minutes after post)
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this is some sick sh*t following me around. for years..

i need to know the truth

last online: 08/21, 7:48
Verified User (6 years, 7 months)
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(21 minutes after post)
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:( i had the same thing happen to me some 30 years ago. It was eating me alive, all their gossip and lies. Eventually, it did break me..

Hope you will find a better support and cope with this. Sorry it is happening to you; stay strong!

(30 minutes after post)
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I'm sorry that this is happening to you. People tend to gang up on a person when they have a reason they perceive as valid. Is there a reason you'd seem like an outcast to them; race, class, religion?

Is there anywhere you could go for a few days, to get away from the tension? Maybe they all just need to calm down, perhaps something happened you don't know about yet and everyone is on edge?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(5 hours after post)
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You could actually start poisoning the dogs and remind people what the difference is....?
Well....on second thought...

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(20 hours after post)
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It's a very unfortunate truth that people will size you up based on your ***sex, your race, your ethnicity, your facial features, your voice, your clothes, your social and economic status, your formal education, the kind of car you drive, the house that you live in, etc., etc.

Look at who gets to be movie stars.

Did you know that, in the 1960s, IBM wouldn't hire any men under six feet tall?

The solution is to not care what the world thinks, and to not allow yourself to be judged by the standards of this world.

(23 hours after post)
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well the world HAS gone mad so...

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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No-Account wrote:
You could actually start poisoning the dogs and remind people what the difference is....?
Well....on second thought...

Yeah, i did that.. (well, no poisoning dogs but what they were accusing me of).

It did bring me peace, but did not make me a nice person.. and they ultimately won!

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
It's a very unfortunate truth that people will size you up based on your ***sex, your race, your ethnicity, your facial features, your voice, your clothes, your social and economic status, your formal education, the kind of car you drive, the house that you live in, etc., etc.

Look at who gets to be movie stars.

Did you know that, in the 1960s, IBM wouldn't hire any men under six feet tall?

The solution is to not care what the world thinks, and to not allow yourself to be judged by the standards of this world.

But we're subject to it every day. At work is a good example by itself. Managers judge your performance on a daily basis and make other judgements based on them all the time.

I'm afraid the idea that one can truly not care what others think of them may in fact be an idea that creates cognitive dissonance, allowing one to easier dismiss a problem rather than dealing with the weight of the truth said dissonance allows us to otherwise ignore.

Lately though, it's like I'm being set up to fail for the purpose of both, setting me up to fail and now, running me out of town. Do you have any idea what would happen if I found out someone has been doing it over the course of several years?? Imagine judgement day from Terminator movies...

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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Mya wrote:

but did not make me a nice person.. and they ultimately won!

Oh, they've won. I've known that for some time. I'm totally f*cked.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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My idea of "authentic being" is that I could write a novel, and if I know it to be a great novel, then what the critics say doesn't make any difference to me. The same with all of my other work. Lesser minds cannot grasp the superior work of greater minds. Remember the saying, "Don't cast your pearls before swine"? We have all done that--been in positions where our superior work was judged by inferior minds.

That is why the standards of this world are irrelevant to me. Here's the two possible scenarios: (1) there is no God, and the universe eventually ends when the last proton disintegrates into nothingness, and everything that we did was in vain and for nothing; or (2) there is a God, and He keeps track of things, so that nothing we did was in vain or for nothing. Either way, the inferior mind judging the superior mind loses out. It doesn't matter how many accolades the inferior mind garners--the ultimate judge, God, sorts out everything in the end.

I go with scenario #2. It's cheerier, and I have my own experiences with God to know that He exists and is in control.

If you believe in God, and believe that you have a part to play in the Divine Plan, you can never be f*cked. Other people may think they are f*cking you, but in reality they are simply sealing their own doom.

I scoff at the standards of this world, which results in someone being a multimillionaire because he can throw a ball through a metal hoop, while a teacher or a nurse just manages to scrape by. Or a half-wit celeb rides a wrecking ball while nearly naked and rakes in $$$ as a result.

No, I will have none of that.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(2 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Oh, they've won. I've known that for some time. I'm totally f*cked.

Evidence? Are you gathering any evidence?

If you are sure that it is not a result of any mental illness, than you need to start gathering evidence and building a case, so someone can help you.

Original Poster
(3 days after post)
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Mya wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Oh, they've won. I've known that for some time. I'm totally f*cked.

Evidence? Are you gathering any evidence?

If you are sure that it is not a result of any mental illness, than you need to start gathering evidence and building a case, so someone can help you.

i have behavioral evidence nothing tangible. they're smarter than i am.

things have gone missing in my apartment before for example. someone stole an internal component to a coffee maker that was given to me by a suspect. they walked passed the 5000 dollar computer and stole a piece off the coffee machine...

i showed a friend of mine and the next day after i left to get food and came back the part was back inside the machine.

i'm being ******fucked with and they're doing it in a way so that if i talk about it i'll look crazy. i'm glad my friend saw the part about the coffee machine. if he didn't see it too i'd be second guessing my sanity too. it's really crazy stuff like that, it keeps happening.

i didn't notice it till after i took a job. i think the owner of the company is *******fucking with me.

they are very intelligent, well connected, and have the money to do it.

i truly feel like a rat in a maze and i don't think it's delusions caused by any mental illness. i honestly believe something is up.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(3 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

i have behavioral evidence nothing tangible. they're smarter than i am.

I am not smart either, but there are resources there to study bully or toxic people tactics. I know one thing which CERTAINLY WORKS with them - humility!

They can be very smart, or strong, powerful, have money, friends at right places etc., but they never have humility! And it is excactly that which you can use to defeat them.. if you can be humble! I often am not, so end up right on my face..

All the best! xx

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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Sounds like gaslighting.

You can get the goods on them with hidden cameras. There are cameras they would never be able to detect!

Original Poster
(5 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
Sounds like gaslighting.

You can get the goods on them with hidden cameras. There are cameras they would never be able to detect!

I would totally do that if they were doing anything physically. (the only thing I can think I could have caught them at was stealing, which has happened at least twice that I know of, but hadn't set up cams at that time yet) They're getting to me digitally. They're making phone calls, potentially recruiting others outside their sphere of influence, and hacking my tech.....their tech. I'm using their tech. It's theirs. Of course it could be hacked...

I don't know enough about it to catch a hacker. Particularly a brilliant one...

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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Hacking or smacking--you can hide a camera and get proof positive of anyone entering your living quarters.

You can hire a private investigation firm to watch your house.

I used to do counter-surveillance, which was letting clients know if a stalker or even another PI was surveilling them.

You can foil hackers. Have your computer checked for a keylogging program. Use a router like a firewall.

I would nail somebody who was just messing with me. The ideas I have suggested will prove, one way or another, if you are being messed with or not.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(5 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
They're getting to me digitally. They're making phone calls, potentially recruiting others outside their sphere of influence, and hacking my tech.....their tech. I'm using their tech. It's theirs. Of course it could be hacked...

I don't know enough about it to catch a hacker. Particularly a brilliant one...

Phone calls can be recorded. But how do you know they are hacking you? Do you have to use their tech?

Original Poster
(5 days after post)
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Mya wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
They're getting to me digitally. They're making phone calls, potentially recruiting others outside their sphere of influence, and hacking my tech.....their tech. I'm using their tech. It's theirs. Of course it could be hacked...

I don't know enough about it to catch a hacker. Particularly a brilliant one...

Phone calls can be recorded. But how do you know they are hacking you? Do you have to use their tech?

Yes. For now at least. Obviously as soon as I can get away from it I will.

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