472 replies, Replies 81 to 90

Black holes.


Or nothing.

But it can't be anything less extreme.

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It's about time for a relationship post.

DocteurRalph wrote:
If you ask 100 guys who are "friends" with a pretty girl if they would sleep with her 99 of them will say yes.

Yeah, but 99 out of 100 guys aren't very picky. It has nothing to do with wanting a romantic relationship with her. If you changed the question to "would you date/would you marry" your other gender friend, I bet the men's answers would be similar to the women's.

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day.

DocteurRalph wrote:
Helpbot is not a fan of the give me death speech I take it.

Or she's not a fan of Saint Patrick.

Everyone is Irish on Saint Patrick's Day. I probably have some Irish ancestry, but I don't know for sure. Just in case, maybe we will eat corned beef and cabbage today. I mean, any excuse is a good excuse, right?

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
Yeah. No biggie, man. It's good to see everyone had their laugh - that's what counts the most.

I'm not laughing at you. I'm sincerely baffled by the Flat Earth beliefs. I've watched some of the videos, read some of the web pages, and I still can't imagine how it is conceivable. It just doesn't work visually or geometrically, as far as I can tell.

Eratosthenes measured the Earth's diameter using shadows and geometry in the third century BC. Ancient people knew the Earth as a sphere. The Flat Earth beliefs, it seems, are relatively new, certainly since the coming of Christianity.

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

I'm planning to go to grad school for a degree in astronomy. I hope the geocentric theory is wrong - it makes the math much harder!

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

- Right. Fascist beliefs, like Capitalism and a free market society, unregulated by big government and the social arrest of my hard earned dollars because you're too lazy to do something for yourself (spoken in general and not specifically to/about you). Fascist beliefs like, most everything invented was created by a white western male....
I find it disgusting how liberal the far left has become - to actually demonize the very country and soldiers it took to run Hitler into exhaustion - what a bunch of fascists????
It's like everything has now become the opposite.

That's actually a whole different discussion. My point is that even the majority of Flat Earthers don't actually believe the earth is flat and the universe revolves around it. You can't look at a lunar eclipse and believe that, and who hasn't seen a lunar eclipse? (Or do Flat Earthers have an explanation for eclipses? I really have never looked.)

Also GPS. Do Flat Earthers have an explanation for how GPS works?

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

It is just a code for Nazi ideology. There are probably a few genuine believers, poor gullible souls, but most of them just use the "Flat Earth" line to find others who share their fascist beliefs.

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My sixteen year old has been asleep for over 40 hours.

Nix wrote:

that is so true, I had very very low vit d last summer and it made me feel awfully tired!

I think everyone in my house is suffering from lack of sunshine vitamins this winter! It hasn't been cold, we haven't had any snow, but it's been dismal for months.

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My sixteen year old has been asleep for over 40 hours.

DocteurRalph wrote:
Are you missing any Xanax? It does sound like he's on some kind of drugs, but I'm sure you already know that. 16 is a prime age for experimentation with that kind of thing too.

Nobody in my house has any interesting prescription medications. We're all relatively healthy.

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My sixteen year old has been asleep for over 40 hours.

We had a conversation about it. He says he might be depressed but doesn't want to see a doctor because they will prescribe antidepressants, which he doesn't want to take because he has friends who are on them and they aren't the same person as before.

And then he ate breakfast and did yard work for me. He seems to enjoy doing yard work.

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