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I hate working for the company I work for.

I can't tell you how much I hate them.

They take on people that were ****shit at their jobs to become management, and they're all so corrupt it's unbelievable.

If you raise a formal grievance, they show your initial letter, and the minitues from the meeting to everyone involved.

There is really nowhere you can complain to or report things as they're all part of the same klick and share all confidential info with each other.

They back each other up, lose or doctor reports, and all turn against the person that complained.

The victim will be dragged into disciplinary meetings, where everyone else involved has been given all details so can get their stories straight.

You know for a fact info has been passed around as every single person you work with knows the details, but once you report this, your just reporting to someone involved in the same circle.

They're out for me again, I've tried all the pointless avenues, every step makes it worse.

I've had to blow out of work the last 2 days as I knew there was a set up going on and if I'd worked I'd have been framed for something.

I can't afford to not go in, and I'm gonna get disciplinary action against me for not going in, so either way they've got me.

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(15 minutes after post)
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Sounds rough. :(
Wish I had a better answer- but the best bet is obviously to get a new job. Second to that is to just turn the brain off at work. Just do what needs to be done and be done with it. Donโ€™t get involved with people. Just be a robot at work and when youโ€™re done with work be applying to other places so you can get out.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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My dear little lamb, slaughtered so easily?

There's a difference between company rules and rules of corporate success - none of them have a dam thing to do with the rules of morality.

Looking at your circumstance, you should ask yourself what it is you expect from this job. Is this firm capable of giving it to you....? Chances are, not.
Being the case, do you have it in you to play the game? Do you have what it takes to stab your way to the top? Do you know how to ride dirty? Can you fluff 'em up and make 'em feel good one moment, then shiv a kidney the next?
If this isn't you, I would find different work. It seems they have collectively provided the rules of the game.

J... what happened? What did they do to you?

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Animation2 2
(2 hours after post)
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:fumes: ๐Ÿ˜ 

I'm so sorry this is happening to you! I hope you can find a better place to work.

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(3 hours after post)
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I know we've spoken about your "job situation " I didn't know it was that bad, Joe.
Sounds like your being bullied right,left and centre.
I still think it's best your find another job,however I know that's not easy at the moment.
I just wish you could get someone else on your side..

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(3 hours after post)
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They have broken every single rule of grievance investigations. You have to question people separately, not in groups, and to show the original complaint to everyone else is to breach a confidence. That entire HR department in your workplace should be fired.

I suggest that you contact a labour lawyer and seek his/her advice. Do that before you do anything else. You most likely have a case based just on their mishandling of any investigation. If there's any kind of HR standards association in the UK, those chimps should be decertified!

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(7 hours after post)
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I do not envy you but i share some of the issues, stuff like if you have a problem everyone knows about it including whoever the problem is with. i share some of rockstars view in that just be a robot and do the job because its money in the bank. if theres anyone there that you actually get on with great but if not then theres no real need to get involved with anyone. what is it you do exactly - might help the situation. for example if its something where you have union or something similar you might be able to get in contact with them. but for the love of god get a new job! i know its easier said than done but even if its not something youre used to a change of pace/environment would be good! plus one of us im sure would write you an amazing reference if the people at your work wont ;)

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J.N.Bucking wrote:
I hate working for the company I work for.

I can't tell you how much I hate them.

They take on people that wereย ****ย at their jobs to become management, and they're all so corrupt it's unbelievable.

If you raise a formal grievance, they show your initial letter, and the minitues from the meeting to everyone involved.

There is really nowhere you can complain to or report things as they're all part of the same klick and share all confidential info with each other.

They back each other up, lose or doctor reports, and all turn against the person that complained.

The victim will be dragged into disciplinary meetings, where everyone else involved has been given all details so can get their stories straight.

You know for a fact info has been passed around as every single person you work with knows the details, but once you report this, your just reporting to someone involved in the same circle.

They're out for me again, I've tried all the pointless avenues, every step makes it worse.

I've had to blow out of work the last 2 days as I knew there was a set up going on and if I'd worked I'd have been framed for something.

I can't afford to not go in, and I'm gonna get disciplinary action against me for not going in, so either way they've got me.

If on top of all this you were getting sexual harassment it would sound like the US Air force Academy.

(10 hours after post)
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Sounds completely and totally corrupt. I would try to collect as many people's experiences and stories similar to yours and build up proof and a support team. Then maybe you can try to take it to the BBB and resolve it there? Or escalate it even further than your branch and go to corporate HR and report their wrong-doings.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Do the Dance!

