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last online: 05/03, 21:17
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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

I’m so concerned about the world. It used to be so beautiful and now it’s falling apart more than ever. How are others feeling about this?

Only I’d like for no one to come and tell me global warming isn’t happening please. I guess I’m seeking understanding.

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Since writing this post Jetmoo may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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world, guess, understanding, seeking, happening
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(1 hour after post)
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global warming.. well good news..

long ago.. the planet was a hot place.. then the ice age happened

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(2 hours after post)
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Yorick wrote:
global warming.. well good news..

long ago.. the planet was a hot place.. then the ice age happened

How do you know it was hot before the ice age happened?

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Wow .. I think I better take my anti depressant....

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Try not to fall for modern day propaganda when it comes to the environment.
Just remember the story of Henny Penney and Chicken Little - "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
So there.
Feel better?
Hope so.

(3 hours after post)
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sorry..didnt mean to give tmi

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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How do you know it was hot before the ice age happened?

If you want the Biblical narrative, the earth was never hot or "molten." Personally, I would go with this.
The Ice Age came after the great flood (according to the Bible). The truth is, 8 people stepped off a boat onto a remade earth.
8 people cannot out-breed the speed of the Ice Age. Think about this....
As mankind sits in the same spot, there's a lot going on that he does not see. Huge chunks of ice (the size of continents) block off sections of the earth from other sections.
The numbers of mankind slowly increase and he is able get around a little bit but he is still contained in one spot.
The seven seas and seven continents (what you know as the world) are only a small portion off a much larger earth that has never before been seen since the days before Noah.
There has been a war to possess the earth. And when you were born, you accepted the world for HOW it presented itself to you. It's kept you busy. Busy believing in lies, thinking they are truth.
It's not true, don't need a lie to support a lie. You only need the lie and a lot of truth that supports it - that's how the trick works.
The Antarctic is a gate to other earth realms.

(5 hours after post)
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If you are going to worry about the state of the world all the time, you are neveer going to finish. There are so many ills in this world to take on that sometimes that is what overwhelms you and keeps you down and depressed.

(12 hours after post)
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The prophet Daniel predicted this and Jesus said it's going to be worse than anything ever before. It's barely getting started. I'm glad I'm so old, so I don't have to watch helplessly. I'm older'n dirt.

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(20 hours after post)
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@SmartAZ what else did they predict would happen in the bible?

(Please no one start debating about religion not being real- thanks)

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(20 hours after post)
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@SmartAZ did it say the world would end up on fire?

I don’t think I want children anymore... maybe I might one day adopt... but I’m not sure...

I think I recall the bible saying Jesus would be riding a white horse and everyone had to stand still.. I don’t remember much else.

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(23 hours after post)
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I have been learning more about this world.

We are heading for dictatorship.

Did anyone ever see or read the Handmaids Tale?

Ever watched the hunger games?

Our history is becoming our future.

We are living the hunger games whilst those in power create division between us so they can control us. They create division and enjoy watching us fight with each other so we do not turn on them.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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All you got to do is read the Book of Revelation.
The world....will never end. Ways will end, but not the world.

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(1 day after post)
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Watch this.....

Then read this .....

"And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.16Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,17so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.18This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666."

Remembering the part about the microchips they’re trying out in Sweden. Apparently they’re trying them out in UK too.

What are your thoughts?

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(1 day after post)
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Slash wrote:
All you got to do is read the Book of Revelation.
The world....will never end. Ways will end, but not the world.

We ourselves will end at some point. And then come back. I do believe the earth itself will stay. But we will make it inhabitable for ourselves and die out. The earth I think, will recycle the damage without our presence on earth.

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@BA1 How did they manage to survive through the ice age?

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@BA1 the artic May have its own secrets to hide but it could also become a place where people hide secrets. As could the Amazon if they mine there.

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They want to mine through the artic and the Amazon. Mining will cause more pollution of the oceans.

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@BA1 but what about the dinosaurs? The ice age came then before people were on Earth.

And what about the promise of the rainbow, that God would never flood the earth again?

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Can someone explain these terms for me? Only... can they do it as if talking to a 5 year old? (embarrassed face) I’m abit slow sometimes... lol
People use these words and I don’t understand them.

Right wing
Left wing

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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jetmoo wrote:
We ourselves will end at some point. And then come back. I do believe the earth itself will stay. But we will make it inhabitable for ourselves and die out. The earth I think, will recycle the damage without our presence on earth.

That's an interesting thought but (Biblically) that's not what happens nor is it anywhere near the plan God has in store for us - BUT in the long run, the news is very good.

Jetmoo wrote:
How did they manage to survive through the ice age?

Well....before the time of the flood, there were no winters. When it comes to the subject of the Ice Age, run-of-the-mill education would have you think it was long ago and far away.
The recession of the flood introduced the Ice Age AND the four seasons - but they didn't look or act as they do now. Both summers and winters would last for years. That's why it was so vital to have high production food stocks stored away.
As time has moved on, the seasons have leveled out - they have become more manageable in their seasonal periods.
To tell the truth, we are STILL in that Ice Age period. We are living in the melt off period.
But, since most environmentalists are too ignorant and stupid to realize this, they have come up with more ways to keep the fear-mongering going. First it was called the green-house effect. When that turned out to be BS they called it "global warming" when that turned out to be BS they now call it "Climate Change."
Well how convenient. They seemed to finally settle on a name that is obscure. I mean, doesn't the climate change anytime you walk from a house to the outdoors? How about the reverse?
So now, knowing they are guilty of fear mongering (because they have an agenda), they call the few people who know better "Deniers."
In other words, "Just agree with us."

jetmoo wrote:
- but what about the dinosaurs? The ice age came then before people were on Earth.

First, mankind and dinosaurs have always lived together. In many ancient cultures, records are found, carved into their stone buildings proving this true - that's putting it in a nutshell.
In the public education system, the theory of evolution is taught. Your questions are based on what you were taught.
Try to understand the simple truth - evolution is the attempt to explain life (everything) without God. It's completely Godless. Completely void of the Creator and it's taught in such a way that many people believe it.
God has rules and regulations and godless people don't like that. With evolution, you are free to live, think and act in any fashion you see fit. If it feels good - do it.

jetmoo wrote:
And what about the promise of the rainbow, that God would never flood the earth again?

? What about it?

(2 days after post)
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Slash wrote:
All you got to do is read the Book of Revelation.
The world....will never end. Ways will end, but not the world.

The Revelation is addressed to Jews. All the figures of speech are Jewish, that's why goyim can't understand the book. We Christians will be in heaven at the wedding supper of the lamb while those things are going on down on Earth.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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SmmartAZ wrote:
The Revelation is addressed to Jews. All the figures of speech are Jewish, that's why goyim can't understand the book. We Christians will be in heaven at the wedding supper of the lamb while those things are going on down on Earth.

I think being Christian puts us in the Goyim category, doesn't it? But that not all Goyim can understand on their own (or without the Holy Spirit).
Though I do agree with you about the wedding supper, I don't necessarily subscribe to a pre-tribulation rapture.
I think there are going to be a lot of Christians who lose their heads before then.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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These are economic theories:
Marxism - Developed by Karl Marx. The theory is that the government controls all businesses (means of production) to ensure equality.
Communism - Modeled after Marxism. All property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
Socialism - all businesses (means of production), and the sale of goods and services should be controlled by the community as a whole.
Capitalism - businesses (means of production), and the sale of goods and services should be controlled by individual private owners.
Neoliberalism - no regulations, businesses should be free to operate as they wish.

Liberalism - Individual freedom is the most important thing. Ex. Freedom of speech, press, etc.
Right wing - Conservative party. Emphasis on tradition, religion, small government control.
Left wing - Liberal Party. Emphasis on social programs, separation of church and state, more government control.

Fascism - dictatorship where one party or one person controls the country solely with no checks and balances.

Hope that helped.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Araz has gave you some excellent explanations.

The following video will help fortify what she has said.

Simplicity is always best.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I was about to offer some insight but changed my mind knowing Ill be accused of conspiracy theories.
So Ill give you my superficial insight. Just believe in yourself and stay the coarse. Amen..

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(3 days after post)
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Wow I got lots of stuff to catch up on. Thanks! 😊

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
I was about to offer some insight but changed my mind knowing Ill be accused of conspiracy theories.
So Ill give you my superficial insight. Just believe in yourself and stay the coarse. Amen..

@Gone Actually I believe a lot of those. After experiencing first hand how cruel professionals can be and how deceptive they can be.

