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Why am i existing for no reason

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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reason, existing
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last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Because your parents had s.e.x.

User photo 22810 561248
(3 hours after post)
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We are naturally afraid of death and do not seek it. Thus, we keep on existing with the hope that things would be better. Life is a lot of hard work, pain, loneliness, and routine.

For couple of moments, life is beautiful and peaceful and for those moments, all the suffering is worth it.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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You have a reason. You have a purpose to be here. Do you have access to a library or audio books?

Original Poster
(5 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
You have a reason. You have a purpose to be here. Do you have access to a library or audio books?


Original Poster
(6 hours after post)
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tricky wrote:
We are naturally afraid of death and do not seek it. Thus, we keep on existing with the hope that things would be better. Life is a lot of hard work, pain, loneliness, and routine.

For couple of moments, life is beautiful and peaceful and for those moments, all the suffering is worth it.

When will life be beautiful or peaceful? I think about death

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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The best way to find purpose is to completly unpug from the matrix.
Remove all the programs. Delete them.

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I am tired of life. Waste of time and nowhere to go. Sometimes i think dying wouldnt be so bad. I have a mix of tablets that would do the trick. Its a shame i wouldn't be able to hide if i cut. Just have hurt in ways that people cant see instead like hitting myself.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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(10 hours after post)
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I once felt the same way .
Try my advise. What do you have to lise at this point.
Ill promise you that there is something great you need to tap into. Once you find it you work around the clock to realise it.
There is a program in the matrix that says you need to be a part if the matrix to find sucess. Delete that program.
Its a lie.
And another lie is you need school for sucess.aIts the biggest lie brought to you by corporate higher education.
Ill leave it at that
You are now a boxer in the ghetto. Thats the fuel that will lead you to sucess. Later

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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It all boils down to one question....

What do you want to do?
Just because you haven't found your purpose does not mean that it does not exist.

What would you like to do?

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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One more thing
Once you find your passion its not going to be a free ride.
There are no participation trophys in the real world.
You will have to work really really hard at it. It will leave you without much of a social life.
But once your in the groove it will be worth it

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last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Human is that being for which not having a meaning is a problem, and which has "no meaning" as it's default state.

It's a problem which has no specific solution or specific way or reaching that solution. The two most general ways to solve it is to actively do things to find that meaning or to wait around to see if it finds you. the first method is probably more effective, I don't know, I never tried it. the second method is less likely, but it's the most common way people proceed.

This is a problem I have right now and in this very moment I'm also thinking about how to fix it. I have what is probably a dead-end job in the end and I don't know what I want to do rather than what I am doing so it causes a form of decision paralysis. What do I even care about, besides the people in my life? They just want me to have a good way of making a living and to live as long and healthily as possible and to spend time with them and enjoy them and to do things that they want me to do on a daily basis.

Which I can be ok with it, the job thing is the biggest setback right now I guess. I don't know what I want to do, or what I could be good at, and I don't have a great way of finding out what that is.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
The best way to find purpose is to completly unpug from the matrix.
Remove all the programs. Delete them.

Actually, it is the exact opposite. You don't unplug as much as plug IN. Step out of your comfort zone to help others. Volunteer! As much as you might lament where you are right now there are hundreds within easy reach that find their place in life lacking. All they want is a friendly face to look at. To listen to their problems. To care. To be sincere. To show a little bit of empathy.
There is no science involved. You can accomplish 99% of all of this just by showing up.

(23 hours after post)
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User photo 22810 561248
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Anonymous wrote:

tricky wrote:
We are naturally afraid of death and do not seek it. Thus, we keep on existing with the hope that things would be better. Life is a lot of hard work, pain, loneliness, and routine.

For couple of moments, life is beautiful and peaceful and for those moments, all the suffering is worth it.

When will life be beautiful or peaceful? I think about death

if you are expecting to attain a level of happiness hence forth you are gonna be disappointed, for those are only moments. Happiness all the time is not real, you can be content at best. Happiness ever after is a nice little lie.

That doesnt mean you have to be sad all the time either, you have to come in term with reality... All those people on social media and tv are a lie, they are not happy all the time...

Life is about a lot of sadness and some happy moments... you have to learn to cherish and enjoy the small things in life. A lot of people of dying of hunger and cold... Since you are still here at the very least you can be thankful for that... a lot of people are blind, cant walk etc... when you learn to appreciate what you already have you will at the very least be content

There is nothing wrong with being sad and feeling like you wana die. Hell I write poems asking for death to come and take me away from this endless pain. However, after i vent, and be realistic, this world is so beautiful. With its dancing green trees, powerful mountains, and an endless river of water

Concerning purpose, you can decide whatever purpose you want to pursuit in this life. There are always a lot of people that need help, so volunteering is always a noble pursuit. If i die lonely and sad, at the very least, let me make somebody else life easier. Or decide to make the most possible money, whatever you want, your the boss :) There is no good or evil, just doing and not doing. Do whatever you want but do it well

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(2 days after post)
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I don't want to eat or drink or anything and i know its making me bad but its like i just don't care. But when i get too bad ill change my mind and it will be too late to reverse damage done. I dont care. Others care. I don't

Original Poster
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If it weren't for others id probably have killed myself by now. Instead i exist half arsed because others need me to exist.

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