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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I wrote a whole paragraph and it disappeared.
Oh well, happens.
Get a copy of your collect agreement, union constitution and memorize them.
Install a mental switch, on and off.
It's a paycheck...not a life.
Walk or go to the gym everyday.
Be the robot. No talk, no think and no care. Not your cirrus not your monkeys.
Keep a simple resume handy.
Never respond to management. Let your Stewart reply. Become selectively deaf.
Don't be afraid to walk away from someone but always do your job. Work first grieve later.
Drama bitches are like cancer..they eat the nice and good. I like to think they're all *****whore dogs with only one objective, hump your leg for free.
Best of luck.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Think of the end game. Where you want to be knowing they'll try and ***fuk it up.

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(14 hours after post)
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I do want to leave, but it's not that easy, and I'm on a decent wage.
I can't afford to leave this for less pay.
I had tried for a new well paid job but it looks like that's fallen through.

We have 1 good union rep between many of us, and management usually schedule meetings for the reps days off or ehen they're on nights.
The rep used to come in on, but management would have them wait hours then cancel the meeting, so they won't do it anymore.

I try to be a robot most of the time, keep my head down, do my job well etc
Doesn't work all the time unfortunately.

It's alright having all the evidence and proof, but there's nowhere to go with it.
Everything has to follow a chain of command and things will be hidden.
When all info is shown they've all got time to lose things or have a cover up sorted, not that they need it as the people at the top that decide on the action are just as corrupt.

Kind of a toothless union, if they're getting hazed like that.

I understand what you're saying, about internalising affairs and disregarding standard procedures. What makes the difference is whom they are cheating and to what extent - these translate to whether or not an external, more powerful entity would start a fray over it. Deceiving customers is pretty much business as usual but there are iso, laws, news media and people who won't tolerate corruption out there.
Whilst soco may have jested, if it's anything like that it's crucial to speak of it. For all their apparent solidarity, crooks will turn on each other when their hide is on the line. With issues such as shifts & work conditions, as is the case with my father, there's not all that much legal protection (at least here), can do naught but grit your teeth and chalk up another employer on the naughty list (ha ha, sorry) till you can afford an alternative.

Help me with:


Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(17 hours after post)
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If possible, surreptitiously record the shenanigans. Build an audio library with accompanying memos for all recordings. Your cell phone can be set up to record video and audio without anyone knowing. I used SVR pro as a PI.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(22 hours after post)
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I smell a lawsuit.

Maybe talk to someone higher and not involved, or talk to an employment lawyer.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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(23 hours after post)
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You wave your right to a lawyer(while in a union) unless the union gives you written permission to hire one.
Well, I guess you have to read your collective agreement. Plus you may have to talk to your National Representative (or Local President) and look into steward training. You might be able to work for the local executive as a recording Secretary or Sargent at Arms until you gain the experience on how to deal with these fudgetards. But know it's not healthy and time is worth then a wage.

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(23 hours after post)
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I can't afford legal help.

We have just got a new regional manager, I emailed him a grievance on Tuesday.

Even though it's a huge breech to pass grievance and meeting notes around I can't prove they did, they'll all just deny it.

I suspect that could have happened again with my newest one to the new guy as the main manager listed in it has been even worse this week.

I had to go on a building controllers course on Wed along with 10 others, the course finished around lunch and we went back to work.
That manager rang round to all the locations of the others and told their supervisors they could finish at 15.30 due to having Done that course.
My supervisor didn't get that phone call.....

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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One more thing. You are allowed to write your own grievances to help your rep. Bombard them with them. It costs about 15000 a grievance. Three a day times ten days= 450,000...get me:)

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(23 hours after post)
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I am up to my eyes in debt.

If/ when I lose this job I have about 3 weeks before I'm absolutely ******fucked.

I am in no mental state now to be getting a new job, I wouldn't get past an interview, and even if I did I would be incapable of learningsomething new.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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J.N-Bucking wrote:
I can't afford legal help.

We have just got a new regional manager, I emailed him a grievance on Tuesday.

Even though it's a huge breech to pass grievance and meeting notes around I can't prove they did, they'll all just deny it.

I suspect that could have happened again with my newest one to the new guy as the main manager listed in it has been even worse this week.

I had to go on a building controllers course on Wed along with 10 others, the course finished around lunch and we went back to work.
That manager rang round to all the locations of the others and told their supervisors they could finish at 15.30 due to having Done that course.
My supervisor didn't get that phone call.....

You're not allowed to hire your own. The union and the industrial labour relations board represents you. Their your agent. It Law. They want you to fight your own union..that's why they do that

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Keep your job.

