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Trust issues.

I’ve come to realize I have serious trust issues. I hate putting my faith in people when I always get let down. But then I trust people who have red flags or do reckless things bc I have no fear. For example, I will go out running at midnight when I live in a dangerous city or I handle dogs that will bite me bc I think I can take care of myself. But then with my family and in relationships I am too scared to be dependent and trust someone else. I don’t know how if I realize when I should feel safe and when I should have my guard up until it’s too late.

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You lack self acceptance. That is the root to your insecurities.

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(12 hours after post)
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Grim_Hardcastle wrote:
You lack self acceptance. That is the root to your insecurities.

What do you mean?

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music=life wrote:

Grim_Hardcastle wrote:
You lack self acceptance. That is the root to your insecurities.

What do you mean?

I have the same problem as music=life so I’m wondering what you mean as well.

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the same problem here also.. It's because of the trauma :(

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