171 replies, Replies 141 to 150


Hey Anony...please tell us what your wish might be...or maybe you just want to keep it to your self until it does come true, huh?
Dreams do come true if we believe in it enough...<3

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

*sighhhhhh* Oh, Thank You, Allan....Yes. I'll remember this when my screenplay starts being made into the movie...:D

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Big Al...I have never had anything move me the way that this just did.
I got up and walked outside in the deep freeze...picked my star....and wished.
And wished....and wished hard.
We shall see................Thank you for posting.....geeze.....<3

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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.


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The movie help dot com is coming to a theatre near you.

Geeze! I cannot think of anyone! ^_^

But if they don't really have to look like us, well then I would pick Catherine Zeta Jones, just because she is awesome...lol.

How about YOU Aeolian? Who would play YOU????

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Im kind of glad christmas and new years are over.

:)....Love returned!!

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Im kind of glad christmas and new years are over.

I hear you and agree totally.
In my line of work we get UBER busy during the holidays.
NONSTOP...and I mean some WEIRD things happen with people in the cold as well.
But as you say...time for business as usual.
One day at a time, hon...We will get thru this....:)

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Say where you're from.

In a wee little bayside home in Annapolis, Maryland, USA...with my bunny.

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post closed post closed Thanks

OHHHH!!! The Docteur is in the house!! YAY!!! :) Thank you for the Thanksgiving greeting..It is great to see you back home. :)

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Happy thanksgiving to my friends on help.

VEGAN ROCKS!! :) But Happy Day of Thanks, Aeolian!

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