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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

its fuggin ridiculous

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stupid, numbers, fuggin, ridiculous, believing
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(27 minutes after post)
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Honestly? I place full blame on far right wing conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. Once they get about 3000 die-hard followers they can say any bs they know is bs and it will get repeated 10,000 times more.

As for me, I was a handsome Prince until the US military turned me into a gay frog.

(29 minutes after post)
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did they force you to jump through rainbow hoops? damn military! smh

Happy earth
(3 hours after post)
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It is just a code for Nazi ideology. There are probably a few genuine believers, poor gullible souls, but most of them just use the "Flat Earth" line to find others who share their fascist beliefs.

(3 hours after post)
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if you could define fascist better than me please do.. " those who mislead those in their favor " and yet amass a bunch of stupid on their side

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(5 hours after post)
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i admire ur indulgence, but ur just stewing your beliefs. much more interesting but im here to say - whatever.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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still, earth is flat.. yea right

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
still, earth is flat.. yea right

We are all prisoners of the Matrix. There is no spoon and you believe what you are told. Further, your belief is re-enforced by popularity - if everybody believes it, it must be true.
Believe what you want, just as I will do the same. Now it just comes down to respect.

(5 hours after post)
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not in the mood for counter-arguments, u have my respects BIG ONE AL

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(5 hours after post)
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still kinda ridiculous tho..

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
If flat earthers are growing by the number, you should really be asking yourself from what boats of theory are they abandoning in order for that population to grow.

It's like evolution. I simply don't believe in evolution because I believe in a God that is responsible for all of known creation. People will make the mistake and call me dumb (when in fact they are the biggest idiots to exist) saying; "You just don't understand what evolution is." Well, after 12 years of having that $#!t shoved down my throat, I've got a pretty good idea of what it is.....

Did you know that the Theory of Evolution is STILL just a theory?

Did you know that the Heliocentric Theory of our earth is STILL just a theory? Further, the Heliocentric model of our earth is basic my like the Evolutionary theory - very young and unproven theories....

That's right, unproven.

The sad part about all of this is that it is a subject that (in my opinion) only the Bible can fully explain - and only very few people believe in the Bible anymore, much less God. Lol!

It's a funny attitude we have - we will agree that we can never "figure out" God, but somehow we have mastered all of His creation.....? That's our mentality.

You have never seen the earth from the vantage point of spacel, with your own two eyes and you never will.
Until that time comes, you must trust sources that are known liars and hoaxers.

I may not be able to prove to you the earth is flat, but I can prove how you were tricked into believing it was a ball, every step of the way.

smiley wrote:
It is just a code for Nazi ideology. There are probably a few genuine believers, poor gullible souls, but most of them just use the "Flat Earth" line to find others who share their fascist beliefs.

- Right. Fascist beliefs, like Capitalism and a free market society, unregulated by big government and the social arrest of my hard earned dollars because you're too lazy to do something for yourself (spoken in general and not specifically to/about you). Fascist beliefs like, most everything invented was created by a white western male....
I find it disgusting how liberal the far left has become - to actually demonize the very country and soldiers it took to run Hitler into exhaustion - what a bunch of fascists????
It's like everything has now become the opposite.
When it comes to some groups of people, I often wonder if we shouldn't have let Hitler have his way...



But the bible is just a book. There is more evidence for a heliocentric Earth and evolution than there is that god exists....

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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

Nix wrote:
But, the bible is just a book.

It's easy to reduce authority that is held at bay. If the Bible is just a book, it sure outlines history and the age we live in with an oncoming future that seems pretty unavoidable.

Nix wrote:
There is more evidence for a heliocentric Earth and evolution than there is that god exists....

Evidence and proof are two separate issues. There is as much "evidence" that God exists than there is anything else.
And, frankly, evolution will never be proven because it is the religion of athiests (and a general run of agnostics).

Lately, I've been running across a fairly new saying among athiests. I occasionally visit websites that involve gory issues and the winning statement of the tragedy seems to be -
"Proof that God does not exist." Sometimes, it can be a hard thing to argue especially when you're looking at someone who was killed very young (war status).
Yes, it's proof all right....Proof that Satan exists and that evil is not just a belief of imagination.

