1,951 replies, Replies 51 to 60


jjlove01 wrote:
I'd do away with "Columbus Day" for one thing, stop lying to kids about their ancestory... How would you feel if some nasty, hostile strangers walked into your house and declared that it's theirs now, and called that Day One?

Get this through your head -
Columbus was not the captain of the Mayflower ship....
Secondly, eliminating Columbus from the equation does not erase the historical fact of migration (or "Pilgrimage") from England, Europe or other high northeast counties of civilian peoples, to north (or south) America.

You have a lot of cognitive dissonance when it comes to native Americans and a majority of them really don't care for people who try to "apologize" to them on behalf of the white race.

I've lived in Alaska over 40 years and there's a few things you should know;
Tribes are generally sovereign - they get what they want and Native Corporations oversee their people's interest - this is a fact hidden from you. They get any land they want in the natural region of their boundaries in any quantity they want....
So, when you roll into a village and see "how sad" the few remaining natives live, you should ask yourself 'where are the rest of them?'

Where? Where are you? Why, living in the big cities and in urban housing. Getting an education, holding down jobs and making money (on top of dividends they already get from their corporations).

They don't want to go back to the village, they don't want to roll back to prehistoric times - they like the "white mans world," because it is just as much their world too.

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What's wrong with you?

There's nothing wrong with me. Just wishing my country a happy birthday is all.
But something pure and simple as that apparently can't go unmolested by you.
The problem is yours and - oh -

jjlove01 wrote:

Lano wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

People joke about moving when they don't like a direction the country takes and I did too but it's getting serious.

I won't move if Trump gets reelected. At least not until things get a lot worse.

But if he loses but somehow manages to stay in office, then I will move.

No! We have to stay and fight to take our country back!That buffoon cannot win! He's made too many enemies, and broken too many law

So....when (or if) you get "our" country back, you'll be in a rush to return it back to

the remaining indigenous people (who) deserve better than what they've ever gotten.


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I had to memorize this in 5th grade.

NacthoMan wrote:
point at the right direction eh?

Sure. I'm on it.

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I had to memorize this in 5th grade.

NacthoMan wrote:
sigh.. this leads me about the cumulative thought.. which is a peeve of mine.. i prefer unique thoughts which attracts me by their indecisive stance.. every one should be a unique individual.. not a collected thought by misdirection, **********domination or mislead by false alerts.

kid around sure.. as long as its not political-financial-judgemental.

That can be a rather difficult thing to accomplish in these days.

Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane once said it is very hard to write a song or compose music because so much of it has already been done.

How many thoughts can we have in a world of 8 billion before we get the idea that there isn't much original thought left to think.

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I had to memorize this in 5th grade.

jjlove01 wrote:

BA1 wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
i remember watching this as a child... thinking history was a cartoon???

You were a child and that's how children think. Only modern day Antifa-driven feminist and SJW's would let you kill the child in you without saying a word.

You think way more child-like than this young man! Try growing up, K?

That's not something you want me to do.
It wouldn't be fair for you.
And secondly, I wasn't calling him a child. Just not to let that spark of life be quenched by our childhood perceptions now that we are all adults.

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jjlove01 wrote:

Well....you're almost there.
It tickles me to no end that you think I need educating, as if I didn't go to school or research history.
Have some more links you wanna learn me with?
I'd just rather have us share some birthday cake. After all, we don't want those native lives go completely to waste.

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jjlove01 wrote:
Face and farce are two very different words.๐Ÿ™„

A sure sign you've lost the debate is when make yourself a spelling Nazi over a spelling error.
You're down. The autonomic reflex to carry on doesn't change that.

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jjlove01 wrote:

BA1 wrote:

jjlove01 wrote:
What a farce. No wonder you be think the way you do! Now that you know better, do better.

A face? For wishing my country a happy birthday in its 400th year? How so?

This country was founded on genocide, not some fancy pilgrimage story. Columbus Day should be called Invasion Day. The story they teach kids is a farce.

So, you're saying you support the rioting, looting and pillaging that is happening... Got it.

Your cynicism has prevented you from researching the division between a general population of people and government colonialism....
Got it.

- written
I had to memorize this in 5th grade.

NacthoMan wrote:
i remember watching this as a child... thinking history was a cartoon???

You were a child and that's how children think. Only modern day Antifa-driven feminist and SJW's would let you kill the child in you without saying a word.

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jjlove01 wrote:
What a farce. No wonder you be think the way you do! Now that you know better, do better.

A farce? For wishing my country a happy birthday in its 400th year? How so?


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