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So,a close friend of mine has been a victim of a cybercrime.

Let me just start on how disgusted I am at whoever preyed on a grieving woman going through hell. But that's another story. Anyway, someone spoke to her online and has been speaking to her for a while. Suddenly he's sending her a package with a gift since she's been praying for him. She gives him her address. Fast forward a few days and 'customs' call asking her for money. She (luckily) says no. She's been receiving death threats for two days. This is a woman who has been going through severe depression for a while, who has gone through assault, who has been hurting, who lost both her father and her dog in less than a year. While it was naive of her to provide this information, I'm trying to help. She booked a very expensive lawyer (that she can't really afford right now) , which I told her not to do but am directing her to the cyber crime unit of our country. What else should I be doing? How do I keep her calm? Please help.

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You being there for her and trying to guide her and find help for her is invaluable. Nothing makes someone who has been victimized better than having a champion for their cause.

Can she get an attorney through a legal aid office? Around here, help in filing paperwork is free through legal aid and consultation is free. Keeping the attorney long term is priced on a sliding scale

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I'm somewhat confused. US Customs is not in the shipping business, or threatening either.

So where exactly is this 'friend' located? Are these threats coming through the mail? If so just contact the postmaster so they can screen her mail for potential suspicious letters or packages. That is their job. Consider calling the FBI too. I doubt she is the first to fall prey to these people.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 month after post)
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How did it all work out?

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