Yes.Be Less Stupid!...
Personally, I don't want the old gasbag to be impeached, because then we'd be stuck with his equally dangerous homophobe VP. I'd just like to see this be important enough to every eligible voter in the US, to show up at the polls the next election cycle to tell these monsters, with their vote, that we aren't going to take it anymore. Next best thing would be for the two of them to have a terrible fatal accident together, allowing Nancy Pelosi to take over at the helm, and get this ship back on course, before we crash and burn ourselves! ...That's all I have. Next time I'll say how I really feel.
Fun??? 😱
He won't be impeached.
A president can stay in office for as long as a country is in a state of war. There's a US fleet underway to Iran. (One of the best armed nations on the planet) there's an arms deal in the works for Saudi Arabia (enemies of Iran, officially allies to the US (Though ironically also the most likely nation to have funded Isis)
My bet is Trump will remain in office till the day he dies. The only questions are, when will this happen and in what manner?
Where's John Wilkes Booth when you need him, eh?
The evidence is there to impeach but it takes 2/3 vote in both houses. And the GOP is scared to death of Trump. Kind of like a dictator with supreme power. God what an ego he must have!
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
I doubt very seriously that anyone is afrsid of that "mental midget". I think they just like that he's so easily manipulated, which has allowed them to pass all the evil BS they couldn't have done under anyone else, except someone as evil SS they are, like Mike Pence. What they will soon fear is how any of them will ever get re-elected, after everything they've allowed that ridiculous buffoon to get away with.
only thing i can think of.. is the days when nobody cared who the US president was. their job is to look out for the NATIONAL interest! the real problem amasses is when they
-cut our food supply. grocery stores will no longer provide the variety of food thats given to us via the free market. we'll live on rice and .. maaybe potatos. yummay!
-reduce education to just the alphabet and basic math.
- i think i'll stop here
-it could be a worst. maybe look into history and revisit the those days. not that i would like to bring back the old formal etiquette - how it was the norm to be permitted a duel if one were insulted.. HAHA .. think we do this now?
maybe gang bangers, but they're idiots.
Yorick wrote:
only thing i can think of.. is the days when nobody cared who the US president was. their job is to look out for the NATIONAL interest!
Future history books will tell of a time (2016) when all 1/3 of citizens cared about was electing an illiterate failed reality TV host, who cared only about HIS OWN interests - caring absolutely nothing for those "poorly educated" souls who liked him only because he was as stupid as they were.
jj01 wrote:
Yorick wrote:
only thing i can think of.. is the days when nobody cared who the US president was. their job is to look out for the NATIONAL interest!Future history books will tell of a time (2016) when all 1/3 of citizens cared about was electing an illiterate failed reality TV host, who cared only about HIS OWN interests - caring absolutely nothing for those "poorly educated" souls who liked him only because he was as stupid as they were.
i want to warn everyone
the online fab team is making algorithms in a business fashion. with that order they are creating a versatile attempt to stop you from thinking twice. every action there is a reaction.
where do you stand?
Yorick wrote:
where do you stand?
I (firmly) stand with our country and our planet. I'm not cool with anyone so willing to destroy both. Of course, I can only speak for myself.... That's my most honest reaction to their (bad) actions, and I don't need to think twice about that.
Good! Let the stupid people pay for it!
jj01 wrote:
Good! Let the stupid people pay for it!
Lol! a map?
What a stupid thing that is, with all it's lines and borders.... Why, you would get the impression that certain races actually possess certain regions of this goddamm earth. How dare people think like that!
Well some don't, anyway (thank god)! Some groups - mauraders - er- dictators - er - facists - er - liberators (yeah, that's it, 'liberators'), think, what those people own should belong to everyone else (including themselves).
So they invade that land by passing over a wall that is only a little more than ink high and begin to parasitically suck the spirit from the land and the people who own it - they drain its resources, ****rape their women and kill their people.
....thank god for people like you! Having a devoted mole on the inside always keeps the resistance going✊ - because, as we know, people who are attacked shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves (what an insult, right?), when what they should really do is just lay down, give over their land, and die.
