Let's see....
Eight BILLION people on earth
So far Covid-19 has claimed 323,000 lives worldwide.
Subtract 323,000
= 7,999,677,000.......
We got problems far bigger than China or this superstar "virus" we have lowered our head to.
The kettle has been warmed up and right now everyone's catching their breath - the appearance of "normality" is slowly returning and the enemy is no longer wearing a mask.....but everyone else seems to be.
Portraying angels as being good makes people reach out to them to seek out their loved ones. But, one doesnt know who they are really talking to in terms of whether the angel they talk to is bad or good.
Correct. There ARE good angels BUT the ones that are good, do what is right. They generally don't hold conversations with their wards.
So, that leaves the bad angels (or what is commonly known as "familiar spirits").
But,people reach out the angels to talk with the dead. But the dead cannot talk they're dead.
The dead are dead. That is both yes and no. There a few (but not too many) perspectives about this. In my opinion, when you die, your spirit time travels forward to the day of resurrection. Sounds odd, but when you look at the issue of the resurrection and consider all the people involved from the Old and New Testament, the time travel of the soul works best.
With that said, people cannot communicate with other people who are in a state of time travel. Their soul sleeps and travels to the resurrection day.
When people try to contact the dead, they're actually contacting familiar spirits.
And in case you don't know, familiar spirits are demons that have walked with certain family bloodlines for hundreds, if not, thousands of years.
Demons know your family members better than you. And to be honest, they may even know you better than yourself.
It misleads people from the faith of the resurrection. Without faith of the resurrection it leads people away from God and everlasting life.
Among many things, you are correct.
Reiki is healing by requesting help from angels. Using crystals can help to amplify what the angel does. I can tell you for a fact that there is defiantly a spirit with power to help one feel well and this can feel wo when having the treatment. The other side of the coin is, how do you know who you are really talking with? They are a stranger and there is so much risk involved of allowing another spirit into ones body. There could be a bad spirit which pretends to be a good spirit but had bad intentions to mislead people.
Again, there are only demons and some fallen angels to account for when it comes to this. Remember, the good angels aren't going to become heavily involved with communicating with their wards - they obey God.
The Bible said that the disciples would be able to do miracles when they had faith in God and gave all the glory of miricles to God. But the Bible also says that we shouldn't exercise in spiritualism or anything or magic, because God has not given this to you.
Correct. The 60's gave a surprisingly large rebirth of the New Age movement - a philosophy that was mostly Eastern flavored in nature and mixed it with Western culture. Even some of the newer "Christian themed" churches started to incorporate spiritualism into their dogma.
You are probably not familiar with "Crazy zoo" eggs and toys. They were when I was a kid. Like kinder eggs you get a toy inside. Crazy zoo eggs you would get an animal inside but you could remove its limbs. You collected the different animals and change the body parts around on different animals.
I still have them. For when I had hoped the kids would come see me. I think its time to throw them out!
Thank you so much for helping me to understand all of this!
I am pleased to know you.
I'm not directly familiar with those specific toys but I did grow up with toys that had the same theme- interchangeable parts. I don't know if I should agree with you to throw them out or not - you will have to decide for yourself
The spirit of the Lord will guide your conscience.
And thank you - it's a pleasure to know you as well.
I was always under the impression that the angels had no gender. But I do see that the Bible says the sons of god took the daughters of men- so I guess they really were male. Jehovahs witnesses say that angels have no gender.
There are those who argue that not only are the angels male but that ALL of the angels are male.
I no not support the idea that all angels are male because when God created life He gave each species an assignment of gender.
Other people argue over petty issues like certain worms and other B.S. nonsense when it comes to repoduction and such.
I believe there are female angels but I tend to doubt that any of the fallen angels were female.
I believe (to a point) that women are less criminal then men. Therefore when it came to the angelic rebellion, no female angels were willing to join that cause and this is why there seems to be no account of female angels in the Bible.
They also say that Jesus came back as a spirit and not in the flesh. Their website contradicts its own Bible.
Hence the change to KJV.
Its crazy the more I learn- people who worship a mixed creature is worshipping the fallen angels offspring.
And loads of these hybrids are portrayed as being good in films, games ect.
I always loved pokemon but I'm really having second thoughts. I mean I still have some stuff from when I was kid of them that I didnt wanna part with.
I've been piling together films and video games that I no longer want for the magic and fighting and spiritualism drunkeness ***sex references... it gets hard to be able to even find something that would not be detestable by God to be able to watch. Our world is just riddled with it!!
I'm afraid there is very little Hollywood offers that isn't trash.
But, don't lose all hope, there ARE some high grade movies with quality content. I really like "The Yearling" and also "The Earthling." They are older movies, but very good. You just gotta search.
As for Pokemon - I remember when Pokemon came out in the 80's. It wasn't my kind of cartoon for several reasons. I was much older by that point.
