668 replies, Replies 181 to 190

i realize i'm talking to the sick garbage that are manipulating me.

we are legion

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with friends like mine who needs enemies

who needs friends

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Is commitment a truly good thing?

maybe you should commit yourself...

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:) How are you all?

im eating some marijiuana edibles and enjoying a little time off work

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It's my birthday!

happy birthday

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We are coming up to our 1 year anniversary.

Kalinihta wrote:

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
show yer ****tits!

I always thought soco was a man! lol don't know why!

may well be, lmao

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We are coming up to our 1 year anniversary.

show yer ****tits!

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Answer truthfully (yes or no) to the following question: Will the next word you say be 'no'?

verge wrote:
It's a trap!


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Answer truthfully (yes or no) to the following question: Will the next word you say be 'no'?

Kalinihta wrote:
I didn't say it. I typed it! and I was actually thinking of doing the never say no, one of these days! it'll be fun!


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counting coup

DocteurRalph wrote:
Helpbot shows up every time you make a post Jeb.. Did you really die all those times? I died once but I didn't see any light or anything.

as far as i know, its like like i have any memories of being dead

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