Good job comrade - er - cousin - er - sister - er 'friend.'
!BRAVO! 💨🎶
See folks, it's true! All you got to do is survive junior high and the world can be your oyster!
Slash wrote:
the world can be your oyster!
...Which mostly only makes me wonder about the first human(s) who took their first look at an oyster, and thought to themselves that it looked like something good to eat. :-o They had to be seriously fking hungry, eh? (Yes of course I get it, but it still doesn't make it right, or any less gross and stupid.)
jj01 wrote:
(Yes of course I get it, but it still doesn't make it right, or any less gross and stupid.)
1. Not a big oyster fan myself but they're not banned or illegal - someone out there loves them (good for them and for commerece).
2. What would you do to stop a home invader....?
Knowing (real) history is a cool thing, and can help people to "be less stupid".
Another helpful thing is to understand that a border and a boarder are not the same things.
First, if I wasn't well traveled, I certainly made it through school and don't need a geography or lessons in topography.
Secondly, spelling was never my strong suit, due to certain vowels being my nemesis, (obviously there is a difference between the two words regarding definition).
But, I didn't come here to play in your spelling bee. If we're in the middle of the road and I say, "Tammy, you're going to get hit by a car in five seconds," (and I'm looking directly at you) are you really going to argue that your name isn't Tammy, until you get hit or are you going to move from harms way?
Now. Back to the original question. What would you do to solve the 'BORDER' problem and the flow of illegal immigrants marching across it?
One thing I certainly wouldn't do is hire a failed reality TV host with the intellect of a hamburger bun to fix it or ANY problem. ...And actually, it does sound like a history AND a civics class certainly couldn't hurt you. People seeking asylum must be on US soil to apply for it, and they have up to a year, legally, to do so.
Remember, two can play the game of "A list of things that would do you good...."
I can be just as effective at that as you, but, I choose to focus my energy into forward momentum regarding the issue. Quite frankly, you are retarding that very progress, due to your inept ability to answer a direct question (as most liberals and dems do).
....Did I ask about all the goddamm things you wouldn't do? Am I asking for a list of those? I don't recall that; and saying -
jj01 wrote:
People seeking asylum must be on US soil to apply for it, and they have up to a year, legally, to do so.
- says nothing about your outline to stop 👉 illegal immigration. 👈
Given on what little solution you have provided, the results would happen as follows -
"Let me commit a crime and demand to be found innocent after I land up in court."
And from the sounds of it, repeating 12 years of school without the rose-colored glasses wouldn't hurt you in the least. original a question still remains. If you do not want to answer it, then say so, but please, stop high-stepping and redirecting the question.
I don't recall, in my original post, asking for commentary or questions from any fascist fans. This country was stolen from their ancestors by our ancestors. If any of them show up at my door scared or hungry, I will feed and defend them.
jj01 wrote:
I don't recall, in my original post, asking for commentary or questions from any fascist fans
Fascist? Lol! It's so common with libs to reach for Hitlerian similitaries when they begin jumping at their own shadow (and look at you go).
What's wrong JJ? Can't answer a basic question regarding the issues of the very country we live in without feeling self-conscience??? Your colors are beginning to show.
I wonder what sort of ignorance awaits - oh wait, what's this -
jj01 wrote:
This country was stolen from their ancestors by our ancestors.'re saying the North American Indians were eventually rounded up and taken to goddamm Mexico?
Holy sh!t you need to get your a$$ to the United Nations! "Let the Indians back into our country!" !LOL!😂😂😂😂😂 (I think I just peed myself, laughing!) Thank you JJ - thank you....
jj01 wrote:
If any of them show up at my door scared or hungry, I will feed and defend them.
First, you don't know what you're talking about. Secondly, you walk with enough pretense as to appear well rounded but you can't answer a straight forward question without feeling grilled and, thirdly (the ole "we stole their land from them.") Pure ignorence. The funny thing is JJ, I gave you a free doorway out - all you had to say was, "I don't want to answer the question."
This is why you can't count on liberals to maintain anything venerable.
And, no, wouldn't.
Some people obviously can't just "be less stupid", and feel the need to prove it, apparently.
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