Many have died from what I have witnessed and even experienced.
Deception around the globe of my illness. Deaths of many due to it.

Medical abuse. And there is a lot more going on than people realise with it. It’s a scary world. And scary topic.

I might know things you don’t know. You might know things that I don’t know. I know so much..... too much.

You can always shout me if you feel better doing it that way

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(3 days after post)
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I need to come back and read when got more energy.

What I’ve been thinking about recently is the Swedish putting microchips in the hands and the bible quote of people must have a mark on their right hand or forehead to buy or sell......

I think it relates. Others don’t. I do.
People seen that quote?
I don’t even read the bible much but someone shared it with me

(2 weeks after post)
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It's not the world dear it's you.

The older you get the less naive you are. The world isn't different, you're just realizing more about it.

It's always been a shitty world. It's actually better now than ever in our history.
War is at an all time low for the longest period of time...and a bunch of other things that's a hard sell because it sucks so bad that calling it better than it was before almost doesn't feel like a victory. But it's still better today than ever before.

The only difference is, you, are just paying attention now.

(2 weeks after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:
I need to come back and read when got more energy.

What I’ve been thinking about recently is the Swedish putting microchips in the hands and the bible quote of people must have a mark on their right hand or forehead to buy or sell......

I think it relates. Others don’t. I do.
People seen that quote?
I don’t even read the bible much but someone shared it with me

I promise, I can honestly promise you, that if you had a microchip inserted under the skin, you wouldn't go to hell. I promise it.
People have tech embedded in their bodies all the time right now and it saves their lives. Don't believe this stupid ****shit. God isn't going to send you to hell if you put your credit card in your hand HE DOESN'T CARE.

Even if all our governments say you're required to carry that kind of tech to make purchases they're not going to force you to convert to satanism to receive it and make purchases. When they start trying to make you love lucifer then you can worry about it okay?


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I'll do this for you too

Capitalism - The way of the United States, buying and selling of property, the definition is:

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Communism - The opposite of capitalism, trade and industry are owned by the state. Think Russian, they own their news agencies for example. Unlike our free press. (for example Putin can tell his country what to think. The news may be highly biased containing political propaganda) The definition is:

a political theory derived from Karl Marx(Marxism being the early form of practical communism), advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.(the government can tell you what job to work based on what skills they have assessed from you and that'd SUCK. Tbh though it's not all that different in capitalist societies imo. In a lot of ways. We can get into that later. USA! USA! USA!....)

Socialism - The definition is: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.(Capitalism can have socialist qualities, social security being a prime example is a social program and does not necessarily equate to communism at all)

Right wing - Solid right politics (before becoming an extreme conservative, like a hard core tea partier for example)

Left wing - Solid left politics (before becoming an extreme liberal)

Liberalism - Extreme left politics(extreme left democrats most likely)
defined as: a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

Extreme Conservative - Extreme right politics (extreme right republicans/conservatives usually)

Neoliberalism - I am not very familiar with this term myself. It's definition is: a political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending. I personally am not sure how well deregulated markets would work. I'm seeing throttled broadband and snakey salesmen in that future if we go there.

Facism - NAZIS! That one is easy. Centralized government defined as: an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. This is a form of extreme right politics. (This may be renamed to Trumpism later we'll have to see)

What? I was impartial all the way to the end and then I couldn't help myself. Get over it ;p LOL

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ANON wrote:
I PROMISE , I CAN HONESTLY PROMISE YOU, that if you had a microchip inserted under the skin, you wouldn't go to hell. I PROMISE IT. People have tech embedded in their bodies all the time right now and it saves their lives.

Okay, there are several things to consider;

1. You're writing checks with your mouth that your ***ass can't cash, when it comes to your "promises." Get that through your head. You, (nor anyone else) has the spiritual insurance to back that promise up, (with the exception of Christ).
2. Secondly, there is a difference between a life saving device and a microchip that is intended for the use in commerce. You may have been born with a bad heart valve, and might need a replacement later on in life, but NO ONE was born with a *******fucking credit card in their hand....
With all this now said, let's root a little closer to the matter. Is a microchip or credit card embedded into someone's hand going to send them to hell? No.
The connection you're failing to realize is that, as believers of the Bible and subjects of God, we are to reject the Mark of the Beast.
Not so long ago, no one had cell phones in their hand. Now, practically, everyone has them and they have reshaped and changed the nature of the human-being. None of it for the better. THERE IS NOT ONE BENEFIT from a cell phone that can justify what it has done to the whole human race - this is fact, not opinion.
You might argue that it boils down to the strength of the individual, but few drug dealers don't get high from their own supply (if you get my meaning). There is a form of technology that can free us and there certainly is a form of technology that enslaved us - if you can't see that, the problem really is yours.
The bottom line is this, we're not supposed to be performing warm-up exercises that weaken us while empowering the Beast (world system). Jamming capsules in your hand is a fine, sure way of warming up to receiving the Mark of the Beast.

Don't believe this stupid ****shit. God isn't going to send you to hell if you put your credit card in your hand HE DOESN'T CARE.

He may not send you to hell by putting your credit card in your hand, but you WILL be cast into the lake of fire where you will burn for all eternity, for receiving the mark of the Beast....
Make what ever personal choice YOU want for yourself but the consequences will be unavoidable. Meanwhile, do your fellow man a favor and stop inviting him to hell with you - because, that's exactly what you're doing.

Even if all our governments say you're required to carry that kind of tech to make purchases they're not going to force you to convert to satanism to receive it and make purchases. When they start trying to make you love lucifer then you can worry about it okay?

Hey, dum-dum....there's a problem with your statement. By the time the government says you're required to have that kind of tech, the government itself will be under the leadership of Lucifer/Satan.
Now....every person who has ever done Crack will tell you that they love Crack. Get this through your head - you don't have to have done Crack to love Crack. If you have never done Crack, don't do it. Never discover the love that every cell in your body desires, because once you do...problems...
The government isn't going to force people to love it, the people will love it by the virtue of what it Crack....
The Bible says if you live by the sword you will die by the sword and that you will be held accountable for anyone you lead to destruction.

(2 weeks after post)
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Slash wrote:

ANON wrote:
I PROMISE , I CAN HONESTLY PROMISE YOU, that if you had a microchip inserted under the skin, you wouldn't go to hell. I PROMISE IT. People have tech embedded in their bodies all the time right now and it saves their lives.

Okay, there are several things to consider;

1. You're writing checks with your mouth that your ***ass can't cash, when it comes to your "promises." Get that through your head. You, (nor anyone else) has the spiritual insurance to back that promise up, (with the exception of Christ).
2. Secondly, there is a difference between a life saving device and a microchip that is intended for the use in commerce. You may have been born with a bad heart valve, and might need a replacement later on in life, but NO ONE was born with a *******fucking credit card in their hand....
With all this now said, let's root a little closer to the matter. Is a microchip or credit card embedded into someone's hand going to send them to hell? No.
The connection you're failing to realize is that, as believers of the Bible and subjects of God, we are to reject the Mark of the Beast.
Not so long ago, no one had cell phones in their hand. Now, practically, everyone has them and they have reshaped and changed the nature of the human-being. None of it for the better. THERE IS NOT ONE BENEFIT from a cell phone that can justify what it has done to the whole human race - this is fact, not opinion.
You might argue that it boils down to the strength of the individual, but few drug dealers don't get high from their own supply (if you get my meaning). There is a form of technology that can free us and there certainly is a form of technology that enslaved us - if you can't see that, the problem really is yours.
The bottom line is this, we're not supposed to be performing warm-up exercises that weaken us while empowering the Beast (world system). Jamming capsules in your hand is a fine, sure way of warming up to receiving the Mark of the Beast.

Don't believe this stupid ****shit. God isn't going to send you to hell if you put your credit card in your hand HE DOESN'T CARE.

He may not send you to hell by putting your credit card in your hand, but you WILL be cast into the lake of fire where you will burn for all eternity, for receiving the mark of the Beast....
Make what ever personal choice YOU want for yourself but the consequences will be unavoidable. Meanwhile, do your fellow man a favor and stop inviting him to hell with you - because, that's exactly what you're doing.

Even if all our governments say you're required to carry that kind of tech to make purchases they're not going to force you to convert to satanism to receive it and make purchases. When they start trying to make you love lucifer then you can worry about it okay?

