221 replies, Replies 11 to 20

Im still thinking laying in the bath and taking my tablets and lay sleeping there sounds peaceful.

I will personally travel across seas assuming I might have too and slap you back to reality

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can someone fact check this for me?

Donald trump is no leader, sorry but you lost me there

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Why do I still come back here?

I would say because this dumb place made a stupid impact on my stupid life but I dont wanna admit it and just did, and to think I only came here to begin with to be a dick bored at my old job, but ****shit you all had a impact on me, and I like you all

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Do do do dah do do do, how is everyone doing?

I am alive

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Sometimes I wonder if this site was a plant.

I know that not everyone is what they seem on the internet... but some are

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UPDATE.UPDATE.Guns and ammo are about to have a proposed 50 percent tax and a new federal licence .this includes guns you already own..because of the coronavirus.

why is the gas getting cheaper

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Why do I still come back here?

I love you all though and of story still next time

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Why do I still come back here?

I was the one everyone hated.... somehow I wasn't... I don't get it, I guess I exposed the true fakes.... but I made it and still here = danistill hates you.... not really

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What does it mean when you look into someoneโ€™s eyes and feel something and is that even possible?

But then again I am weird and hate eye contact

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I think people think I'm trans.

I the thing is you are right, people should mind their own business, but the fact you posted you are about being concerned you are a trans or other people think you are says you either are trolling, or really think you might be different and need help, but in the end who really gives a fork what people think fork them right?

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