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A broken poem

I have this darkness in me
That I can talk about in idle moments
Not quite believing the past on my lips
Sometimes I give speeches, thinking
If that one person heard, I could save her
I can tell her.. that there is meaning

I know that it will come again
Will grip me, rip me apart from the inside
Rage again a war where hell is time
And time is always in slumber
Moving like molasses, smothered inside the hourglass
And I can't save her..

In idle moments I write to her
I tell her life is beautiful
And how happy I was today
Every word trying to declare a truth, convince
Because I know she won't believe it
She is self-destructive

She talks with her demons
As if they were old friends, a blanket of comfort
She lays in bed because shes afraid
Of what she will do when her feet touch he floor
Of the tempest, the waves that smash into rocks

She is flooded
She is burning
And drowning
Smothered and gasping
Hands shaking, holding fragments
Wounded to the core

And I have to love her
As she sobs, screams, and thrashes
And I have to love her
As she holds broken things, destroyed by her hands
I have to love her
When she walks into the night
comes home with her heels worn and bleeding
I have to love her
When she says she wouldn't mind dying

I have to tell her
Suffering has meaning
One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving
We can sit in the darkness until you can bare the light
This hole you've dug, you can climb

And I have to warn her
Though you don't care, actions have consequence
When you play with kerosene you're going to burn bridges
You hold hearts in your hands, such fragile things
No one will be there if you simply leave

Combat the gray with color
Build again atop the ruins
Feel with an openness until it is overwhelming
Remember perspective is everything
It is my responsibility

I know this while I'm laughing
I know this while I love
While I smile
While I listen to others talk about their sorrow
I know her apathy can destroy a life
Because there is a darkness in me
Just waiting to consume those idle moments

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savanna.017 edited this post .

A broken poem¬ ¬ I have this darkness in me¬ That I can talk about in idle moments¬ Not quite believing the past on my lips¬ Sometimes I give speeches, thinking¬ If that one person heard, I could save her¬ I can tell her.. that there is meaning ¬ ¬ I know that it will come again ¬ Will grip me, rip me apart from the inside ¬ Rage again a war where hell is time¬ And time is always in slumber ¬ Moving like molasses, smothered inside the hourglass¬ And I can't save her.. ¬ ¬ In idle moments I write to her¬ I tell her life is beautiful ¬ And how happy I was today¬ Every word trying to declare a truth, convince¬ Because I know she won't believe it ¬ She is self-destructive ¬ ¬ She talks with her demons¬ As if they were old friends, a blanket of comfort ¬ She lays in bed because shes afraid¬ Of what she will do when her feet touch he floor¬ Of the tempest, the waves that smash into rocks¬ ¬ She is flooded ¬ She is burning¬ And drowning¬ Smothered and gasping ¬ Hands shaking, holding fragments¬ Wounded to the core ¬ ¬ And I have to love her¬ As she sobs, screams, and thrashes ¬ And I have to love her ¬ As she holds broken things, destroyed by her hands¬ I have to love her ¬ When she walks into the night, comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ I have to love her¬ And I have to love her ¬ When she walkssays intoshe wants to die¬ ¬ I have to tell her ¬ Suffering has meaning ¬ I have to tell her ¬ One foot after the night, comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ ¬ I have to tell her ¬ Suffering has meaning ¬ I have to tell her ¬ One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving ¬ I have to tell her ¬ We can sit in the darkness until you can bare the light ¬ ¬ Because that darkness is in me ¬ I know this while I'm laughing ¬ I know this while I love¬ While I smile ¬ While I listen to others talk about their sorrow ¬ I know mine.. can steal my life.

savanna.017 edited this post .