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After you fix this...then look:)

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Plus you have a human rights commission you can speak too.
They may investigate.
Sadly if people didn't need money they'd have no power!
Never let them see you sweat.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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J.N-Bucking wrote:
I can't afford legal help.

We have just got a new regional manager, I emailed him a grievance on Tuesday.

Even though it's a huge breech to pass grievance and meeting notes around I can't prove they did, they'll all just deny it.

I suspect that could have happened again with my newest one to the new guy as the main manager listed in it has been even worse this week.

I had to go on a building controllers course on Wed along with 10 others, the course finished around lunch and we went back to work.
That manager rang round to all the locations of the others and told their supervisors they could finish at 15.30 due to having Done that course.
My supervisor didn't get that phone call.....

Not your problem it's theirs. Did they write you up?
Write them up three different violations for every one they give you.
Maybe express that you wish to be involved with health and safety as well.
I don't know if you realize this yet, but I'm a professional fighter and the only thing that would prevent me from helping you if I was there, would be your fear or anger. Important rule; never express either. Never talk..only write and write carefully and record.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Bad time of year I know but the evil, ball-less bastards get off on picking on people. Worst case scenario, go to your doctor and tell him or her you can't take the stress and go out on stress leave until you're better.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Thank you very much and have a nice day:)

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What is their end-game Joe? What is the purpose for their actions? If it was to get rid of you they would have done so by now. You do your job. You show up and leave on time; butttz in seats is what one of my employers told me. Is this only happening to you or are you only aware of it because it is you? Be careful that your own actions do not bring even more retaliation against you. Don't be the weevil in a game of wack-a-mole.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Sometimes we can into a pissing contest and it's exhausting.

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(1 day after post)
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I'm mot the only one they treat on a shitty way.

I went on sick in May, still not got my full sick pay yet.

I can't afford to do it again.
I would if I could as I'm too close to snapping point and work is the last place I should be, I'm struggling to hold my ****shit together even without this.

I'm pretty sure it's to make me quit, or get a good enough reason to sack me.

They're trying to push me onto a different job and I won't be able to do it.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 day after post)
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What would it take to learn the different job?

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(2 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
What would it take to learn the different job?

It's not just the learning that's the issue.

I have bad social anxiety.
Going working with a load of people I don't know, following procedures I don't know, being fully out of my zone is going to be a huge hurdle.

Also it's a ****shit job.
Those guys get way more grief from management and everyone else than we do.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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Sometimes it's good to get out of your comfort zone . . .

. . . but you don't want a job where you would be set up for failure!

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Outside my comfort zone isn't good at any time, but due to my own stupidity I ran out of my meds and was without them for 4 days, I've been back on them 4 days now but am in a very bad place.and struggling to function with even simple tasks of life, I'm in no state to deal with this.
Found out I'm in the new spot tomorrow.
Even though they didn't get chance to frame me for something to justify it, they've moved me anyway.

I was working a load of extra shifts over Xmas covering for colegues that want Xmas with their families and trying to get myself more money, now found out they're taking those shifts off me so I can't make up for the.wage I missed from having to fake sick to avoid their set up

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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Just remember this:

You won't get out of this world alive. There is either heaven awaiting you, or the universe will simply end one day, after the last proton disintegrates into a flash of infinitesimal energy. Either way, this earth and everything on it will vanish.

In other words, no reason to sweat anything on this planet.

Remember, also, that there is no task, no test, no challenge that is too difficult for you. To use a Western analogy, you are Doc Holliday going into the OK Corral. Because of your confidence, your skill and the support of your friends, you know that you are going to emerge victorious.

And you can always eat the people who annoy you! ;-)

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I travel in large groups of 1, sherlock.

I have no real friends other than these ones I met on help.

I owe a lot of money, so even missing 1 weeks wage would have a massive effect.
I can't afford the days I just blew out to avoid the set up, and they know this and that's why they're taking extra shifts from me.

I hate that they have me so stuck and know it.

I don't see much way of being victorious, I see the most likely outcome is just giving up

(2 days after post)
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Have you been looking for a new job? Or the same one but at a different place? I like to scroll through every now and then just to see what's out there.

Animation2 2
(2 days after post)
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J.N-Bucking wrote:
I travel in large groups of 1, sherlock.

I have no real friends other than these ones I met on help.

I owe a lot of money, so even missing 1 weeks wage would have a massive effect.
I can't afford the days I just blew out to avoid the set up, and they know this and that's why they're taking extra shifts from me.

