133 replies, Replies 121 to 130

I guess I'm going to let it go...

I'm sorry it has been so disapointing for you, but well done for acknowledging that it is pointless, and all the best moving on!

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Are people inherently good or evil?

Araz wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
Good. The way they are raised determines if they remain good or turn evil.

But what about siblings? They can be so different from one another even though they have the same upbringing.

Exactly! My bf has 8 siblings and they are all different. My exbf had 4 brothers, they were all different.. Me and my brother are like from two different planets..

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Hello, is there any life in this forum..

beautycomesfromwithin wrote:

Thank you. I enjoy my field of work which is mental health. I've been working in inpatient for over three years. I think I need to move in the community or somewhere that's not ward based.

I hope you start feeling OK too. I know it's not easy. Are you using other coping strategies to help your anxiety that does not involve overeating at times?

Inpatient with mental health indeed sounds draining.. I was visiting a friend for 7 months while she was a MH ipnatient and that was pretty draining..

Hope things work out with the community work for you!

And I do exercise as well as overeat to manage that anxiety.. O;)

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Hello, is there any life in this forum..

beautycomesfromwithin wrote:
At the moment, I'm contemplating life. I am not suicidal or anything. Just thinking about life and how work is so draining and if I am burning out. I am listening to music while on this website. I'm from London, UK.

How are you doing Peter? :)

I'm sorry your work is draining you and you are feeling low. Any chance of changing that job?

And thanks, I'm okayish.. - 'taming' my anxiety by overeating. Hope you'll feel better soon, and things with your work will turn positive.

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Are people inherently good or evil?

Biblically - ALL people are sinners.. and we need to be saved from ourselves. (Being a sinner is not the same as being evil though.)

There are kids who, regardless how they were raised, are evil - usually pathological psychopaths/sociopaths.

Then there are those, who are evil as they grow up in unhealthy or toxic families, and don't cope well with it - usually become narcissistic.

Also possible to become evil later in life if you deal with too much evil and don't deal with it in a right way, you can become evil.

People can get too traumatized, either in childhood or later in life, and that messes them up big time, so although they are not evil, they behave like evil.. (my story)

Again, Bible says that nobody is beyond a point of being saved.. Me, having dealt with dozens of psychopaths and narcissists, am a bit skeptical about this. Psychologically, psychopaths and narcissists do NOT change! Never heard of one being saved so far..

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Merry Christmas, Help-QA!

All the best in New Year, and may helpqa grow in love and comforting others xx

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Why are you here?

Just wanted to read why everyone else is here.. O;)

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Trust issues.

the same problem here also.. It's because of the trauma :(

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Hello, is there any life in this forum..

wow, @PepperJ, catering for 16 people at the last moment is an achievement, in my view. Glad you can pop in here at times, but sorry you feel like an outsider :((

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wow โ€ฆ with determination you can overcome anything โ€ฆ.

People like that are an amazing inspiration.. thank you for sharing xx

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