A broken poem¬ ¬ I have this darkness in me¬ That I can talk about in idle moments¬ Not quite believing the past on my lips¬ Sometimes I give speeches, thinking¬ If that one person heard, I could save her¬ I can tell her.. that there is meaning ¬ ¬ I know that it will come again ¬ Will grip me, rip me apart from the inside ¬ Rage again a war where hell is time¬ And time is always in slumber ¬ Moving like molasses, smothered inside the hourglass¬ And I can't save her.. ¬ ¬ In idle moments I write to her¬ I tell her life is beautiful ¬ And how happy I was today¬ Every word trying to declare a truth, convince¬ Because I know she won't believe it ¬ She is self-destructive ¬ ¬ She talks with her demons¬ As if they were old friends, a blanket of comfort ¬ She lays in bed because shes afraid¬ Of what she will do when her feet touch he floor¬ Of the tempest, the waves that smash into rocks¬ ¬ She is flooded ¬ She is burning¬ And drowning¬ Smothered and gasping ¬ Hands shaking, holding fragments¬ Wounded to the core ¬ ¬ And I have to love her¬ As she sobs, screams, and thrashes ¬ And I have to love her ¬ As she holds broken things, destroyed by her hands¬ I have to love her ¬ When she walks into the night, comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ I have to love her¬ When she says she wants to die¬ ¬ I have to tell her ¬ Suffering has meaning ¬ One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving ¬ I have to tell her ¬ One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving ¬ I have to tell her ¬ We can sit in the darkness until you can bare the light ¬ ¬ Because that darkness is in me ¬ I know this while I'm laughing ¬ I know this while I love¬ While I smile ¬ While I listen to others talk about their sorrow ¬ I know minehers.. can steal mya life.

savanna.017 edited this post .

A broken poem¬ ¬ I have this darkness in me¬ That I can talk about in idle moments¬ Not quite believing the past on my lips¬ Sometimes I give speeches, thinking¬ If that one person heard, I could save her¬ I can tell her.. that there is meaning ¬ ¬ I know that it will come again ¬ Will grip me, rip me apart from the inside ¬ Rage again a war where hell is time¬ And time is always in slumber ¬ Moving like molasses, smothered inside the hourglass¬ And I can't save her.. ¬ ¬ In idle moments I write to her¬ I tell her life is beautiful ¬ And how happy I was today¬ Every word trying to declare a truth, convince¬ Because I know she won't believe it ¬ She is self-destructive ¬ ¬ She talks with her demons¬ As if they were old friends, a blanket of comfort ¬ She lays in bed because shes afraid¬ Of what she will do when her feet touch he floor¬ Of the tempest, the waves that smash into rocks¬ ¬ She is flooded ¬ She is burning¬ And drowning¬ Smothered and gasping ¬ Hands shaking, holding fragments¬ Wounded to the core ¬ ¬ And I have to love her¬ As she sobs, screams, and thrashes ¬ And I have to love her ¬ As she holds broken things, destroyed by her hands¬ I have to love her ¬ When she walks into the night, comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ I have to love her¬ I have to love her ¬ When she walks into the night¬ comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ I have to love her¬ When she says she wantswouldn't mind dying¬ ¬ I have to die¬ ¬ I have to tell her ¬ Suffering has meaning ¬ One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving ¬ We can sit in the darkness until you can bare the light¬ ¬ And I have to warn her¬ Though you don't care, actions have consequence¬ When you play with kerosene you're going to burn bridges ¬ You hold hearts in your hands, such fragile things ¬ No one will be there is you simply leave ¬ ¬ Because that darkness is in me ¬ I know this while I'm laughing ¬ I know this while I love¬ While I smile ¬ While I listen to others talk about their sorrow ¬ I know hers.. can stealdestroy a life..¬ She is suicidal

savanna.017 edited this post .