Hey, dum-dum....there's a problem with your statement. By the time the government says you're required to have that kind of tech, the government itself will be under the leadership of Lucifer/Satan.
Now....every person who has ever done Crack will tell you that they love Crack. Get this through your head - you don't have to have done Crack to love Crack. If you have never done Crack, don't do it. Never discover the love that every cell in your body desires, because once you do...problems...
The government isn't going to force people to love it, the people will love it by the virtue of what it Crack....
The Bible says if you live by the sword you will die by the sword and that you will be held accountable for anyone you lead to destruction.

I'm not even the op and you're breaking down my responses? You got some etiquette balls don't ya there?
There is no difference between a microchip device used in your hand that's programmed to work as a credit card vs. a medical device with microchips on them that are programmed to operate a pump in someone's heart that saves lives today. They're all ran by microchips. It's what we tell them to do that makes the difference. And yes I *******FUCKING CAN PROMISE IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD OR THE *******FUCKING DEVIL. THAT'S *******FUCKING STUPID.

You're basing your argument on ****shit you can't prove even exists so that's the biggest problem with all your statements.


Calling me names just cause I don't believe the way you do and you don't like my advice? That's pretty bogus haha I don't give a ****fuck what you think except that I can't stand the pure stupidity being vomited from your mouth to your keyboard.

Prove it to me that's all I have to say. Prove it.

The chips are in people's bodies and they're alive and they're working just fine. So prove this bullshit to me


Show me a god that will send you to hell if someone decides to put a credit card in their hand.


jesus christ what is wrong with you *******fucking people????????

YOU my friend, belong in a *******fucking mental institution because you're talking about ****shit that's not here. And what's worse, you want me to up end and change my life based on your bullshit. You can't see it much less show it to me. Don't try to base an argument with me on logic that doesn't work. If you can't show me the *******fucking money stop acting like you got any.

See me here:

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(3 weeks after post)
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I’m super brain fogged and life is has a lot going on. But I can’t really brain everything or read lots atm. But I guess I’m on the Internet wander cos life is abit unfair right now.. heh.....

I didn’t read much yet but what I got so far is,
I believe in god
And I know having a chip in the hand wouldn’t take you fiery hell. But even with religion aside, it is not normal to put metal into the body. Heavy metals male the body very sick and ill health is increasing at such a degree that it was become normal for everyone to have so many symptoms of ill health and not even recognise they’re unwell.

So many people die of cancer and Alzheimer’s.. even the animals are being poisoned by us. I think microchips would be additional poison inside of us.

Although humans may have the understanding of the technology I do not trust them to also have the humanity to not abuse the level of power that comes with their understanding. As we know knowledge is power.

They microchip animals so they can track them. If anyone had desire to track humans too then it would be easy to do. Although it’s sort of already being done right now in ways- I believe.

Thank you for trying to help me though. (It’s harder for me to process reading than for me to type. My brain is weird but I’ll try read when I able to)

(1 month after post)
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Slash wrote:

jetmoo wrote:
We ourselves will end at some point. And then come back. I do believe the earth itself will stay. But we will make it inhabitable for ourselves and die out. The earth I think, will recycle the damage without our presence on earth.

That's an interesting thought but (Biblically) that's not what happens nor is it anywhere near the plan God has in store for us - BUT in the long run, the news is very good.

Jetmoo wrote:
How did they manage to survive through the ice age?

Well....before the time of the flood, there were no winters. When it comes to the subject of the Ice Age, run-of-the-mill education would have you think it was long ago and far away.
The recession of the flood introduced the Ice Age AND the four seasons - but they didn't look or act as they do now. Both summers and winters would last for years. That's why it was so vital to have high production food stocks stored away.
As time has moved on, the seasons have leveled out - they have become more manageable in their seasonal periods.
To tell the truth, we are STILL in that Ice Age period. We are living in the melt off period.
But, since most environmentalists are too ignorant and stupid to realize this, they have come up with more ways to keep the fear-mongering going. First it was called the green-house effect. When that turned out to be BS they called it "global warming" when that turned out to be BS they now call it "Climate Change."
Well how convenient. They seemed to finally settle on a name that is obscure. I mean, doesn't the climate change anytime you walk from a house to the outdoors? How about the reverse?
So now, knowing they are guilty of fear mongering (because they have an agenda), they call the few people who know better "Deniers."
In other words, "Just agree with us."

jetmoo wrote:
- but what about the dinosaurs? The ice age came then before people were on Earth.

First, mankind and dinosaurs have always lived together. In many ancient cultures, records are found, carved into their stone buildings proving this true - that's putting it in a nutshell.
In the public education system, the theory of evolution is taught. Your questions are based on what you were taught.
Try to understand the simple truth - evolution is the attempt to explain life (everything) without God. It's completely Godless. Completely void of the Creator and it's taught in such a way that many people believe it.
God has rules and regulations and godless people don't like that. With evolution, you are free to live, think and act in any fashion you see fit. If it feels good - do it.

jetmoo wrote:
And what about the promise of the rainbow, that God would never flood the earth again?

? What about it?

What do u think their agenda may be?

Are you familar with the term succession? Where the ecosystem changes?

Do u have any thoughts regardinf radiation in heating the planet?

Its interesting what u say but the changes seem to have occured much faster the last few years. Id have expected it to happen slower if the ice caps were going to melt. I know they have been melting for a long time. But it appears to have speeded up over last few years.

Are u familiar with Haarp?
I was trying to learn but i cant even remember what i read properly

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Anonymous wrote:

Slash wrote:

ANON wrote:
I PROMISE , I CAN HONESTLY PROMISE YOU, that if you had a microchip inserted under the skin, you wouldn't go to hell. I PROMISE IT. People have tech embedded in their bodies all the time right now and it saves their lives.

Okay, there are several things to consider;

1. You're writing checks with your mouth that your ***ass can't cash, when it comes to your "promises." Get that through your head. You, (nor anyone else) has the spiritual insurance to back that promise up, (with the exception of Christ).
2. Secondly, there is a difference between a life saving device and a microchip that is intended for the use in commerce. You may have been born with a bad heart valve, and might need a replacement later on in life, but NO ONE was born with a *******fucking credit card in their hand....
With all this now said, let's root a little closer to the matter. Is a microchip or credit card embedded into someone's hand going to send them to hell? No.
The connection you're failing to realize is that, as believers of the Bible and subjects of God, we are to reject the Mark of the Beast.
Not so long ago, no one had cell phones in their hand. Now, practically, everyone has them and they have reshaped and changed the nature of the human-being. None of it for the better. THERE IS NOT ONE BENEFIT from a cell phone that can justify what it has done to the whole human race - this is fact, not opinion.
You might argue that it boils down to the strength of the individual, but few drug dealers don't get high from their own supply (if you get my meaning). There is a form of technology that can free us and there certainly is a form of technology that enslaved us - if you can't see that, the problem really is yours.
The bottom line is this, we're not supposed to be performing warm-up exercises that weaken us while empowering the Beast (world system). Jamming capsules in your hand is a fine, sure way of warming up to receiving the Mark of the Beast.

Don't believe this stupid ****shit. God isn't going to send you to hell if you put your credit card in your hand HE DOESN'T CARE.

He may not send you to hell by putting your credit card in your hand, but you WILL be cast into the lake of fire where you will burn for all eternity, for receiving the mark of the Beast....
Make what ever personal choice YOU want for yourself but the consequences will be unavoidable. Meanwhile, do your fellow man a favor and stop inviting him to hell with you - because, that's exactly what you're doing.

Even if all our governments say you're required to carry that kind of tech to make purchases they're not going to force you to convert to satanism to receive it and make purchases. When they start trying to make you love lucifer then you can worry about it okay?

Hey, dum-dum....there's a problem with your statement. By the time the government says you're required to have that kind of tech, the government itself will be under the leadership of Lucifer/Satan.
Now....every person who has ever done Crack will tell you that they love Crack. Get this through your head - you don't have to have done Crack to love Crack. If you have never done Crack, don't do it. Never discover the love that every cell in your body desires, because once you do...problems...
The government isn't going to force people to love it, the people will love it by the virtue of what it Crack....
The Bible says if you live by the sword you will die by the sword and that you will be held accountable for anyone you lead to destruction.

I'm not even the op and you're breaking down my responses? You got some etiquette balls don't ya there?
There is no difference between a microchip device used in your hand that's programmed to work as a credit card vs. a medical device with microchips on them that are programmed to operate a pump in someone's heart that saves lives today. They're all ran by microchips. It's what we tell them to do that makes the difference. And yes I *******FUCKING CAN PROMISE IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD OR THE *******FUCKING DEVIL. THAT'S *******FUCKING STUPID.

You're basing your argument on ****shit you can't prove even exists so that's the biggest problem with all your statements.


