266 replies, Replies 231 to 240

There seems to be an epidemic of cases of bipolar in the usa and uk.

lol..hip? Ya those are popular too! Plastic or steel replacements on sale.
I now own a back injury. My fault for not saying "No" and exceeding the weight capacity of the intended use of my spine. I've been "belittled" for allowing it to happen. My answer to the people that judge me or offer an opinion stating I'm less then sincere; all the best:)
I'm very careful to what I put in my mouth. Some meds are very harmful when not taken properly.

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I hate working for the company I work for.

It smells like the manager controlled the meeting instead of your union rep? Take notes and show no emotion:)

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There seems to be an epidemic of cases of bipolar in the usa and uk.

Mental illness is the new back injury. Good mental health requires maintenance.

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Sherlock's predictions for the future .

Will dinosaurs taste like fish or chicken?

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The next few days are likely to be busy for most so on the off chance I don't get the chance Merry Christmas!!!!

Big-Al-One wrote:
And may the best be with you during this Christmas season.
Cheers Padre. God bless.

Merry Christmas my friend:)

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I hate working for the company I work for.

Understand this to be true. Work or earning a living has everybody stuck. How we earn a wage isn't who we are. Owe money happens, but letting this eat you up isn't any good. Do a 180 and try to put yourself on another plane. Very hard nut very rewarding. Follow the ones that have mastered this game:) Change sucks but after you punch out you don't have to! There is more you life then worrying about them. It's a hole don't fall into it.

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I hate working for the company I work for.

Sometimes we can into a pissing contest and it's exhausting.

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I hate working for the company I work for.

Thank you very much and have a nice day:)

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I hate working for the company I work for.

Bad time of year I know but the evil, ball-less bastards get off on picking on people. Worst case scenario, go to your doctor and tell him or her you can't take the stress and go out on stress leave until you're better.

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I hate working for the company I work for.

J.N-Bucking wrote:
I can't afford legal help.

We have just got a new regional manager, I emailed him a grievance on Tuesday.

Even though it's a huge breech to pass grievance and meeting notes around I can't prove they did, they'll all just deny it.

I suspect that could have happened again with my newest one to the new guy as the main manager listed in it has been even worse this week.

I had to go on a building controllers course on Wed along with 10 others, the course finished around lunch and we went back to work.
That manager rang round to all the locations of the others and told their supervisors they could finish at 15.30 due to having Done that course.
My supervisor didn't get that phone call.....

Not your problem it's theirs. Did they write you up?
Write them up three different violations for every one they give you.
Maybe express that you wish to be involved with health and safety as well.
I don't know if you realize this yet, but I'm a professional fighter and the only thing that would prevent me from helping you if I was there, would be your fear or anger. Important rule; never express either. Never talk..only write and write carefully and record.

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