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I don’t know what to do now…

Padre wrote:
That is what my business partner and I are doing... But how can I get it through to the tenants who are trying to fight it. They can't win this fight.

You've already delivered the bad news to them....
I know you're not going to like the sound of it but....it's time to be the "Bad Guy" and throw them under the bus. Point them in the direction of the fire department then pull a disappearing act.
They're going to have to come to terms sooner or later and you can't be everyone's pilot to land their plane.
It sucks, I know. I've earned a few "Bad Guy" trophies a time or two. All you can do is accept it with some degree of grace.

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I don’t know what to do now…

Based on the criteria given, be prepared to jump the ship.

Even if the FD allows the structure to remain standing, it won't allow for any sort of habitation. Effectivly...you're kinda screwed.

Wash your hands and run.

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I don’t know what to do now…

It wouldn't matter even if the tenant was partially correct about the buildings condition - it's about what the fire department says in general.
If it's not safe, it's NOT safe. (We all obviously agree).

So, the REAL 64 thousand dollar question is.......
What part of the picture does insurence play in this game?

The legitimate truth is, insurance should cover most all "unsafe" areas the fire department claims to exist.

If/being the case, you should be able to temporarily reshelter your tenants until the project is completed and deemed "safe," and then move them back in.

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So I wrote this on the local newspaper blog where we were having a discussion about the recent riots.

"Systematic Racism" is the new catch phrase going around as to explain what law enforcement has become - a Totalitarian Regime.

Law enforcement, by design, is not "racist." If it were, then only a certain race of people would be hired as its "enforcers."

But, as we know, law enforcement hires all colors, creeds, genders and generally with no regard to religious beliefs.

So, to say; "Systematic Racism" isn't exactly accurate especially when the Hispanic/ Mexican/Latino community has rather high incarceration rates compared to that of black communities. Extra white whities have a seriously high number of incarcerations on a yearly basis, whereas the Asian community has some of the least (probably due to their high value in work ethics).

"Higher arrest and incarceration rates for minority communities are not reflective of increased prevalence of drug use, but rather of law enforcement’s focus on urban areas, lower income communities and communities of color."

If "Cops and Robbers" come in all flavors, how can it be about "systematic racism" when the 911 calls don't generally come from middle to upper class society....?

The real problem is much worse - it's Systematic Totalarism. It is the over-reach of power within our social structure.

Once a system is in place, it's there until that society is destroyed. It starts off good and it gets the "bad guys" off the streets and out of the neighborhoods - hooray!
But, the system gets lonely after a while because there are no more bad guys to chase.
So it criminalizes society at a petty level in order to justify it's existence.
The prison system is a corporation..... There's no real affiliation between the States and the companies other than the business they conduct and the share of profits the State recieves.
The people of the States are now viewed as fodder or grazings.
That's why new laws become more ridiculous. Just make more laws until it becomes a criminal act to wake up alive in the morning....
The world is a business, Mr Beale.

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I haven't set up my Slack account yet to QA, I just checking the account but it shows that I have finished my slack set up.

"Slack" or Slack.com is an employment based website that brings employers and workers together.

If you answered all the questions to set up your account, you will need to verify your account.
Go to your E - Mail and look for the mail that Slack has sent you.
There will be a link that you will need to click onto. When you click the link they sent you, it verifies your account.

Hope this helps.

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You are needed

Thanks for the Post Jeb.
Very uplifting.👍

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@Rockster160 shout me please

soco wrote:
How do you shout someone who is anonymous?
Asking for a friend...

No one is anonymous to the mods or our admired site host, Roco.

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Content coming soon.

Okay - I get it now - haha!

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jjlove01 wrote:
Ignoring you! You've already wasted enough of my time today.

Put on your big girl shorts and try something novel - take responsibility for your own actions - if your time was wasted, you did it yourself.

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jjlove01 wrote:
Your simplistic explanation may satisfy a 4th grader, but there's far more to it than that.

Wow-weeee! You have got to be the most intelligent and oldest middle-school girl I ever met - and thank you for pencil whipping another link to "learn me gooder."

The article of the link basically starts off by saying; "The age of the United States depends on how you want to measure it."
The article goes on to provide a list of different events (or narritives) by which you could determine the age of the U.S.
👉I chose👈 the narrative of the Plymouth Rock landing of the SS Mayflower in 1620.
AND in case you weren't paying attention (because you weren't), that was a significant historical event that WAS NOT listed among the narratives....

But, let's face the real truth JJ, it wouldn't have mattered what narrative I chose, your sense of entitlement will still have lead you to ****shit-bomb my Post anyway.

The real farce here is your avatar name, "jjlove" Might I suggest you change it to something that's more fitting to your demeanor (opinion with-held).

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