I hate that they have me so stuck and know it.

I don't see much way of being victorious, I see the most likely outcome is just giving up

Move to the USA. I need a new room mate. And business is booming in this area....there are far less workers than jobs that need to be filled

Jk. I know that wouldn't be feasible. But I really do hooe that the new position ends up being better than you thought it would be....

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You don't want to move up in the company yet you hate where you are and can't afford to leave.

So how soon will we be reading about the disgruntled ex-employee that shot and killed X number of coworkers in the UK?

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(2 days after post)
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soco wrote:
You don't want to move up in the company yet you hate where you are and can't afford to leave.

So how soon will we be reading about the disgruntled ex-employee that shot and killed X number of coworkers in the UK?

Not long soco

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Understand this to be true. Work or earning a living has everybody stuck. How we earn a wage isn't who we are. Owe money happens, but letting this eat you up isn't any good. Do a 180 and try to put yourself on another plane. Very hard nut very rewarding. Follow the ones that have mastered this game:) Change sucks but after you punch out you don't have to! There is more you life then worrying about them. It's a hole don't fall into it.

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(2 days after post)
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I've been in 2 hrs and I already can't handle it.
It's making me physically sick.

I'm unlikely to stay the day.

I'm gonna ask for a welfare meeting today, not that it will do any good, it's likely to lose me my job.
It'll be worse if I quit tho.

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(2 days after post)
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I'm home now, made an appt with my doctor.

The new top manager I sent my grievance to has just emailed to say he has passed my case on to a manager below him.

There went that idea of the new guy doing something about it.

I am seriously considering bancrupsy.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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Naaaaah, don't do any of that. You are more than equal to any job in that organization! If other people can do it, so can you!

Any job seems difficult and complex until you break it down into its component parts and learn how to do each of them. Then you just do them in sequence.

Don't think of dragons out there--just little bunny rabbits!

FIND someone in that new team to mentor you. ADMIT you will need some help in "learning the ropes." That will mark you as someone willing to learn.

You could soon make yourself indispensable!

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I think Joe is indispensable already. But I'm biased because I love her accent....

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(3 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
Naaaaah, don't do any of that. You are more than equal to any job in that organization! If other people can do it, so can you!

Any job seems difficult and complex until you break it down into its component parts and learn how to do each of them. Then you just do them in sequence.

Don't think of dragons out there--just little bunny rabbits!

FIND someone in that new team to mentor you. ADMIT you will need some help in "learning the ropes." That will mark you as someone willing to learn.

You could soon make yourself indispensable!

It's not the new JOB I can't do, it's actually much simpler than my job, it's the situation and place that's the problem, and the fact that I'm of the old contract before this other new ****shit even existed, everyone employed in last 2 or 3 yrs was employed for the new ****shit.
Hell, I trained a good portion of the workers and supervisors in there!!!!

As soon as I walked in there this morn I was met with - ****shit, who did you piss off to end up here.

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I am indespencible to MY job, but this company is so messed up they would rather send the most efficient people into purgatory just to piss them off than have them in a place they would be needed.

I have an official meeting with the lower manager on thur, got my union rep coming with me.

The manager wants me to bring proof of everything that's happened, yet a lot can't be proved.

That same manager is going to conduct my welfare meeting on the same day.

I went to see him this afternoon briefly after the doctors to give him a letter from my doc.
He checked the Rota to see if I was right about being moved, he discovered I was right, and moved me to where I should be tomorrow and told shift managers to not change it back.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(3 days after post)
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You won't have laboratory proof for all wrongdoing. That is why management needs to investigate. Almost impossible to prove Harvey Weinstein exploited women--but there are too many accusations to deny they happened.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(3 days after post)
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And, remember--Confucius said, "Only thing worse than stress on job is stress without any job!" ;-)

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(4 days after post)
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Good reply Sherlock.

There's a lot of lies, and hiding things goes on, proof for everything is hard.

Think there will be a few pauses while I step outside with the union rep

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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So how is it going now?

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Meeting scheduled for in 2 hours so will know more then.

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ohhh let us know what occurs

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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By all means, tell us . . .

Animation2 2
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How did it all turn out?

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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OK, it didn't turn out like you had hoped.

But all is not lost!

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(1 week after post)
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The manager that took the meeting did it properly, unlike his superior and his understoody when I've had meetings with them about it before.

He wanted evidence of everything, so I had to name colleagues as witnesses.
There were 2 incidents I had to say I couldn't name the witnesses.
After the meeting I talked with one witness who eventually agreed to be named so I emailed the manager - P and gave him her name.

