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Yessssssss haha

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Do you have any other ones? Do you got any with me on?

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I'm 6stone 7lbs (ish).

Thank you @BA1 :) hugs

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It says the link isnโ€™t working

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I'm 6stone 7lbs (ish).


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I'm 6stone 7lbs (ish).

Everything is so complicated. I wish it were all easier to explain.

Ill try to kwep coming back here when im better able

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I'm 6stone 7lbs (ish).

I think im going to take a break from coming on here. Its really making my brain alot more poorly looking at the light on screens and reading and writing is using up too much energy in my brain and really badffecting my cogntion. I dont want to lose it and be deemed to have no or partial capacity.

I need to take some time out to rest and repair my brain again before i coeme back.

Cos even when people r trying to help me im struggling to followthe help cos my brain so poorly.

And coming online too much affects my brathing and slows it and causes paralysis and excessive sleep so i dont have energy to feed myself. And i dont have correct level of care to feed up when im at my worst.

It has taken my mam 4 hours to fee me before when im really bad. Right now those professoinals are not really listening, so i need to get m brain back so i can work out the next steps to take, because the professionals are not really very interested.

My private dr would support me so long as i have the cogntion to know what help to ask for, the cogntion and energy to communicate with them.

Im struggling o comprehend processing information coming into my brain and more often struggling to cognitively find the words i need to use to express self.

My private dr is corrospondence only as she i very far away from me.

Theres so many barrieers and i really need my brain back so i can work out how to deal with them all.

Cos if i keep going as i am ill end up a medical emergency and end up with any old dr coming out and their lack of training and undesrtanding around myillness meaning they treate me ike im bad behaved.

Last time i thought i was dying the medics shouted at me and the hospital staff. They shouted at me for my symptoms. The medic was shouting at me to STOP BREATHING LIKE THAT!!

I was shouted at for being sick.

I was shouted at for being unable to sit upright in wheelchair.

I was shouted for struggling to the extreme to communicate over and over and when i manged to expressmyself they just reapeteded themself, WE STILL DONTKNOWWH WEARE HERE.
Id tell them again
And he would say again we still dont know why we are here!
Over and over again.
I said you dont believe me do you?
He said, well you were talking fine a minute ago.

I had pointed to the house phone which had my mams numbers written on it and the papper celetaped around the phone wth mam wrote on it. When they asked me to talk, i pointed to the phone and he said he wouldnt call my mam and proceded to try to force me to speak instead.

They shouted at me to move when i said i was incapable. They said i wasnt trying.

Ive had so many sleepless nights from the way they treated me. Id really rather die than ever have to go back in to hospital again. They did not do proper testing and left me without a buzzer and they didnt monitor me properly.

They shouted at me to do things which were impossible for me and shouted that NOW YOURE JUST BEING SILLY!! SIT UP!!! And telling me she had more people than just me, really nasty tone and loud at me.

They treated me as if my physiological illness was a choice.

Id rather die at home than have to ever go back into hospital.

But id really rather not die at all if i can hep it.

I just need to be strong when people treat me like shitand keep head strong and keep going.

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What keeps you at Help-qa?

Awww I hate u too dani! Hahaha xD :D big hugs

Big group hug everybody

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I am upset, i grew up with alot of you, and no one is left...

DragonLady wrote:
I'm still here.... I don't visit very often, and when I do there isn't much going on, but I try to do my share by posting a bit and hope that others will continue to, too.

It takes time for a site like this to really gain momentum, and the changes to the domains and such have been big setbacks, but I don't think it's dead yet.

We just all have to do our own part by posting when we can, and replying when we're able.


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