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I guess I'm going to let it go...

For a long time now, a matter of years, I've hung on to the slight possibility that my ex and I might have something left that could bring us back together.

But every time I get just barely close enough to bring it up and mention it or suggest it, he does something that makes me stop.

It's uncanny. This has gone on I bet half a decade. I'm going to stop even being open to it. How long I gotta waste my time I guess before I realize it's not a match. Probably never was...

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time, long, stop, guess, bring
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i guess i'm going to let it go...¬ ¬ for a long time now, a matter of years, i've hung on to the slight possibility that my ex and i might have something left that could bring us back together. ¬ ¬ But every time I guess I'm going to let it go...¬ ¬ For a long time now, a matter of years, I've hung on to the slight possibility that my ex and I might have something left that could bring us back together. ¬ ¬ But every time I get just barely close enough to bring it up and mention it or suggest it, he does something that makes me stop. ¬ ¬ It's uncanny. This has gone on I bet half a decade. I'm going to stop even being open to it. How long I gotta waste my time I guess before I realize it's not a match. Probably never was...

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🙌🏻👏🏻 GOOD FOR YOU! This is one of the hardest thing for someone to do and you are making the right decision.

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What a huge first step. Every time you feel yourself swaying back towards getting together with him, remind yourself of why you’re NOT with him. Good job!

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There is only one thing to do with past mistakes. Acknowledge them. Until you do you can't move on.

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Orchid 2
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As hard as it is to accept, you owe it to yourself to move on. If he saw you the way you saw him, things would have been different a long time ago.
Trust that you deserve better and you can do better. Most importantly learn to love yourself enough to walk away from anyone that for whatever reason, disrupts your peace and joy. You are valuable, remember that!

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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If you had a lifespan of 10,000 years, you could afford to waste half a decade in a relationship that is going nowhere, but you don't.

Drop terminal turkeys as soon as you realize they are terminal turkeys--and move on!

20181121 142229
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I'm sorry it has been so disapointing for you, but well done for acknowledging that it is pointless, and all the best moving on!

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This forum is always available to you to vent or ask questions. Let us know if we can be of any assistance in the future.

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How do I sell a car?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Why do you still see an ex so much? You need to just stay away, it's like forbidden fruit that looks a lot better than it really is.

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I need help.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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My wife and I are friends with a family who have a 30-year-old daughter. The daughter had one child out of wedlock about six years ago.

The daughter will gush on Facebook about how "amazing" her current boyfriend is, and when she gets dumped she trashes him on her Facebook page.

What's funny is that everyone could see a deteriorating relationship but the daughter. When you get older, you realize that words are cheap, and that it is actions that you really have to observe. The latest boyfriend made no attempt to see her, and when he was offered a job several states away, she was not even in the equation.

It's really tough on single parents--men and women alike. I was a single parent for seven years. I found that most women wanted their "own" children and didn't want to help take care of another woman's child. Men are much more accepting in this regard--for all the talk about "toxic masculinity." Yep, truth be told--men are much more accepting of a "ready-made family" than are women.

Anyway--when the signs of devotion are not there, it's time to cut ties and move on. Trying to hang onto a construct of your own imagination, rather than reality, only leads to heartache.

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