Calling me names just cause I don't believe the way you do and you don't like my advice? That's pretty bogus haha I don't give a ****fuck what you think except that I can't stand the pure stupidity being vomited from your mouth to your keyboard.

Prove it to me that's all I have to say. Prove it.

The chips are in people's bodies and they're alive and they're working just fine. So prove this bullshit to me


Show me a god that will send you to hell if someone decides to put a credit card in their hand.


jesus christ what is wrong with you *******fucking people????????

YOU my friend, belong in a *******fucking mental institution because you're talking about ****shit that's not here. And what's worse, you want me to up end and change my life based on your bullshit. You can't see it much less show it to me. Don't try to base an argument with me on logic that doesn't work. If you can't show me the *******fucking money stop acting like you got any.

See me here:

Thank you for your help and helping with the words but i asked in a previous comment for ppl not to talk about not believing in god on the post.
I dont condone name calling from either side however, just to say im not taking sides

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@Gone im super curious what you thought with supposed conspiracy theories.

I often get accused of them.
Im totally open minded

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Anonymous wrote:

What do u think their agenda may be?

The Bible makes it clear that the angels were witness when God created the earth.
There is an order to their society and a social structure when it comes to the big picture. It's a lot like being the first-born. You get the highest rank and all the parental access you want.
So, God made the earth and the angels marvelled. It was good and everyone was happy.
Then something new was enough to happen. It was rumored that God was going to make this creature called "Man."
And the angels joyfully gathered around to witness this event.

And God made His own Image did God make man.

And the angels of heaven cried and all hell broke out.

This is part of the Bible people seriously overlook. They don't 'get it.' God made man in His Image - not the angels....

When God made man in His Image, He made man to have authority over the angelic realm....

Does it seem more clear why some of the angels did not like this new order.

The angels aren't some cute babies with wings and harps singing songs on clouds. They know what flesh is - they're smart and highly advanced.
Their agenda is to destroy man - not in the direct sense (because there are rules which they must follow). Their agenda is to destroy the Image of God that man bears.
Most of this was accomplished through genetic alchemy. It was the primary reason God wiped out everything on the earth with a flood. All flesh had become corrupt.
All flesh, not just that of man. ......All those animals aboard the Ark was the last vestige of Gods creation that had not been corrupted with genetic alchemy.

Are you familar with the term succession? Where the ecosystem changes?

Yes, but I'll not address that here just yet - thanks.

Do u have any thoughts regardinf radiation in heating the planet?

Most of the heat is thermally radiated from the earth. The sun is mostly responsible for the high fluxuatig air temprature (but not soly the air itself).

Its interesting what u say but the changes seem to have occured much faster the last few years. Id have expected it to happen slower if the ice caps were going to melt. I know they have been melting for a long time. But it appears to have speeded up over last few years.

Yes. The melt-off speed is normal and expected. Think of it this way; imagine a wood stove freshly packed with cured wood. You strike a match and carefully light a twig on fire.
Now, consider the flame/fuel ratio at this point. Big fuel and small flame. The flame grows and the energy of it eats into more wood.
The heat of the flame is not hottest when the fuel/fire ratio is 50/50 - no. The hottest the flame will get is just before it burns out. When that time comes, most of the wood will be in a state of ember.

The melt-off from the Ice Age is the same thing. Here we are.

Are u familiar with Haarp?
I was trying to learn but i cant even remember what i read properly

Yes, I'm familiar with HAARP.
Feel free to keep researching.

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What do u know about haarp?

Thanks for explaining things. Its interestingly put.

They taught us that radiation mostly comes from the sun

Id think that earth would be a better conductor of heat than the sea. Arent solids better conductors of heat than liquids?

So earth would hold the suns radiation heat better.
Perhaps it is the rising heat from earth which influences air flow and then air flow cooling over the ocean and dropping since heat rises. As the sea would hold sun's radiation heat less good. And air flow changes depending on heat and radiation?

And what about the stratasphere?

So heat rising from earths core and also heat from the sun..

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Was it offensive to ask if u know about succession? I think i have aspergers so sometimes i dont understand. Sometimes i ask people things and they dont answer or dont want to and im left confused and not knowing why. Sometimes it makes me wonder if i did something wrong but people dont tell me so i dont get to know.

I have a hard time understanding people sometimes

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@BA1 do u think all angels are bad?

I think there are good and bad ones.

Jehovahs witnesses teach that only the fallen ones are on the earth.

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What is genetic Alchamy? @BA1

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What do u think in his "own image" represents?

Gods loving qualities?
Did angels not have loving qualities like god?
Like qualities that show u have a good heart type thing?

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Was it offensive to ask if u know about succession?

Huh? Not at all. When it comes to some topics, I'm not as driven or prepared to talk about them as I am of other topics (I guess I have my favorites?).

Jetmoo wrote:
Do u think all angels are bad? I think there are good and bad ones.
Jehovahs Witnesses teach that only the fallen ones are on the earth.

I would agree that there are both good and bad angels. Most of the bad ones have been dealt with - in hell itself. Others made to serve a different purpose for a time at the end. One of them certainly allowed to dominate the earth at this point in time.
Jehovahs Witnesses are a cult religion with a Christian flavor (like the Mormons). I'll say things frankly and directly because I've had first hand experience introspecting their views, many of which are not Biblical.

What is genetic alchemy, Slash?

It's gene-splicing two different creatures with different flesh to make a hybrid.

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Thanks @BA1 which jehovahs witnesses views do you think are not biblical?

Whats the difference between a religion that is a cult and a religion thats not a cult?

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Slash wrote:

I would agree that there are both good and bad angels. Most of the bad ones have been dealt with - in hell itself. Others made to serve a different purpose for a time at the end. One of them certainly allowed to dominate the earth at this point in time.

Where do you think Hell is?
What is your idea of Hell?

I think we already have "hell" here on earth.

I agree i also think satan is the current ruler of this world. But I think he has the fallen angels helping him. I dont think satan would get rid of the fallen angels cos he could use them to his advantage.

How do you think the fallen angels got dealt with?
Why do you think some have been dealt with and not others?

Do you think there are also some good angels on earth right now?
Some believe theyre all fallen angels and deceive us to think otherwise in order to mislead us.

Reiki uses angels to work. Do you know about reiki?

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Jetmoo wrote:
Which jehovahs witnesses views do you think are not biblical?

Far too many to list, but as some examples go
- Salvation. Does man need saving?
-The Trinity. Three Gods or just one?
- The 144,000. They believe they are of the 144,000.
Anyway, that train could roll on for a long time.

What's the difference between a religion that is a cult and a religion thats not a cult?

Religion ends at the Bible. A true faith is Biblically based. Call it Gods user manual to life.
When people organize their faith, they have to take care that their practices don't violate Biblical standards otherwise God won't recognize it as His own.
Of course there's more to it but that's the general crux.

Where do you think Hell is? What is your idea of Hell? I think we already have "hell" here on earth.

What we have here on earth today is chaos. Neither heaven or hell is found here on earth.
To Biblically sum it up, hell is the final environment of the Damned. It is an eternal place that punishes with fire and burning. That is not a place anyone should find themselves.
Where is hell? It's supposed to be in a lair deep under the earth. Sometimes, I'm under the impression that it could be in a parallel dimension. I personally don't know for certain.

I agree i also think satan is the current ruler of this world. But I think he has the fallen angels helping him. I dont think satan would get rid of the fallen angels cos he could use them to his advantage.

I used to think the same thing.

Satan has his helpers, but they are demons not other fallen angels.

What is a demon.... It is the child of an angel and a human female. But that's only the start.

God has an account of the souls He intends to create in life. Wether that soul is angel or human, He has made a provision for them.

When the fallen angels mated with human women, this resulted in "children" that were unintended by Gods count.

Ultimately, these children grew up more evil than their angelic parents.

But, as with all things, time passed and the flood killed them. They became disembodied spirits, known as demons.

How do you think the fallen angels got dealt with?

Judged by God and sentenced to hell.

Why do you think some have been dealt with and not others?

Well....they've all been dealt with, but only a rare few haven't been sent to hell until they complete what God wants them to do.

Do you think there are also some good angels on earth right now?
Some believe theyre all fallen angels and deceive us to think otherwise in order to mislead us.

A mixture of both including much demon. The Bible says tests the spirits to see if they be of God.
The very word "Angel" means messenger of God. But to know if they are good or bad.... Usually, the good ones operate in the background and make no waves, avoiding attention.
Truly no strings attached.