One big part I can't name the witness so that part can't be taken further or looked into.

I work days so we fin on the 22nd for Xmas, back on 2nd Jan.
I was covering for various colleagues so was working right the way through.
Shift swap forms had been in for months.
They took all those extra shifts off me.
I've managed to get 25th & 26th back, but I hear they're gonna take the double time pay off me for them so I'll just be standard pay.

When I had the meeting it was only confirmed they had taken 2 shifts, and that was reported, so in my email after the meeting to P I told him they had taken 4 off me.

There are no spare places on days in my area, but they've already told someone from a different area they've got a position, the only way of giving them a spot is someone moving.....

P has said he will have an outcome for me mid Jan.

There wasn't time for my welfare meeting so that will maybe happen when we get back in Jan if I don't back out of it.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 week after post)
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In the US, you get double-pay for holidays. And what was done to you is known as "reprisals." Very illegal in US & Canada, and I'm sure in UK as well.

The union there must be an invertebrate species!

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It smells like the manager controlled the meeting instead of your union rep? Take notes and show no emotion:)

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The union rep isn't allowed to talk in the meeting.

You get double pay for them here too, unless you've pissed your management off.

Since they took 1st Jan off me, another collegue asked me to cover his, I agreed and he put the swap in lastnight.
It was instantly rejected with no.reason.

Been asked today by someone else to cover their 1st Jan, they're putting the.swap in today

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 week after post)
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The management team there sounds like they once ran one of the workhouses in Charles Dickens' England!

What a bunch of losers!

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This is what happens when you give power to uneducated, unqualified people.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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J.N-Bucking wrote:
The union rep isn't allowed to talk in the meeting.

You get double pay for them here too, unless you've pissed your management off.

Since they took 1st Jan off me, another collegue asked me to cover his, I agreed and he put the swap in lastnight.
It was instantly rejected with no.reaso

Been asked today by someone else to cover their 1st Jan, they're putting the.swap in today

Sounds like they've really got it in for you, Joe. Bullying b******s.

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(1 week after post)
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Evansent wrote:

J.N-Bucking wrote:
The union rep isn't allowed to talk in the meeting.

You get double pay for them here too, unless you've pissed your management off.

Since they took 1st Jan off me, another collegue asked me to cover his, I agreed and he put the swap in lastnight.
It was instantly rejected with no.reaso

Been asked today by someone else to cover their 1st Jan, they're putting the.swap in today

Sounds like they've really got it in for you, Joe. Bullying b******s.

They certainly have.

I have provided witnesses to my case, but other management will lie to back fellow managers up, so it's gonna be management's word V workers word.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 week after post)
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Really--how GOOD is the union you have there? It sounds to me like they've been neutered. A union rep is not allowed to speak during a meeting? What does he do--mouth words to you that requires lip reading? I mean, what GOOD is a union that is so hamstrung?

Here's something you could toss out . . . it could be possible to sue both management AND the union. I know you don't want to go that far, as you'd probably have to shell out a lot of money up front. I found out some time ago that British lawyers do not like to work on a contingency fee basis.

Ultimately, the solution is to find another job. In the meantime, don't let them beat you. Continue to document everything. If it's legal in the UK, record some interactions with management.

And be sure you don't do anything that would give them justification to let you go.

There are organizations that are as mentally disturbed and dysfunctional as some individuals!

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Got to pause the meeting and step outside to chat to union.

The union is actually a lot better than it used to be.

I'm on my arse for money as it is, hence them taking shifts off me to piss me off.
No way I can pay legal fees, can barely pay my bills.

It isn't legal to record someone without them knowing.

I don't need to do anything to give them reason, they'll just make something up and back each other up that it happened.

I do need a new job, but am totally in the wrong mind space to be getting one.

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J.N-Bucking wrote:
Got to pause the meeting and step outside to chat to union.

The union is actually a lot better than it used to be.

I'm on my arse for money as it is, hence them taking shifts off me to piss me off.
No way I can pay legal fees, can barely pay my bills.

It isn't legal to record someone without them knowing.

I don't need to do anything to give them reason, they'll just make something up and back each other up that it happened.

I do need a new job, but am totally in the wrong mind space to be getting one.

I'm impressed with this reply. You seem to understand the events and I understand your frustration. It's hard to keep your income, battle buttwipe liars and maintain your health while representing yourself with a dead weight union representative. Some unions have "PEL" paid educational leave. Do you have this available? I'm thinking of you taking a steward's training coarse.

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