392 replies, Replies 21 to 30

5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

Thx jetmoo for setting the record straight.
Where is Al??

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

They are burning down the towers in the U.K.
Hopefully we will follow your lead in america.
Dont they understand we dont want or need 5 G.
Its going to start by killing 1000s of birds. Sic

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Don't let anyone tell you that Trump couldn't have done more about COVID-19

Jetmoo nailed it. Thanks

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The Death of Civilization

Cliff notes???

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Thank you Al. You nailed it, Ive been saying the same for the last couple decades. Different words.
Listen to what he wrote...

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Thats what they wanted.
Ill guarantee the next step in mandatory chip implants.

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Help me figure this out.

Do liberals still, in their santimonious ways, still push tolerance on the masses?
They seem to be the most intolerant bunch .
So much hatred comes from the far left for simply not agreeing with whatever it is they put out.
The real damage seems to be children, who are so confused what freaking gender they are.
No wonder middle america is sick of them and in my opinion will never, ever, ever trust them to lead as president of the U.SA. for a long, long, long time.
Trump. Landslide in november..

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From Frampton comes alive.

Hi big al.. I want to go back in time. Dont you??
I feel like a peanut lately

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Im aware of this.
So sad.

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can't we just make some noise?

Would you like my take on a beatles classic?

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