Reiki uses angels to work. Do you know about reiki?

Honestly, can't say that I have. But after all this time in my life, do I want to?

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@BA1 jehovahs witnesses dont believe in trinity

What makes you think they do not live according to teachings of the bible?

My belief is that hell is on earth already and once the battle happens between the good and bad angels, the bad angels will be no more and there will only be goodness left behind. Satan will be no more and in my mind i dont think that god would put us into a firey hell. Satan would but he will be gone.

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Ive never heard of the demons part before. I heard that angels have no gender though and cant have children.

But i have came across two people who have had dealings with them head on. One said his brother became possessed and it was horrific trying to get it back out.

The other was my friend who had had dealings with... i think she went with a friend so her friend could attempt talking with someone deceased. But then something came to try and take over my friend. It went away soon after she met the witnesses. But it would try take over her whilst she was in bed.

Id never actually believed in being possessed until then. Id always thought it fiction.

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I’ve been learning more. Makes lots more sense now. We live in a backwards world.

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It was sad and broken before you were born. It will be sad and broken long after you are dead and forgotten. This is true for all of us.

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@BA1 how do u know that fallen angels mated with humans to make demons?

And do u believe the earth is flat?

Have u ever seen a bad spirit or demon? Or a bad force if energy.

I have seen a dark figure before and i have seen white orbs before.

And what about when people do ouiji board? Is that fallen angels or demons that come out? I wud never do that myself but i have heard stories.

I also heard that a man was possessed and they had a hard time getting it out of him. That was from a nurse where i used to work. It was his brother who become possessed.

Have u ever known this yourself with anyone?

What do you think God thinks of those who commit suicide?

After the flood killed people and demons, how did that prevent people not mating with angels again?

But dont angels not have a gender? How can they mate?
Especially when in spirit form and we are in human form?

Why does that not happen these days and how would we know if it did?

Do u believe that the southpole is the outside perimeter if the earth?

Why did dinosaurs die out after the iceage but not other creatures?

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How do you know that fallen angels mated with humans to make demons

Genesis Ch 6, V 1 & 2

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them.
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Genesis Ch 6 V 4

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bear children to them and the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

In the Bible, "The sons of God" is ALWAYS referring to the angels.

Let us carefully understand protocol.

(Not verbatium)

Someone asked Jesus this question: If a man dies and his brother marries his surviving woman and then those two also die, which one of the two in heaven will be married to her?

Mark Channel 12 V 25

Jesus said, "For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry or are given in marrage; but are as the angels in heaven."

Now...about these angels having no gender - that is a lie.... When God created the the entire world He assigned a gender to everything (I'm not going hold a conversation about parasites, worms and A-sexual reproduction).

Boys and girls play with dolls and take off their clothes. Ken looks like Ken and Barbie looks like Barbie but it's funny how they look (down there) without their clothes. They look exactly the same....
Well guess what, boys and girls grow up to be women and men and it's quite obvious that men and women have different equipment when the clothes come off...
But, growing up seems to fall off a cliff when it comes to the gender of angels. Full grown adults with the mentality of school children.
This is an issue that bears heavy implications. You can go to many different churches for many decades of your life and you will NEVER hear the priest or pastor or reverend touch the issue. It's just easier to avoid it altogether.

So, when Jesus says that we become like the angels in heaven - we don't entirily know what that means, but I can say with confidence it doesn't mean we become genderless.

With that said, there us protocol. In heaven, there is no marriage. On earth, there is. Furthermore, marriage is the bond under which children are brought forth.

When the (fallen) angels mated with human women, it was an attempt to breed out the Image of God that man bore.

(More answers to your questions to come)

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Its disgusting the angels ********breeding with humans. Yuk

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So....while your reply is pending for approval....

Do you believe the earth is flat?

I'll simply say this; Most people would agree that we will never "figure out" God.
Right? He's more than what we can imagine based on our limited brain.

But, I find it interesting that mankind seems to know everything about what He created, including the earth.

The Biblical earth is not a ball. If I were to guess what the earth is, it would be this; it is a construct that sits on the floor of heaven itself.
It sits right in front of the throne of God and passage between these two world's happens with portals.

Have u ever seen a bad spirit or demon? Or a bad force of energy.

I have seen a dark figure before and I have seen white orbs before.

And what about when people do ouiji board? Is that fallen angels or demons that come out? I wud never do that myself but I have heard stories.

I have seen the demonic realm before (and that's what we're really talking about here).

A majority of fallen angels have already been dealt with by God. Most of them are burning in the lake of fire.

I used to frequent my home town pub when I was younger. I seldom ever drank - usually just coffee or sodas, but they had bollards and that was something I liked doing.
But, every year there would always be a drifter that would come through for a spell. Always a different person but possessed by the same demonic spirit which resided there.
So yes, I've seen plenty of that. And yes, the Ouija Board is a modified version of a scrying mirror (a black mirror usually made of Onyx stone, highly polished).
Used to conjure demons or familiar spirits.

I'm not too familiar with orbs or sprites, but I don't get the sense they are of any good. So, keep yourself guarded.

What do you think God thinks of those who commit suicide?

That's a difficult question but I know that by reading the Bible, God frowns on such action for many reasons. I am not a good advocate to determine His reasoning for this matter. I do know that it is a form of murder or homicide and it goes against the Ten Commandments.
Again, God is the Judge.

I forgot to mention that angels are interdimesional beings, Biblically, it seems they can transpose their state between the spiritual and the physical (or material).

After the flood killed people and demons, how did that prevent people not mating with angels again?

Why does that not happen these days and how would we know if it did?

Why did dinosaurs die out after the iceage but not other creatures?

Okay....I'm going to try and consolidate my reply to these three questions you have asked because there is an order to the things of history.

After the fallen angels mated with human women, most of these angels were dealt with by God.
But there were "children" that resulted from that mating. In this case, these "children" were unwanted by both man and God. These children were called "the giants" or the "Nephilim."

God has made provisions for the souls of both man and angel. He did not make provisions for the Nephilim because they were not spirits of His making. There is no room on earth or in heaven for these bastards.

Angels are not stupid, they understand what flesh is. Don't you see? Other than God the angels are capable of genetic splicing....

Do you think those centaurs and minataurs were a myth? Do you think fairies are a fantasy along with mermaids, dragons and Cyclops?

Listen carefully.... God in His wisdom installed genetic safeguards in nature. This was to ensure the survival of virtually any species of His creation.
A person isn't going breed with a fish or a horse or a cow and have offspring- it just won't work....
BUT....when you go straight to the geneome, you bypass ALL those safeguards and any creature you imagine can be created....
And it already happened long ago. It was a lot of the reason God sent the great flood.
Don't you see? The animals that were brought aboard the Ark were the last species of animals whose genes weren't corrupted from the practice of genetic alchemy.
The T -Rex is not "dinosaur." It was a genetically engineered weapon of war, made to kill mankind and the real dinosaurs that God created. A land dragon.

Cyclopse - a genetically engineered weapon of war - a giant humanoid with one eye that microwaved men where they stood. Causing them to burn or even explode. (But that's okay because only electric eels and fish are only real - everything else is impossible and a myth).'s not hard to see how the "impossible" can be very true after all.

The greatest period in technology already came and went thousands of years ago. Today, we live in a junk yard compared to that, thinking we're the best.

So... All the Nephilim, all the giants, all the offspring of man and angel and all the human hybrid creatures were swept away by the great flood....

Because of the flood, the souls that were in those creatures bodies became disembodied spirits.
Those spirits today are called demons.

Most people take it for granted that fallen angels and demons are the same thing, they are not.


Why does that not happen these days and how would we know if it did?

Do u believe that the southpole is the outside perimeter if the earth?

Why did dinosaurs die out after the iceage but not other creatures?

Well, it is happening these days, it's called "Transhumanism." There are different aspects (or categories) of transhumanism.
It about body modification.
The topic is too large to cover in detail right here, but just recall your recent history of the Third Reich and it's eugenics movement.

As a boy growing up, I was taught that Hitler killed himself at the end of the war. As I grew older, I heard that Hitler escaped Germany and fled to the Antarctic.
For the longest time it didn't make sense that he would do that (if he lived).
Why would you run to the most brutal place known on earth?

That's because he knew that by passing through the Antarctic ice gate he could flee to the other earth-realm. Atlantas.

Here's what happened -

After the great flood receded, the Ark came to rest in the mountains of Ararat.
The only people on earth were Noah and his family, a total of eight people.

