850 replies, Replies 491 to 500

I have become obsessed with 2 people and now can't get them out of my head.

Despite what we may try, humans are very dependent on each other. It's likely your body craving attention. Sometimes these things can take years to bubble up, and they'll come in waves. Sometimes the feelings will be stronger, and they may fade again with time, only to come back again a little while later.

May be a good time to meet up with some old friends just for catching up- doesn't need to be them, and they don't need to be close friends. It's good to just connect with people now and then. ๐Ÿ™‚

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

Nix wrote:
I must say, I'm quite nervous about my old data being used to gain profit. My posts were very personal to me, and it scares me that they may be used as SEO without my permission.

Ryan would be the only one "gaining profit"- and even then, the "profit" would likely be backfilling for any charges that have come through. I don't imagine he found a free way to host the old site, and storing all of that data comes at a price as well. I don't approve of the way it's being dangled at all, but at least there is a chance the data is safe.

As far as SEO- the only time it would do anything towards that is if somebody searched for a very specific term that was within one of your posts. In those cases, your posts would be helping other people.

However, with that said, when/if we do get the data, I plan to host them on a separate server that will act as an "archive" - That site will have links back to here, but no links here to there. We can do a poll vote or something in regards to blocking SEO there- so that Robots/search engines won't index that data, meaning nobody will be able to find the data using a search engine. Personally, that seems like a waste to me- hiding things that can help people.

It's impossible to make everybody happy, so I will do my best to adhere to the community's majority wishes. I know there is a LOT of sensitive data there. Painful memories and experiences. Some embarrassing, some shameful- but we've all been there. I've got a lot in there that I don't want to relive either, but the point is to be able to help others. We've learned from our mistakes and moved on, but there are still people living through those same problems right now- I personally think if there are people that can be helped even just by seeing that others have gone through it, it's worth it.

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That evil "control key."

Max wrote:

sophieshizuko wrote:
I've been typeing away on keyboards since I was 8 and never hit the Windows or control keys accidentally.... you should reconsider the way you sit at your desk, approach the keyboard, and rest your hands on the keyboard.

I really don't type. I look at the key board..lol. You've learned how so you know were your fingers are without looking.

I watch the keyboard when I type as well, and I can type 90-100 WPM. Everybody tells me I could be way faster if learned where the keys are, but I get messed up when I don't watch the keys. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ (I sort of hunt & peck, as well. I pretty much use whatever finger is closest to the key, probably why I find it easier to watch. ๐Ÿ˜„)

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

DocteurRalph wrote:
They should pay us to take the Helptogo data.

Yes please!

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

DocteurRalph wrote:
That's kind of disheartening. The price for the movie rights just fell through the floor... ha ha.

๐Ÿ˜ž It makes me so sad. I really wish we had a way. That's why I'm so hesitant on the price. If it was the full original database dump, that's a WHOLE different story, but it sounds like it's only the Helptogo data, which... Isn't much. But I could be wrong. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

Honestly my biggest concern is the quality of the data. Chances are, he doesn't have the original data. He HAD the original data, then reformatted the data to fit his forum. Then threw away the original stuff. I haven't dug in super deep to look at the data that's on Helptogo, but I know many of the user's names posts and all of that were kind of messed about.

Even before we throw money at this guy, we definitely need to verify that we're going to have some sort of useable data. Verify what we're actually getting. It think most of the excited voices in this post (myself included) is half-expecting the original data. Most likely, the best we're going to get is

<username> GUEST - No user data, just the name.
<title> (Extracted) from the post, most likely poorly done.
<message> with formatting likely removed.

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

helpme.com is taken/unavailable. I think I attempted to contact the owners but never heard back.

helpme.life and helpme.cc are both available for reasonable prices.
Many people are skeptical about domains that arenโ€™t .com so my main original goal was to stick with that.

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

The QA is literally me searching for similar short domains and I found it and it worked so I went with it. There was a post talking about what it could mean. I like Questions and Answers. But hey. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

๐Ÿ™„ Just greedy. Hostage situation. Should have offered $100 to see. Haha.

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

Thatโ€™s too bad.
He did strike me as the greedy type, but didnโ€™t think heโ€™d do something like that. Heโ€™s literally just going to delete the data anyway. But I guess if thereโ€™s nothing to be done, thereโ€™s nothing we can do. ๐Ÿ˜ž

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