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i want to get back rolling on the positive yang train.

Rockster160 wrote:
1) Avoid canned material. It always gets old.

Instead, learn things about people. People love to talk about themselves. (Even the ones that say they don't.)
A great conversation starter is asking people about what they do for work. (Or if they're at work, ask about what they do for fun in their free time.)
If it's somebody you see often, you can ask how work or their hobbies are going. Do they have groups they meet up with for hobbies, what's changed recently, etc. As an anti-social, not-talker myself, I find it easiest to just do what I can to keep them talking. If you can keep them talking- they'll think you're a nice person. Just how it goes. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Pay attention to what they say and try to ask for more details about the things that they seem to get the most excited about.

2) Pep talks are very easy. Just be annoyingly optimistic.

When somebody talks about something negative, apologize/sympathize with their pain. Then look for a silver lining. If they're complaining about a person, brush off the other person's bad attitude by saying- maybe they had a bad day. Maybe they meant well but their intentions were misunderstood. Maybe they have a hard time expressing themselves and they get frustrated by that fact. Don't go into details about the bad stuff. Let people get it off their chest, then talk about the good things- even when things are negative. Never say anything bad about anybody. Even when you're furious at them. Instead, think about why they did that. Chances are they didn't want to be misunderstood or ignored or told they're wrong, so they hide between a wall of mean.

3) Practice 1 and 2 on yourself. Ask yourself about your day. After each day, "rehearse" all of the good things and good people that happened during the day. Even if it's - "That old guy I saw smiled like he's never been hurt. That's really impressive." Talk about those things to yourself. Take note of all of the good details. Don't fuss over anything that irked you. If somebody bothered you, think of an excuse/reason why they may have acted that way instead of just dismissing them as mean.

number 2 works

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i want to get back rolling on the positive yang train.

word of the wise

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*types 5 paragraphs*

yea i know what you mean.. i feel like im a walking editor making sure i get my point precisely ..erm..on point. I felt free and relieved when i would always bare my soul with my honesty. With that it did come to a point where i did feel people knew too much about me and i hardly knew anything about them kinda put me on vulnerable grounds.. so what did i do..

.. stopped short and started thinking about deleting this input reply cuz it seems to me im not making a good enough point actually. like an artist, i am my own worst critic. i hate it and im the one whos doing to to myself. fml.

on a side note.. kalin is onto something.

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i wanted to write a poem..

LMAO .. good one al! i always need a good laugh

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should men go for women they want or women who come around?

this i can agree

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Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.

and why do we always hate the positive guy? i had my streak of positivity.. ended up with a "broken leg" from it. im seeking a different game ty

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thought about buying a gun instead i got a rose

Evansent wrote:
I presumed you was talking about Axle Rose. ^^

double meaning i guess. i was listening to gnr at the time. lol

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People like you based only on how much they can fuck with you.

i know this for a fact in my experience there were a few times looking back that gave me insight where friendship happened.

one was moving around alot in my younger years.. being the newcomer is being fresh meat. children are cruel, until that one friend who comes around when your devastated.

parental enforced activity... camp, sport and some bs clubs where i met others where their parents did the same thing, pre-teen angst you name it we would lament it all together. im sure there were some pro go winner attitudes around.. i know this cuz i remember complaining " man all this sweat feels awful " the other kid said " I love it!! " at the time i didnt understand it - not my friend!

i dunno why this happens .. but we grow out of adolescence and become young adults supposedly knowing better we form into cliques .. identifying ourselves either with what we have in common we think alike and laugh together OR a deep desire to associate who we want to be or the benefits of association ie popularity.

i cant speak for everyone. but as I older and looking for a better life it just didnt happen. I resorted to a place where everyone was connected.

the net. it was a side activity i never took seriously .. a way to unveil your nature and express yourself without embarrassing yourself in real life.. but with the social networks and all that its steering your identity and well im ****shit out of luck.. we see this all the time.. those need an outlet to misbehave.. my advice.. dont get caught up in that bs.. the net is a tool .. thats all its ever been.. it doesnt define who you really are..

the story continues.. but i rather get back to the point.

what do i consider friends are those who mind dont matter .. those who dont do. i could be wrong tho, perhaps theres a better perspective i need convinced

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the government are making the frogs gay

perhaps when the ladies could kiss and get their charm while
and change the way?

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where is mera...

is mera short for merica?

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