As with flat earth, I may not be able to "prove" God's existance, but I can prove how you were tricked into believing that He doesn't exist.....
As for evidence....there's plenty. When it comes to Judgement Day, no one will have any excuse to justify their "non belief."

I would like to see the proof and evidence 😁

Happy earth
(14 hours after post)
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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

- Right. Fascist beliefs, like Capitalism and a free market society, unregulated by big government and the social arrest of my hard earned dollars because you're too lazy to do something for yourself (spoken in general and not specifically to/about you). Fascist beliefs like, most everything invented was created by a white western male....
I find it disgusting how liberal the far left has become - to actually demonize the very country and soldiers it took to run Hitler into exhaustion - what a bunch of fascists????
It's like everything has now become the opposite.

That's actually a whole different discussion. My point is that even the majority of Flat Earthers don't actually believe the earth is flat and the universe revolves around it. You can't look at a lunar eclipse and believe that, and who hasn't seen a lunar eclipse? (Or do Flat Earthers have an explanation for eclipses? I really have never looked.)

Also GPS. Do Flat Earthers have an explanation for how GPS works?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(15 hours after post)
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De-evolution of man. We are no longer evolving like we did for tens of thousands of years. Now the least intelligent, weakest individuals are multiplying like rabbits and our collective IQ is dropping like a rock. Or as Forrest Gump would say, "stupid is as stupid does".

I place full blame on the far left and their socialist platforms and ideals... so there.

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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DocteurRalph wrote:
De-evolution of man. We are no longer evolving like we did for tens of thousands of years. Now the least intelligent, weakest individuals are multiplying like rabbits and our collective IQ is dropping like a rock. Or as Forrest Gump would say, "stupid is as stupid does".

I place full blame on the far left and their socialist platforms and ideals... so there.

Cant argue with that at all. The movie Idiocracy is literally coming true!

(23 hours after post)
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al, no pun intended but you sure wasted alot of type when nobody's convinced.. bahahaha

Happy earth
(1 day after post)
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I'm planning to go to grad school for a degree in astronomy. I hope the geocentric theory is wrong - it makes the math much harder!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Yeah Big Al everyone knows Hitler is alive and well and living in the hollow earth. I've been thinking about taking a trip there myself, got some NA classes to finish up first.

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(1 day after post)
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yea i got some nazi purple juice stored in a jar somewhere in my basement. fyi.. it contains enough fuel for time travel.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
al, no pun intended but you sure wasted alot of type when nobody's convinced.. bahahaha

Well, Nact, the question becomes - did you make this Post....or did I make it for you....?😉

(1 day after post)
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could care less, so its all yours bo

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Yeah. No biggie, man. It's good to see everyone had their laugh - that's what counts the most.

Happy earth
(1 day after post)
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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
Yeah. No biggie, man. It's good to see everyone had their laugh - that's what counts the most.

I'm not laughing at you. I'm sincerely baffled by the Flat Earth beliefs. I've watched some of the videos, read some of the web pages, and I still can't imagine how it is conceivable. It just doesn't work visually or geometrically, as far as I can tell.

Eratosthenes measured the Earth's diameter using shadows and geometry in the third century BC. Ancient people knew the Earth as a sphere. The Flat Earth beliefs, it seems, are relatively new, certainly since the coming of Christianity.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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@smiley Have you seen SciManDan's youtube channel? He debunks a lot of flat earth rubbish and I think hes giving astronomy lectures now too :)

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Yeah about 500 years before Christ someone figured out that shadow on the moon was from the earth and there must be a reason it was crescent shaped. That still doesn't mean Earth isn't hollow and that Hitler couldn't be there. His 130th birthday party is next month and I got an invite.

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(2 days after post)
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Nix wrote:
@smiley Have you seen SciManDan's youtube channel? He debunks a lot of flat earth rubbish and I think hes giving astronomy lectures now too :)

nix.. this kind of debunking bs way of thinking is the best, is the planet majority that stupid? or do people know better?

(2 days after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Yeah about 500 years before Christ someone figured out that shadow on the moon was from the earth and there must be a reason it was crescent shaped. That still doesn't mean Earth isn't hollow and that Hitler couldn't be there. His 130th birthday party is next month and I got an invite.

the mockery lives.

(1 week after post)
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I have not heard from any "flat earther". Not even one. So what are you carrying on about?