It was cheap.
It was shallow.
It was based on Eastern culture (Hindu/Buddah flavored religion).
And, I thought it would just die out! But, to my surprise, it lived on and became popular to a point where I blamed the parents who had absolutely no taste or discernment when it came to cartoons.
I grew up with cartoons like Johnny Quest, Scooby Doo and the Jetsons. The Flintstones and many older cartoons from the 40's, 50's and 60's.
And today, the most popular types of animation are based on Japanese anime! It's cheap - there's no artistic value, and the younger generation eats it up.
Don't get me wrong. There are a couple of cartoons I like that are anime (The Animatrix, for example), but I don't think it should set the benchmark for excellence when it never was.
May I ask you - do you believe Jesus is God? The Bible calls God Lord but it also calls Jesus Lord.
Do you believe God is an angel?
But then where does the bible suggest he is an angel?Do you believe in trinity?
I think of the holy spirit as being God coming down to us in a form that wont harm us, because he himself is too powerful to be in our presence without risk of us being obliterated.
I believe Jesus is Christ. Another title for saying "God." Some people say that that the Trinity means there are three "Gods." This is not true. The Bible says a man cannot serve two masters because he will love one and hate the other.
Therefore, the Trinity is one, NOT three.
It works like this; When you were born, you were given a name and this is generally how people will know you. But not all people will know you in the same way. You are a daughter to your parents and you act accordingly to that (and so do your parents). Who else are you this way with? No one else, really - it's an exclusive relationship.
Now, if you were married and had a husband, you would be his wife. Who else would you be this way with? No one else because it's an exclusive relationship.
Further still, if you had children, you would be a mother and that relationship is generally exclusive with your kids.
Here's the thing, there is only one of you but you have several different exclusive roles that you do not cross-share..... You're not going to treat your parents like you were married to them and you are not going to act like a daughter to your children and you are not going to be a mother to your husband....
There is only one God and He has different roles for very good reasons.
God gave Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin and salvation of man. No man comes to the Father but by Christ because God is Holy and God will not be tainted by anything that is less than Holy.
Some churches teach that you don't need Jesus to be saved - and those churches will burn in the eternal fires of hell.
God is not an angel - God is the Almighty and Creator of all things that exist. God is not a created being - He is Eternal. He created the angels - there is nothing above God.
But, I have seen many views from both sides or Jesus being part of God or him being as a spirit/flesh.
My own feeling is that Jesus is not God and we're merely talking on his behalf. But you never know if the words in the Bible have been changed.
Like all people, you have been given a measure of faith to believe and a choice. But, feelings change with mood and assumptions are conclusions based on fair weather days.
If Jesus wasn't God, name ONE man that did all the things Christ did - just one....
The original scrolls of the Bible were largely written in Hebrew so....common sense - English and Hebrew are two different languages. There are going to some differences in words when it comes to translating from Hebrew to English but the context will remain the same.
God said that He will preserve His word. You have a choice to believe that or not.
At least words referring to the earth being flat are as they should be in my KJV. But, I wonder if it is all accurate.
The Bible just doesn't come out and say, "The earth is flat." You have to pay attention to the surrounding circumstances. For example read Joshua CH 10 VS 11-13.
I saw someone share that different Bibles have different numbers of books. It makes me feel so lost when you see theyre all so different in ways. I just pray that I can find the truth.
There are 66 books in the current cannon of the Bible. It is true there were more books (up to 88 if I remember correctly), but scholars of the late 19th century determined that certain books should no long be a part of the Biblical cannon - so, the were excluded.
So, before you say this is "proof" that the Bible has been tampered with, here is something you need to know."
Let's say that 16 Books were removed from the Bible. That means there would only be 50 Books in the Bible. Guess what - it's still the Bible. Just because the other 16 aren't in there doesn't make the other 50 untrue or less of God's Word.
The Bible is a compilation of the Hebrew scriptures in one concentraited form. There was a time when there was no Bible - you had to reference each Book you wanted to read from, individually, like an encyclopedia.
So, if you can't find the Book you're looking for in the Bible, you'll find it lurking about somewhere else.
I just happen to have the Book of Enoch. It's referred to in the Bible, but is not necessarily included (as it once was).
I also cant understand that Sarah was turned into a pillar of salt but then later gave birth to Issac. I wonder if God had mercy on her and returned her from being a pillar of salt.
I cant understand how the king would have taken her if she was a pillar of salt
You're confusing Sarah with Lot's wife.
Lot's wife was turned to pillar of salt, NOT Sarah.
Go back and read it again.
Genesis 19. VS 23 - 26
Hope all of this helps.
So....you're saying he won't contact you electronically, but he will reply out of respect.
But, on the other hand, when he sees you in reality he goes out of his way to talk to you.
Gee...I don't know. The dots are so hard to connect.
