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backspaces everything

It's hard know what to share and what to say.

In my case it's often best to say nothing at all.

Still, it's a struggle. When talking to someone because I often want to explain or tell the complete truth.

But people like you alot better when you don't.(my experience) ๐Ÿ˜

I'm still learning the appropriate way of speaking.

Sometimes it's hard though because when you keep everything a secret, even though you proved you weren't looking for attention by not talking, when someone finds out, they don't believe the truth.
That you could feel the way you do, or are the way you are because you spent all that time suffering alone.
Yet you did that because you knew that was what you are expected to do.

Not many people trust words alone and I understand why, but then what do you say??


I'm just thinking.

Trying to keep the post casual and carefree.

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Fb img 1600821388622
(5 minutes after post)
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Go away help bot!

This is my Post! Always stealing my thunder, Who does this guy think he is?

Can't I Make one post without your bugging me!
I said right at the bottom its a casual post!

Next time you come around these parts I'm gonna poor water on you!

Oh wait. Technology today is water proof...

Well.. then......




I'll box you up and ship you to North Korea!!

(5 hours after post)
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Ghhh I know the struggle. I understand it must be difficult for people to believe you, but if you stop trying to explain or express yourself, you won't find someone who cares anyway. All in all people are so unique, that if you tell the same story to 100 different people, you won't get two similar responses.
So, my advice to you is keep saying the things you need to say and don't worry about reactions. You'll probably get some negative feedback, but you'll find people who understand too. Don't even bother for those who don't understand.

Fb img 1600821388622
(10 hours after post)
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Some people like family its harder.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(12 hours after post)
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Nevermind wrote:
Some people like family its harder.

Family is not forever. Already they are hurtling toward eternity.

I know.

Fb img 1600821388622
(12 hours after post)
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For me it's eternity. I love even my dead family

(13 hours after post)
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Nevermind wrote:
Some people like family its harder.

I was referring to people outside family.
We are always told that family is there for you no matter what, it's logical you expect older people to know the right way to treat you, but sometimes it just doesn't work. Most of the times though, it's their concerns that make them react in a bad way. They just don't know the right way.
If that's not your case, then you should just invest in friendships. We don't get to choose our family, but we get to choose our friends.
Do you want to share the thing you wrote and deleted? Over here I see friendly logical creatures and maybe they could give you some good advice.

Fb img 1600821388622
(13 hours after post)
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No I didn't really have anything in particular to say. It's just a daily struggle. Typing and deleting. ๐Ÿ˜

I tend to say too much.

I do have a friend
He's the only one I dont regret speaking with
I often regret sharing even at therapy. But not with my bud
I think of him as my family but he already has a family

So he's family for me but I'm not family for him. Just like how he's my best friend but I'm not his best friend.
Still. It works

(13 hours after post)
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yea i know what you mean.. i feel like im a walking editor making sure i get my point precisely ..erm..on point. I felt free and relieved when i would always bare my soul with my honesty. With that it did come to a point where i did feel people knew too much about me and i hardly knew anything about them kinda put me on vulnerable grounds.. so what did i do..

.. stopped short and started thinking about deleting this input reply cuz it seems to me im not making a good enough point actually. like an artist, i am my own worst critic. i hate it and im the one whos doing to to myself. fml.

on a side note.. kalin is onto something.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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Yes, Kalin is definitely on to something.

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