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SmartAZ wrote:
I have not heard from any "flat earther". Not even one. So what are you carrying on about?

i ask myself that all the time smartAZ

(1 week after post)
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In my town there is a guy who has two vehicles, a small old beat-up car and a slightly bigger beat-up truck. He has spray painted both of them with flat earth propaganda, and even when as far as to permanently mount a telescope with a leveler on top of it to one of the cars. All over his vehicles are links to his youtube channel where he talks about his beliefs about flat earth. His supporting argument in one of his most popular videos what that because a drop of water hits the grounds and splats, it must mean the earth is flat. It took me a while to figure out that he wasn't joking, despite the glamorous charade, and I still to this day can't understand why he or anyone else thinks the earth is flat.

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I'm pretty open when it comes to strange beliefs, too. And VERY tolerant, I think. But when it comes to flat earth I have zero inhibition to speak my mind.

(1 week after post)
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We all have to have something to believe in, even if others don't see it the same:/

Pin zpsnvl44m6p
(2 weeks after post)
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we keep having children.

i'm serious that's my opinion.

i don't know much about biology sadly, but if i had to guess, i'd say you can't just keep copying something over and over and over again, or it would degrade. introduce some fresh dna and that might fix that for a while. But what exactly is it you're mixing? I agree it's a fascinating, highly unlikely, conversion of the right kind of stuff which makes our lovely little delusional human bubbles, i mean minds, possible..

it's kind of like religion. i'm sorry but if you believe things are there that can't be seen, or that the world is flat - even worse since that's at least provably wrong aka LIE, then i'm going to wonder about your over-all intelligence.

GREAT imaginations. But intelligence? o.O

Pin zpsnvl44m6p
(2 weeks after post)
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Neutra-The-SpaceWeaver wrote:
We all have to have something to believe in, even if others don't see it the same:/

This is very true. But if 50 people tell me the apple is red and I see blue, maybe I should at least CONSIDER that it could be bad eyes and the 50 people aren't out to get me and that the apple might actually be fukn RED lol

But if you stick to your made up beliefs about the color of the apple, DO NOT be surprised when those 50 people make fun of you and laugh at you for thinking the damn apple is blue okay? lol

everybody's free to be as willfully stupid as they wish though, you are absolutely correct.

I believe we all have the right to desire to destroy such obvious stupidity, logically eliminating things that hinder our quest to better ourselves, but I don't go around killing stupid people no matter how bad I want to. Maybe these idiots should just keep their flat earth BS to themselves like I keep my bullets to myself.

I wouldn't be surprised if these stupid worthless idiots are out there voting to defund NASA. Another blight of humanity proving why we shouldn't be worthy of joining any larger communities beyond our own global crib.

(2 weeks after post)
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pinocchiothepuppet wrote:

Neutra-The-SpaceWeaver wrote:
We all have to have something to believe in, even if others don't see it the same:/

This is very true. But if 50 people tell me the apple is red and I see blue, maybe I should at least CONSIDER that it could be bad eyes and the 50 people aren't out to get me and that the apple might actually be fukn RED lol

But if you stick to your made up beliefs about the color of the apple, DO NOT be surprised when those 50 people make fun of you and laugh at you for thinking the damn apple is blue okay? lol

everybody's free to be as willfully stupid as they wish though, you are absolutely correct.

I believe we all have the right to desire to destroy such obvious stupidity, logically eliminating things that hinder our quest to better ourselves, but I don't go around killing stupid people no matter how bad I want to. Maybe these idiots should just keep their flat earth BS to themselves like I keep my bullets to myself.

I wouldn't be surprised if these stupid worthless idiots are out there voting to defund NASA. Another blight of humanity proving why we shouldn't be worthy of joining any larger communities beyond our own global crib.

Well, America did vote for Bush twice, Trump's likely going to be president next term also.

I'm pretty sure you can name off the top of your head a couple of people who keep making bad decision, but still they can't understand why life is so bad. If it's one thing I learned, sometimes people just like things wrong. Sometimes you just have to let people do what they do, even if they're obviously making the wrong decision. Some have to learn the hard way what they're doing is wrong

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Hahaha I think their explanation is that the sun and moon are closer and smaller, and are in the earths atmosphere. and the stars are just little light bulbs which apparently shine brighter than these nonces.

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