NacthoMan wrote:
or should producers create degradable products that will compost instantly like the staw thing. Such a pos but it works!!
A long time ago, things, like juice, came in glass bottles or jugs. Same with sodas - aluminum cans have always been fairly common....
I remember when shopping bags were made of durable brown paper. And candy bars were wrapped in wax paper.
Now days, a candy wrapper will outlive the candy by 500 years. I remember when most companies who sold their goods changed from paper (or cardboard) to plastic, would proclaim how concerned they were for the environment.
Ever since the big change over to plastic wrapping and packaging, plastic is the #1 enemy to the environment and the big corps are to blame.
The context of her opening statement depends on the subject of what she said after that.
You have provided no details, therefore, one cannot conclude.
Jetmoo wrote:
I got my new bible. @BA1 Its from 1831 so not really new. I love it.
I'm really glad to hear you got a SOLID KJV Bible. Amen!
You will start noticing the differences as you begin to read - you made a good choice.
I got some questions if youre up to answering or sharing your thoughts.
When God decided to kill all flesh with the flood, it says all flesh had become corrupt. Do you suppose this meant even the animals had become corrupt? Do you suppose the angels even mated with the animals.
And that maybe this is where the mix of animals came in?
As I explained before -
Listen closely....
God, in His infinite wisdom, created genetic safeguards in all beings that He created.
This was done so that only a pair of the same kind could mate and have offspring.
Mating is a natural process.
Angels and man are very closely related so therefore, they are of "like kind." They can reproduce and have offspring.
Neither angel or man can mate with the animal kindom and reproduce. The genetic safeguards God put in place do not allow it.
Understand so far?
The fallen angels practiced "genetic alchemy." Gene splicing. By dealing with the genome itself, YOU BYPASS ALL NATURAL THE NATURAL SAFEGUARDS that God put into place.
Genetic Alchemy.
All flesh had become corrupt because the fallen angels corrupted the gene code of most every animal they get their hands on.
They mixed flesh (at the genetic level) with one species to another until it nearly became extinct.
Mixing flesh at the genetic level by practicing genetic alchemy. Ancient science.
If you look back at "mythological" creatures they are a result of mixing two different types of flesh.
Like I said, Noah's Ark was a life raft to save mankind AND the last of the animals that were not genetically corrupt.
jetmoo wrote:
Makes me wonder how genes could have been spliced back then.
My dear girl, we're talking about angels who witnessed God create the earth and man. Angels are technologically advanced beings. They fly in ships and travel interdimesionally.
The problem many Christians have is thinking that we live in the greatest technological age that ever existed - this isn't true.
And secondy, many Christians think angels are like cute little children with feathered wings on their back playing harps on heavenly clouds.
Do you realize how dangerous these lines of thought actually are? Let me give you an idea.....
Mankind has a social structure. It is pyramidal in it design. The elite are at the top (few in number) and the slave class of society is at the very bottom (many in number).
You need to ask yourself if mankind really chose this type of structure for himself or was he forced into it's frame?
Mankind does not rule himself nor did he make the social structure that he is chained to, today.
The social structure of man is a construct that Satan created in order to keep mankind under his control from one generation to the next.
Not bad for "children with feathered wings on their back playing harps on heavenly clouds....."
Jebus-Zeus wrote:
- writtenAlright, Jeb....
How many tabs do you want?
Interesting Post.
Well, I don't think it's gotten better with time or recent history - it's become worse.
Truth is, we all know what we are - no good. What little good there is gets thrown out with the bath water in the face of a time that offers us "godhood" by transhuman means.
I want to see like an eagle and have night vision like an owl. I want the hearing ability of a dog, the strength of an elephant, the speed of a cheetah and the lifespan of an oak. I don't just want to look good, I want to "lock" my looks down to a certain appearance of age (say 21 years old for example). I want indestructible health so I can live as recklessly as I like with no ill consequence.
And of course, if you act now, all this can be yours for a price that you'll never afford in a hundred lifetimes.
Well, who doesn't want to be inexhaustably rich? And so the priorities of hope are set. We sharpen our knives and determine the necessary backs we need to stab in order to move on up the chain of society because, by god, I'm tired of being trampled under the feet of others and I know I'm so much better than you - I deserve my dreams.
It's a sad state of affairs between Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the modern age of technology we live in.
No one wants to till the dirt and grow crops - they should just magically manage all that by themselves these days, including finding them on my plate at dinner time.
No one wants to ranch smelly chickens, stinking pigs and odorous cattle in the hot baking sun - they should magically manage themselves including finding them on the drive-thru menu at any corporate chain restaurant.
I want it all
And I want it now.
You're close. If you participate in capitalism you're already a slave inherently.
That's highly debatable.
Secondly, the other options are good only if you're a lazy socialist bum who likes government issued dog treats.
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