A broken poem¬ ¬ I have this darkness in me¬ That I can talk about in idle moments¬ Not quite believing the past on my lips¬ Sometimes I give speeches, thinking¬ If that one person heard, I could save her¬ I can tell her.. that there is meaning ¬ ¬ I know that it will come again ¬ Will grip me, rip me apart from the inside ¬ Rage again a war where hell is time¬ And time is always in slumber ¬ Moving like molasses, smothered inside the hourglass¬ And I can't save her.. ¬ ¬ In idle moments I write to her¬ I tell her life is beautiful ¬ And how happy I was today¬ Every word trying to declare a truth, convince¬ Because I know she won't believe it ¬ She is self-destructive ¬ ¬ She talks with her demons¬ As if they were old friends, a blanket of comfort ¬ She lays in bed because shes afraid¬ Of what she will do when her feet touch he floor¬ Of the tempest, the waves that smash into rocks¬ ¬ She is flooded ¬ She is burning¬ And drowning¬ Smothered and gasping ¬ Hands shaking, holding fragments¬ Wounded to the core ¬ ¬ And I have to love her¬ As she sobs, screams, and thrashes ¬ And I have to love her ¬ As she holds broken things, destroyed by her hands¬ I have to love her ¬ When she walks into the night¬ comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ I have to love her¬ When she says she wouldn't mind dying¬ ¬ I have to tell her ¬ Suffering has meaning ¬ One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving ¬ We can sit in the darkness until you can bare the light¬ This hole you've dug, you can climb ¬ ¬ And I have to warn her¬ Though you don't care, actions have consequence¬ When you play with kerosene you're going to burn bridges ¬ You hold hearts in your hands, such fragile things ¬ No one will be there if you simply leave ¬ ¬ Combat the gray with color¬ Build again atop the ruins¬ Feel with an openness until it is overwhelming ¬ Remember perspective is everything¬ ¬ And I have to warn her¬ Though you don't care, actions have consequence¬ When you play with kerosene you're going to burn bridges ¬ You hold hearts in your hands, such fragile things ¬ No one will be there is you simply leave ¬ ¬ Because that darkness is in me ¬ I know this while I'm laughing ¬ I know this while I love¬ While I smile ¬ While I listen to others talk about their sorrow ¬ I know hers.. canher apathy can destroy a life.¬ She¬ Because there is suicidala darkness in me¬ And sometimes it consumes my idle moments

savanna.017 edited this post .

A broken poem¬ ¬ I have this darkness in me¬ That I can talk about in idle moments¬ Not quite believing the past on my lips¬ Sometimes I give speeches, thinking¬ If that one person heard, I could save her¬ I can tell her.. that there is meaning ¬ ¬ I know that it will come again ¬ Will grip me, rip me apart from the inside ¬ Rage again a war where hell is time¬ And time is always in slumber ¬ Moving like molasses, smothered inside the hourglass¬ And I can't save her.. ¬ ¬ In idle moments I write to her¬ I tell her life is beautiful ¬ And how happy I was today¬ Every word trying to declare a truth, convince¬ Because I know she won't believe it ¬ She is self-destructive ¬ ¬ She talks with her demons¬ As if they were old friends, a blanket of comfort ¬ She lays in bed because shes afraid¬ Of what she will do when her feet touch he floor¬ Of the tempest, the waves that smash into rocks¬ ¬ She is flooded ¬ She is burning¬ And drowning¬ Smothered and gasping ¬ Hands shaking, holding fragments¬ Wounded to the core ¬ ¬ And I have to love her¬ As she sobs, screams, and thrashes ¬ And I have to love her ¬ As she holds broken things, destroyed by her hands¬ I have to love her ¬ When she walks into the night¬ comes home with her heels worn and bleeding ¬ I have to love her¬ When she says she wouldn't mind dying¬ ¬ I have to tell her ¬ Suffering has meaning ¬ One foot after the other, you're alive if you're moving ¬ We can sit in the darkness until you can bare the light¬ This hole you've dug, you can climb ¬ ¬ And I have to warn her¬ Though you don't care, actions have consequence¬ When you play with kerosene you're going to burn bridges ¬ You hold hearts in your hands, such fragile things ¬ No one will be there if you simply leave ¬ ¬ Combat the gray with color¬ Build again atop the ruins¬ Feel with an openness until it is overwhelming ¬ Remember perspective is everything¬ It is my responsibility¬ ¬ I know this while I'm laughing ¬ I know this while I love¬ While I smile ¬ While I listen to others talk about their sorrow ¬ I know her apathy can destroy a life¬ Because there is a darkness in me¬ AndJust sometimeswaiting itto consumesconsume mythose idle moments

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poetic excellence.

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The darkness . . . the light . . I just see you

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