This is when the ice age began. It came on strong and very quickly and it lasted for years. Huge barriers of ice divided large sections of earth from other sections of earth. Meanwhile, man was off to a slow start when it came to increasing his numbers. He didn't know he was becoming trapped.

Don't you see what has happened? Mankind became trapped in a small pocket of earth... The entire world as you know it is only but a small section of a much bigger earth.

Only kings and queens knew there was more earth. They funded expeditions and provided ships and supplies to find -
- not the edge of the earth - but the line where the known earth met the old earth.

There's more land beyond the Antarctic.

But, common society was kept stupid about this information. It was just easier. Generally, man stays where he's put anyway, so there was no sense in stirring up a pot, but it fueled the greed of the elite. So they came up with a simple and effective idea.
They taught the lie that earth was a ball and here is the total sum of space we have to live in.
We've been living in that cage ever since then.

That will soon come to an end when our Lord Christ returns.

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(8 months after post)
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What u say is so interesting. Thank u for sharing with me.

Quotes i have read point to the earth being flat. I believe it is flat and the heavens are above the earth


Bible quotes world is flat


1 Chronicles 16:30 ” the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. ”

19:4…. ” tabernacle for the sun. “
19:6…. ” goes forth in a circle from one end of heaven to the other. “
93:1…. ” the world also is stablished that it cannot be moved. “


Heaven above earth. Firmament


And check out the 200 proofs the earth doesnt spin. Only it doesnt come up as a webpage but downloads it instead. I downloaded it tho n my mobile still works ok so i dont think its got any bugs. Its seriously interesting tho!! There are some VERY interesting points on it!

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How do u know atlantas is legit? @BA1


I came across this when asking if atlantis is real. Its interesting. Although the bit about godS doing x y z is rubbish

But u say it is beyond antantic. But it seems others think it is under water

Do u suppose dinosaurs were made from humans mating with fallen angels?

How did u see the demonic realm? what did it look like?
What happened?

What makes u think that god is already dealing with some of the fallen angels?

Why would only deal with some at present and not others?

Would he not deal with them all together when christ comes back?

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think those centaurs and minataurs were a myth?"

I never heard of those words until now.

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think fairies are a fantasy along with mermaids, dragons and Cyclops?"

I did yeah. Are they all a result of fallen angels ********breeding with humans? But fairies are supposed to be small. And the nephelim are supposed to be giants?

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How do you know Atlantas is legit?

Several reasons. Because Atlantis is mapped in ancient maritime log books. It is also written about by many ship captains. Also, other places that are related to Atlantis are documented the same way - Atlas, Avelon, Atlan, Atilla, Atlita - and so forth.
But, most of all.... there's a big fukkin ocean out there that leads the way to those places called the Atlantic!
Now, you tell me if the name "Atlantic" isn't related to any of places I just mentioned.
Does anyone bother wondering how or when these oceans got their names? These names haven't changed in thousands of years and these names are based from PARENT locations....
People are so dumb, they can't connect the dots! Lol!

Do you suppose dinosaurs were made from humans mating with fallen angels?

No. Far from it. Real dinosaurs were just big animals like the elephant only bigger. God made them. They were vegetarians and quite peaceful. They lived in swamps and mud and on the grassy plains just like elephants, hippos or rhinos.

How did you see the demonic realm? What did it look like? What happened

That difficult to explain, but consider two movies -
"Final Destination"
And -
"The Exorcist 3"
You look for the signs. You feel them. There's always something going on behind the veil.
I'm sorry, but that'll have to do. As you come closer to the truth, your eyes become tuned to the things you never noticed before.

What makes you think that God is already dealing with some of the fallen angels?

Why would God only deal with some at present and not others?

From what I can tell, God has already dealt with most of the fallen angels.
As for the remaining fallen angels, He will use them as He sees fit for His plans.
Some angels are imprisoned in rivers, others in mountians, others within the earth. Our Lord will determine their release and the things which they should do. They cannot resist the Prophesy.

Would he not deal with them all together when Christ comes back?

Christ comes back to deal with man. At the same time, God will deal with Satan, binding him up for 1,000 years. A period when Christ will rule called the New Millenium.

The few remaining fallen angels will be dealt with by God on judgement day AND man will have his part of judging angels.

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think those centaurs and minataurs were a myth?"

I never heard of those words until now

Half human half horse.
Half human half Ox.
(I don't always spell correctly, sorry.)


BA1 wrote:
"Do you think fairies are a fantasy along with mermaids, dragons and Cyclops?"

I did yeah. Are they all a result of fallen angels ********breeding with humans? But fairies are supposed to be small. And the nephelim are supposed to be giants?

Okay, in general, Nephilim are giants. Simple. A mix of angel and human. This is the original context of the word "Nephilim."

Now, there is an EXTENDED context of the word "Nephilim." ANYTHING that has been mixed into the HUMAN genepool can be referred to as a "Nephilim."

Tinkerbell is a Walt Disney cartoon - not a fairy. We have to deprogram the years of propaganda.

There were different sizes of humans - many human races have gone extinct - the great flood did a fine job. There were once little people - NOT Dwarves but little people.
By the means of genetic alchemy a mix of humming bird with little people or small bat with little people and you have a fairy.
Another genetically engineered weapon of war. Fairies aren't cute or loving. Fairies are a different form of "Nephilim."

When they died in the great flood, they became disembodied spirits that we call demons - and there are all kinds of demons because there were killed many kinds of Nephilim.

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(8 months after post)
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I never saw those movies. I saw the ring tho and insideous. Ive never been a massive fan of horror films. I didnt wanna watch another horror after insideous. The girl from the ring creeps me out cos she looks like the girl i saw in my mams house only the one in my mams was all in black.

The part of the eyes that shud hav been white were black and the part that should be the pupils were white. I saw it when i looked in the bathroom mirror and when i saw its eyes, it wasnt looking AT me but it was looking through me, into me. I turned to look in the bath where it stood and i cud not see it but cud still feel its presence.

It was all in black and long black hair and face so white

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BA1 wrote:

How do you know Atlantas is legit?

Several reasons. Because Atlantis is mapped in ancient maritime log books. It is also written about by many ship captains. Also, other places that are related to Atlantis are documented the same way - Atlas, Avelon, Atlan, Atilla, Atlita - and so forth.

That is sooo interesting. I wish i had more energy to delve deeper and learn more

BA1 wrote:

No. Far from it. Real dinosaurs were just big animals like the elephant only bigger. God made them. They were vegetarians and quite peaceful. They lived in swamps and mud and on the grassy plains just like elephants, hippos or rhinos.

But why did some have big teeth?

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think those centaurs and minataurs were a myth?"

I never heard of those words until now

Half human half horse.
Half human half Ox.
(I don't always spell correctly, sorry.)

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think fairies are a fantasy along with mermaids, dragons and Cyclops?"

I did yeah. Are they all a result of fallen angels ********breeding with humans? But fairies are supposed to be small. And the nephelim are supposed to be giants?

Okay, in general, Nephilim are giants. Simple. A mix of angel and human. This is the original context of the word "Nephilim."

Now, there is an EXTENDED context of the word "Nephilim." ANYTHING that has been mixed into the HUMAN genepool can be referred to as a "Nephilim."

Tinkerbell is a Walt Disney cartoon - not a fairy. We have to deprogram the years of propaganda.

When u think about it there has been alot of that mixed species in disney but then again walt disney was santanic. Mixes of humans and animals - beauty and the beast, the little mermaid, the princess and the frog.. are there more? Is that what getting dressed up like an animal is like? Like when a girl gets dressed up in leopard type clouthing to go on a night out? Is that like this?

BA1 wrote:

By the means of genetic alchemy a mix of humming bird with little people or small bat with little people and you have a fairy.
Another genetically engineered weapon of war. Fairies aren't cute or loving. Fairies are a different form of "Nephilim."

this reminds me of the Labyrinth. Makes me wonder how does genes could have been spliced back then.

Have u heard that theyre mixing human and pig DNA together? I think its something to do with the genomes. See its signs like this that tell me we are getting closer and closer to the end.

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BA1 wrote:

From what I can tell, God has already dealt with most of the fallen angels.

Sorry to be like that annoying kid that never stops asking why lol but i really like hearing what u gotta say.

What do u know that u base these thoughts on? If u dont mind me asking

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Wow BFG giants must have been an example.
N the lion spinx with mans head in africa. Im trying to think of more examples.

This stuff right here is pretty crazy

Monster drink being 666

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jetmoo wrote:
How did you see the demonic realm? What did it look like? What happened

That's difficult to explain, but consider two movies -
"Final Destination"
And -
"The Exorcist 3"
You look for the signs.

jetmoo wrote:
I never saw those movies.

