266 replies, Replies 151 to 160

Bubble Up and Bubble Down....

I'm itchy just reading this.

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Becoming afraid to live?

Welcome to adulthood. Your confusion and questions come with age and fear.
It would be scary and destructive if you didn't have these thoughts.
If you can maybe put them on the back burner would a couple of days and focus on some simple immediate tasks.
Health, wealth and saying "No" for now:)

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The legend of the sack man.


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Bubble Up and Bubble Down....

Cool post:)

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Job Fairs.

HR departments were designed to throw bones to little violations and secretly derail any large law suit while diminishing employer costs with a false sense of ethics.
The only thing that'll fix this is stronger families, communities and friendships.
Take greed and need out and they're screwed. Example; don't pay me or hire me and I'll stay home.
Their plan, screw up the "home" and family. Example; high taxes, churches are full of perverts, grandparents are better off dead or working in MacDonalds, I'll pay you more if you're unattached and uninfluenced by social events, career oriented regardless of the lifestyle and you'll do as they say or dictate.

Call in Brave heart!

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How to stop mass shootings.

Yes to all of the above.
You're right Big Al about the weird factor and the dealer.
I guess it boils down to the village thing where we try to take care of ourselves and I don't know what will happen to fake news. Even the CBC is turning out crap news now. I'm hoping the BBC doesn't follow.
Idea! Bring back the ham radios. One for every home. Nah..zombies are tricky. They'll screw with them too.

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Job Fairs.

Sherlock wrote:
Do you think, Max, that networking has decreased in importance as a job finding tool?

Good point! Networking is the only real way of connecting, but the networks are becoming more selective and even demanding up front..umm..commitments before a conversation can take place. Examples; church groups, french groups or ethnic groups, political groups and now the Six Sigma certified groups.

I met a guy that repeated an old statement from years ago in broken English; "that company speaks through both sides of their face"!

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For experienced investors , can you lock up your capital in the market to prevent loss?

Anonymous wrote:
Hong Kong...

Any ties to Nigeria?

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How to stop mass shootings.

I agree Big Al. I get disappointed when I hear stuff like the gun shop owner telling "me" he knew the guy was weird but took his money anyway. Plus we did have police in schools here in Canada but took them out due to not enough money! Facebook and welfare is off the hook here along with voids of empathy and disconnect.

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How to stop mass shootings.

Nix wrote:
It just seems crazy that its easier to get guns than heathcare

Yes it is.
Yes people knew there was a concern and nothing done.
When the three police officers where hunted down and killed in Canada nobody that knew the guy was shocked. A charge under the labour code was filed and won for not supplying or training the officers with carbine weapons or training. They were in their cars! No weapon or training would have stop a bullet going through the windshield. Plus is the awarded money being directed to prevention? No.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and puts a picture of themselves looking like a duck...maybe it's a fuucking duck.

Here is a Maxism; they will use these terror events to justify limited freedom and internet use. Good people will be restricted and crazies will help them before they're shot.

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