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:) How are you all?

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PepperJ edited this post .

My:) How husband is such a block head sometimes. We watched a short video about a guy who gets his little girl and his wife flowers to model how a man should treat women and how to model for a daughter the things a future man should do for her.¬ ¬ My husb has gotten me flowers twice. Both times were before we were married. We dated for a year and have been married for 18 years.¬ ¬ Instead of taking this message to heart, he got very mad and defensive and bad mouthed the guy on the vid. He said, "I tell her I love her every day. I hug her every day..." etc. I agree that those are goodyou things to do! I never said otherwise!¬ ¬ But he missed the point completely and got mad and defensive with me when I told him he missed the point.¬ ¬ Honestly, I want my daughter to have better than I have. Not saying my husb is bad...I know there are much worse guys out there...but I want her to find a special guy who treats her like she is truly special. And it bothers me that he doesn't think like this, too. That he doesn't want her to find someone "different" from him...or that he takes offense that women could appreciate something "different...."¬ ¬ Really, just a rant. Had to get it Thanks for listeningall?

43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
(1 hour after post)
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I read you originally post and I would like to say that I wish someone taught me when I was a kid that I deserve so much more. I think you should be the one to teach your daughter this. Something that bothers me is when women say they want a man who is nice. That seems like such a basic quality that everyone should have one seeking out a relationship. We shouldn’t have to verbalize that they want someone nice bc we deserve that and so much more. I know it would be nice if your husband would buy you flowers but try and buy yourself and your daughter flowers to show her what you deserve. ❤️

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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There are three guys that will never be better than the Hero (generally speaking):
1. Mothers' second husband.
2. The married neighbor, (in this case the man in the movie).
3. The boyfriend of Daddy's Little Girl.
"Mattel presents, the Roosters' pen! !RRRRrrrrRRRR!"

It boils down to injury of personal pride regarding the three closest women a man will ever come to know -

(2 hours after post)
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im eating some marijiuana edibles and enjoying a little time off work

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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I'm doing okay. Could use some flowers though...

(19 hours after post)
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I'm fine! here's some flowers for both soco and you!
funny thing. I never liked flowers. they're doomed to die in a few days. other things though last for ever. I mean, who and why said that you must express your love by "sacrificing" something so beautiful? hah

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 day after post)
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Whassa matter, Soco?

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Kalinihta wrote:
I'm fine! here's some flowers for both soco and you!
funny thing. I never liked flowers. they're doomed to die in a few days. other things though last for ever. I mean, who and why said that you must express your love by "sacrificing" something so beautiful? hah

Thank you!

Img 2679
(2 days after post)
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Had a good day, but it's so rainy and chilly and lonely that I think I'll go hibernate until tomorrow. Don't know what your original post said, but I hope you're well and that lots of reasons to be happy come your way. :)

(3 days after post)
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I prefer -

to bunch of flowers. But to whoever needs the flowers, here are some from me -

I used to think as @Kalinihta, but then I read somewhere that flowers long for a purpose to make someone happy and it gives them a chance if they are picked up and given as a gift.. so, don't know. I'm the same - only happy when used, lol.

Sending lots of love, too - just in case xx

(4 days after post)
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I feel very nearly pecked to death by birds.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(4 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
I feel very nearly pecked to death by birds.

Hmmmm. You need a shotgun!

(4 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I feel very nearly pecked to death by birds.

Hmmmm. You need a shotgun!

more than you intended to mean lol

Img 2679
(4 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
I feel very nearly pecked to death by birds.

I recommend throwing bread at them. Shuts them right up!

(4 days after post)
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verge wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I feel very nearly pecked to death by birds.

I recommend throwing bread at them. Shuts them right up!

gotta have bread to throw bread

Animation2 2
(1 week after post)
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Kalinihta wrote:
I'm fine! here's some flowers for both soco and you!
funny thing. I never liked flowers. they're doomed to die in a few days. other things though last for ever. I mean, who and why said that you must express your love by "sacrificing" something so beautiful? hah

Awww, so thoughtful :) Thank you.

I do like fresh flowers in my house from time to time. I buy them for myself. My sons both get me chocolates and cards for Valentine's Day, which warms my heart more than I can even say.

Kalinihta wrote:
other things though last for ever.

Hmmmm... like diamonds or some such beauty? lol. JK

Animation2 2
(1 week after post)
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Thanks all, for replies. It was sort of a dumb post that I made. My husb is a good guy. He just doesn't have a romantic bone in his body. I'm used to it, for the most part, after all these years. And the older I get, the more glad I am that he didn't spend money foolishly on Valentine Candies, Cards, Birthday Surprises, Flowers, Christmas Gifts, Anniversary Gifts, etc. Because it's my money, too. And there are other things to spend it on. That said, I sure hope my daughter's boyfriends and SO's treat her like a princess.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(2 weeks after post)
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PepperJ wrote:
Thanks all, for replies. It was sort of a dumb post that I made. My husb is a good guy. He just doesn't have a romantic bone in his body. I'm used to it, for the most part, after all these years. And the older I get, the more glad I am that he didn't spend money foolishly on Valentine Candies, Cards, Birthday Surprises, Flowers, Christmas Gifts, Anniversary Gifts, etc. Because it's my money, too. And there are other things to spend it on. That said, I sure hope my daughter's boyfriends and SO's treat her like a princess.

Bring to mind a song -

Animation2 2
(2 weeks after post)
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Awwww, thanks for that, BigAl

Brings a tear to my eye :) or :'( Because it's true that I just want to make a happy home. But once in a while, being treated like a princess is good, too ;)

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