The theme of "Final Destination" goes to this effect: Death is naturally installed in our environment like a game of Mouse Trap. From the way we have our closet arranged, to the way our bathroom is set up. Every step along the way in life, there is an arrangement of death. When our time comes to die, a series of unfortunate events is triggered and we are taken out.

So, at the end of the original "Exorcist" movie, Father Harris bids the demon to leave the girl and enter into him, Harris jumps out a window, supposedly landing to his death on the concrete below.
Years later, "The Exorcist 3" picks up (the second movie really sucked).
A cop investigates a series of on-going murders that leads him to an insane asylum where he discovers Father Harris (played also by the original actor).
But, Father Harris isn't quite himself. The demon possessing Harris claimed to be the formerly executed Gemini killer (a series of murders that line up with the M.O. of the more recent killings that led the cop to Harris.
So, basically, this demon made camp in Harris. Meanwhile, in the same institution above him was a care facility for the aged and elderly. The demon had been possessing any one of numerous old folk to go out and kill (which was the demon doing the killing all along).

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Oh yes - it's good to see that you realize the draconian (or reptilian) influence in Hollywood.

It's no secrecy that Disney was a 33 degree mason.

It's all very old news really. All the symbols of industry and their meanings - it's ancient.

These demons have lived for a very long time. They remember the ancient ways and who their mother and father were. Other demons know what they were before they were killed.

Washington DC is one giant pentagram, according to the way the streets are laid out.

None of this is new - only the people who wake up to it and can see it since the beginning.

(8 months after post)
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just the willies boo hooey. nothing scary here lol

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(9 months after post)
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I got my new bible. @BA1 Its from 1831 so not really new. I love it.

I got some questions if youre up to answering or sharing your thuoghts.

When God wanted to kill all flesh with the flood it says all flesh had become corrupt. Do you suppose tat this meant that even the animals had become corrupt? Do you suppose that the angels even mated with the animals.

And that maybe this is where the mix of animals came in?

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Jetmoo wrote:
I got my new bible. @BA1 Its from 1831 so not really new. I love it.

I'm really glad to hear you got a SOLID KJV Bible. Amen!
You will start noticing the differences as you begin to read - you made a good choice.

I got some questions if youre up to answering or sharing your thoughts.

When God decided to kill all flesh with the flood, it says all flesh had become corrupt. Do you suppose this meant even the animals had become corrupt? Do you suppose the angels even mated with the animals.

And that maybe this is where the mix of animals came in?

As I explained before -

Listen closely....

God, in His infinite wisdom, created genetic safeguards in all beings that He created.
This was done so that only a pair of the same kind could mate and have offspring.

Mating is a natural process.

Angels and man are very closely related so therefore, they are of "like kind." They can reproduce and have offspring.

Neither angel or man can mate with the animal kindom and reproduce. The genetic safeguards God put in place do not allow it.

Understand so far?

The fallen angels practiced "genetic alchemy." Gene splicing. By dealing with the genome itself, YOU BYPASS ALL NATURAL THE NATURAL SAFEGUARDS that God put into place.

Genetic Alchemy.

All flesh had become corrupt because the fallen angels corrupted the gene code of most every animal they get their hands on.

They mixed flesh (at the genetic level) with one species to another until it nearly became extinct.
Mixing flesh at the genetic level by practicing genetic alchemy. Ancient science.
If you look back at "mythological" creatures they are a result of mixing two different types of flesh.

Like I said, Noah's Ark was a life raft to save mankind AND the last of the animals that were not genetically corrupt.

jetmoo wrote:
Makes me wonder how genes could have been spliced back then.

My dear girl, we're talking about angels who witnessed God create the earth and man. Angels are technologically advanced beings. They fly in ships and travel interdimesionally.

The problem many Christians have is thinking that we live in the greatest technological age that ever existed - this isn't true.

And secondy, many Christians think angels are like cute little children with feathered wings on their back playing harps on heavenly clouds.

Do you realize how dangerous these lines of thought actually are? Let me give you an idea.....

Mankind has a social structure. It is pyramidal in it design. The elite are at the top (few in number) and the slave class of society is at the very bottom (many in number).

You need to ask yourself if mankind really chose this type of structure for himself or was he forced into it's frame?

Mankind does not rule himself nor did he make the social structure that he is chained to, today.

The social structure of man is a construct that Satan created in order to keep mankind under his control from one generation to the next.
Not bad for "children with feathered wings on their back playing harps on heavenly clouds....."

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(9 months after post)
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Portraying angels as being good makes people reach out to them to seek out their loved ones. But one doesnt know who they are really talking to in terms of whether the angel theybtalk to is bad or good.

But people reach out the angels to talk with the dead. But the dead cannot talk they're dead. It misleads people away from the faith of the resurrection.

Without faith if the resurrection it leads people away from God and everlasting life.

Cute little angels makes people consider that all angels are innorcent and good. And also people turn to the angels instead of God.

Its this sort of thing that feels wrong with people who believe that different angels govern different crystals.

Reiki is healing by requesting help from angels. Using crystals can help to amplify what the angel does. I can tell you for a fact that therr is defiantly a spirit with power to help one feel well and this can feel wo when having the treatment. The other side of the coin is, how do you know who you are really talking with? They are a stranger and there is so much risk involved of allowing another spirit into ones body. There could be a bad spirit which pretends to be a good spirit but had bad intentions to mislead people.

The bible said that the disciples would be able to do miracles when they had faith in God and gave all the glory of miricles to God. But the bible also says that we shouldnt exercise in spiritualism or anything or magic, because God has not toven this to you.

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(9 months after post)
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@BA1 you are probably not familiar with "Crazy zoo" eggs and toys. They were when i was a kid. Loke kinder eggs you get a toy inside. Crazy zoo eggs u would get an animal inside but you could remove its limbs. You collected the different animals and then changed the body parts around on different animals.

I still have them. For when i had hoped the kids wud come see me. I think its time to throw them out!

Thank you so much for helping me to understand all of this!

I am pleased to know you

I was always under the impression that the angels had no gender. But i do see that the bible says the sons of god took the daughters of men- so i guess they really were male.

Jehovahs witnesses say that angels have no gender. But they also say that Jesus came back as a spirit and not in the flesh. Their website contradicts its own bible.

Hence the change to KJV.

Its crazy the more I learn- people who worship a mixed creature is worshipping the fallen angels offspring

And loads of these hybrids are portrayed as being good in films, games ect.

I always loved pokemon but im really having second thoughts. I mean I still have some stuff from when i was kid of them that I didnt wanna part with.

Ive been piling together films and video games that i no longer want for the magic and fighting and spiritualism drunkeness ***sex references... its gets hard to be able to even find something that would not be detestable by God to be able to watch. Our world is just riddled with it!!

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(9 months after post)
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May I ask you- do you believe Jesus is God? The bible calls God Lord but it also calls Jesus Lord.

Do you believe God is an angel?
But then where does the bible suggest he is an angel?

Do you believe in trinity?
I think of the holy spirit as being God coming down to us in a form that wont harm us, because he himself is too powerful to be in our presence without risk of us being obliterated.

But i have seen many views from both sides or Jesus being part of God or him being as a spirit/flesh.

My own feeling is that Jesus is not God and were merely talking on his behalf. But you never know if the words in the bible have been changed.

Atleast words referring to the earth being flat are as they should be in my KJV. But i wonder if it is all accurate.

I saw someone share that different bibles have different numbers of books. Its makes me feel so lost when you see theyre all so different in ways. I just pray that I can find the truth.

I also cant understand that Sarah was turned into a pillar of salt but then later gave birth to Issac. I wonder if God had mercy on her and returned her from being a pillar of salt.

I cant understand how the king would have taken her if she was a pillar of salt

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(9 months after post)
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I wonder how the memory of the creatures lived on after the flood because no one living from the ark would have promoted it.

I wonder if artifacts were still foind from earth pfrok before the flood?

I wonder what happened to the bones... i mean does a mix of angel and flesh make a creature with bones?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Portraying angels as being good makes people reach out to them to seek out their loved ones. But, one doesnt know who they are really talking to in terms of whether the angel they talk to is bad or good.

Correct. There ARE good angels BUT the ones that are good, do what is right. They generally don't hold conversations with their wards.
So, that leaves the bad angels (or what is commonly known as "familiar spirits").

But,people reach out the angels to talk with the dead. But the dead cannot talk they're dead.

