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I’m so tired

Nothings going right

I never move forward in life

Just stuck in one place

It doesn’t matter what I do. There’s. Never any progress.

It’s like being trapped in a box with no way out. Sometimes there’s a glimmer of light before it’s snatched away.

Like life is saying Haha haha just kidding. You’ll never have anything good.

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life, good, haha, kidding
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I think i felt this way a lot before i was legally an adult. Once i was able to take more responsibility for my life i felt a lot freer and my hope for a better future grew considerably.

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(17 minutes after post)
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Honestly I just want fall and keep falling

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Happiness and moving ahead or a sense of purpose requires disipline. Hard word dedication and a willingness to sweat.
Do not think happiness is a given. Its not and its also fleeting.
For your new year decide to put some spring back in your step.
Spiritual growth is like a bank.
You put in good stuff like excercie meditation prayer volunteer work movement you get
back contentment happiness good physical emotional and spiritual health. If you drink alcohol use hard drugs hate break the 10 commandments. You are withdrawing from your spiritual bank until you go into spiritual debt.
The farther you go into debt the harder it will be to climb out and reach homeostasis.
Its a long haul so start today

Original Poster
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I’ve worked my ***ass off for 15 years. I’ve tried and tried and tried and tried and I get nothing.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Try working on something you love

(17 hours after post)
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I'm sorry you're feeling this way, OP. Can you give us more specifics about your situation so we can try to offer more concrete help?

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(1 day after post)
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what do you consider progress? what are you seeking?

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