The dead are dead. That is both yes and no. There a few (but not too many) perspectives about this. In my opinion, when you die, your spirit time travels forward to the day of resurrection. Sounds odd, but when you look at the issue of the resurrection and consider all the people involved from the Old and New Testament, the time travel of the soul works best.
With that said, people cannot communicate with other people who are in a state of time travel. Their soul sleeps and travels to the resurrection day.

When people try to contact the dead, they're actually contacting familiar spirits.
And in case you don't know, familiar spirits are demons that have walked with certain family bloodlines for hundreds, if not, thousands of years.
Demons know your family members better than you. And to be honest, they may even know you better than yourself.

It misleads people from the faith of the resurrection. Without faith of the resurrection it leads people away from God and everlasting life.

Among many things, you are correct.

Reiki is healing by requesting help from angels. Using crystals can help to amplify what the angel does. I can tell you for a fact that there is defiantly a spirit with power to help one feel well and this can feel wo when having the treatment. The other side of the coin is, how do you know who you are really talking with? They are a stranger and there is so much risk involved of allowing another spirit into ones body. There could be a bad spirit which pretends to be a good spirit but had bad intentions to mislead people.

Again, there are only demons and some fallen angels to account for when it comes to this. Remember, the good angels aren't going to become heavily involved with communicating with their wards - they obey God.

The Bible said that the disciples would be able to do miracles when they had faith in God and gave all the glory of miricles to God. But the Bible also says that we shouldn't exercise in spiritualism or anything or magic, because God has not given this to you.

Correct. The 60's gave a surprisingly large rebirth of the New Age movement - a philosophy that was mostly Eastern flavored in nature and mixed it with Western culture. Even some of the newer "Christian themed" churches started to incorporate spiritualism into their dogma.

You are probably not familiar with "Crazy zoo" eggs and toys. They were when I was a kid. Like kinder eggs you get a toy inside. Crazy zoo eggs you would get an animal inside but you could remove its limbs. You collected the different animals and change the body parts around on different animals.

I still have them. For when I had hoped the kids would come see me. I think its time to throw them out!

Thank you so much for helping me to understand all of this!

I am pleased to know you.

I'm not directly familiar with those specific toys but I did grow up with toys that had the same theme- interchangeable parts. I don't know if I should agree with you to throw them out or not - you will have to decide for yourself
The spirit of the Lord will guide your conscience.
And thank you - it's a pleasure to know you as well.

I was always under the impression that the angels had no gender. But I do see that the Bible says the sons of god took the daughters of men- so I guess they really were male. Jehovahs witnesses say that angels have no gender.

There are those who argue that not only are the angels male but that ALL of the angels are male.
I no not support the idea that all angels are male because when God created life He gave each species an assignment of gender.
Other people argue over petty issues like certain worms and other B.S. nonsense when it comes to repoduction and such.
I believe there are female angels but I tend to doubt that any of the fallen angels were female.
I believe (to a point) that women are less criminal then men. Therefore when it came to the angelic rebellion, no female angels were willing to join that cause and this is why there seems to be no account of female angels in the Bible.

They also say that Jesus came back as a spirit and not in the flesh. Their website contradicts its own Bible.

Hence the change to KJV.

Its crazy the more I learn- people who worship a mixed creature is worshipping the fallen angels offspring.

And loads of these hybrids are portrayed as being good in films, games ect.

I always loved pokemon but I'm really having second thoughts. I mean I still have some stuff from when I was kid of them that I didnt wanna part with.

I've been piling together films and video games that I no longer want for the magic and fighting and spiritualism drunkeness ***sex references... it gets hard to be able to even find something that would not be detestable by God to be able to watch. Our world is just riddled with it!!

I'm afraid there is very little Hollywood offers that isn't trash.
But, don't lose all hope, there ARE some high grade movies with quality content. I really like "The Yearling" and also "The Earthling." They are older movies, but very good. You just gotta search.

As for Pokemon - I remember when Pokemon came out in the 80's. It wasn't my kind of cartoon for several reasons. I was much older by that point.
It was cheap.
It was shallow.
It was based on Eastern culture (Hindu/Buddah flavored religion).
And, I thought it would just die out! But, to my surprise, it lived on and became popular to a point where I blamed the parents who had absolutely no taste or discernment when it came to cartoons.
I grew up with cartoons like Johnny Quest, Scooby Doo and the Jetsons. The Flintstones and many older cartoons from the 40's, 50's and 60's.
And today, the most popular types of animation are based on Japanese anime! It's cheap - there's no artistic value, and the younger generation eats it up.
Don't get me wrong. There are a couple of cartoons I like that are anime (The Animatrix, for example), but I don't think it should set the benchmark for excellence when it never was.

May I ask you - do you believe Jesus is God? The Bible calls God Lord but it also calls Jesus Lord.

Do you believe God is an angel?
But then where does the bible suggest he is an angel?

Do you believe in trinity?
I think of the holy spirit as being God coming down to us in a form that wont harm us, because he himself is too powerful to be in our presence without risk of us being obliterated.

I believe Jesus is Christ. Another title for saying "God." Some people say that that the Trinity means there are three "Gods." This is not true. The Bible says a man cannot serve two masters because he will love one and hate the other.
Therefore, the Trinity is one, NOT three.

It works like this; When you were born, you were given a name and this is generally how people will know you. But not all people will know you in the same way. You are a daughter to your parents and you act accordingly to that (and so do your parents). Who else are you this way with? No one else, really - it's an exclusive relationship.
Now, if you were married and had a husband, you would be his wife. Who else would you be this way with? No one else because it's an exclusive relationship.
Further still, if you had children, you would be a mother and that relationship is generally exclusive with your kids.
Here's the thing, there is only one of you but you have several different exclusive roles that you do not cross-share..... You're not going to treat your parents like you were married to them and you are not going to act like a daughter to your children and you are not going to be a mother to your husband....

There is only one God and He has different roles for very good reasons.
God gave Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin and salvation of man. No man comes to the Father but by Christ because God is Holy and God will not be tainted by anything that is less than Holy.
Some churches teach that you don't need Jesus to be saved - and those churches will burn in the eternal fires of hell.

God is not an angel - God is the Almighty and Creator of all things that exist. God is not a created being - He is Eternal. He created the angels - there is nothing above God.

But, I have seen many views from both sides or Jesus being part of God or him being as a spirit/flesh.

My own feeling is that Jesus is not God and we're merely talking on his behalf. But you never know if the words in the Bible have been changed.

Like all people, you have been given a measure of faith to believe and a choice. But, feelings change with mood and assumptions are conclusions based on fair weather days.

If Jesus wasn't God, name ONE man that did all the things Christ did - just one....

The original scrolls of the Bible were largely written in Hebrew so....common sense - English and Hebrew are two different languages. There are going to some differences in words when it comes to translating from Hebrew to English but the context will remain the same.
God said that He will preserve His word. You have a choice to believe that or not.

At least words referring to the earth being flat are as they should be in my KJV. But, I wonder if it is all accurate.

The Bible just doesn't come out and say, "The earth is flat." You have to pay attention to the surrounding circumstances. For example read Joshua CH 10 VS 11-13.

I saw someone share that different Bibles have different numbers of books. It makes me feel so lost when you see theyre all so different in ways. I just pray that I can find the truth.

There are 66 books in the current cannon of the Bible. It is true there were more books (up to 88 if I remember correctly), but scholars of the late 19th century determined that certain books should no long be a part of the Biblical cannon - so, the were excluded.
So, before you say this is "proof" that the Bible has been tampered with, here is something you need to know."

Let's say that 16 Books were removed from the Bible. That means there would only be 50 Books in the Bible. Guess what - it's still the Bible. Just because the other 16 aren't in there doesn't make the other 50 untrue or less of God's Word.

The Bible is a compilation of the Hebrew scriptures in one concentraited form. There was a time when there was no Bible - you had to reference each Book you wanted to read from, individually, like an encyclopedia.
So, if you can't find the Book you're looking for in the Bible, you'll find it lurking about somewhere else.
I just happen to have the Book of Enoch. It's referred to in the Bible, but is not necessarily included (as it once was).

I also cant understand that Sarah was turned into a pillar of salt but then later gave birth to Issac. I wonder if God had mercy on her and returned her from being a pillar of salt.

I cant understand how the king would have taken her if she was a pillar of salt

You're confusing Sarah with Lot's wife.

Lot's wife was turned to pillar of salt, NOT Sarah.
Go back and read it again.

Genesis 19. VS 23 - 26

Hope all of this helps.

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