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Will someone who had the coronavirus tell us the timeline and symptoms.

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coronavirus, symptoms, timeline
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05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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I had it and I can help. I am in the middle of something right now, but I should be able to put together a timeline for you in a couple of hours.

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05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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Just to be clear, I know it was COVID because all three of us were tested and it was positive.

One complication with the timeline is that it's not possible to know the precise moment or day that you contracted the illness. So I won't bother guessing that.

This is the best I can remember and some dates are more 100 percent sure about that others, especially the more recent ones since they are fresher in my head, and I wasn't thinking about keeping track while we were sick. Another thing is that my dad isn't a very communicative person generally, so my information on his symptoms is a little bit vague on some points. So here goes:

1. Dad caught Covid at work sometime before 3/26

2.In the week starting 3/29, he started feeling sick,feeling "achey" and he probably had a fever at this time too.

3.It gets work in the week starting April 5, with sneezing and him losing his appetite and constant fever, culminating in when we had to take him to the hospital on Easter Sunday (April 12). Sunday he was having some chest pain and difficulty breathing, which is part of what prompted us to take him to the hospital.

4.At the hospital, the found that his COVID had developed into pneumonia. His oxygen levels were low, so they put him on oxygen (not a ventilator). He was on oxygen almost his whole stay at the hospital and he had fever on and off throughout. They gave him hydroxchloroquine and tylenol for the COVID. He was in the hospital from April 12-April 22, so just shy of two weeks. However, he couldn't immediately come home, because the COVID agitated some of his underlying health issues and being laid up in the hospital for almost two weeks left him feeling weak. So the discharged him to a rehabilitation facility.

5.We were able to get him discharged out of there on April 29. In retrospect, he probably didn't really need the rehab facility, or if he did, he just needed it for a couple of days until his strength came back.

Now, for me:

1. I was starting to feel off in the week of March 29-April 4. Like I didn't feel like anything was wrong specifically but I had a feeling I was getting sick

2. That vague sense of malaise continued into the following week (April 5 - April 12). I had started sneezing a little here and there and just felt more tired and mildly achey.

3. On April 13, the day after we took my dad to the hospital, it REALLY hit kinda suddenly and I had a high fever, and more sneezy, and that's also when the difficulty breathing hit me. I had my doctor prescribe me an albuterol sulfate inhaler, and I am glad I did because it helped. Anytime I did ANYTHING mildly strenuous, like climbing up our stairs, or moving my laptop from one room to another, I felt like someone was sitting on my chest. It didn't take long for it to go away though and I knew it was only happening then, and the inhaler was helping, so I did not decide to check into the hospital.

For the Fever, I was taking Motrin, even though they say to take acetaminophen products, because acetaminophen affects the liver and I have a liver issue. It worked like a charm, but if I missed a dose or tried to skip a dose, it came right back.

4. By April 19, my sneezing had lessened and I was able to manage the fever with Motrin. I had a slight Fever before going to bed on Friday April 24, and took one last dose of Motrin. After that my fever was gone what was left of my congestion was going away and

5.I would say I was completely symptom free on Monday, April 27

My mom's illness was basically the same as ours, but seemed to start earlier than mine and also last it wasn't more sever, I would say, but more slow burning...I'm too lazy to put together a more specific timeline than that for her.

But if you have any questions about any of that, let me know.

Original Poster
(6 hours after post)
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Thank you lano.
Well I had a dry cough for over 2 months.never have I coughed so much ever. I had the chest pain but still could breath.
Im sneezing all the time. I have a mild fever right now.
Very very tired all the time.
I look like hell. All flushed and white.
And the achy pain is like I got beat up.
Oh and loose stools.
I dont know what it is but its not going away.
I hope it isnt the coronavirus.
What do you think?

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Anonymous wrote:
Thank you lano.
Well I had a dry cough for over 2 months.never have I coughed so much ever. I had the chest pain but still could breath.
Im sneezing all the time. I have a mild fever right now.
Very very tired all the time.
I look like hell. All flushed and white.
And the achy pain is like I got beat up.
Oh and loose stools.
I dont know what it is but its not going away.
I hope it isnt the coronavirus.
What do you think?

I am not a medical professional and cannot in good conscience give you anymore advice without first saying: PLEASE first thing tomorrow morning call your doctor and check with them. Until then, if:

a. The chest pain is bad or
b. You feel like you are having trouble breathing, or
c. Your temp is dangerously high

You should probably go to a walk-in clinic if there is one open by you or the ER.

Here is an article on whether or not you should go to the hospital with COVID symptoms:

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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If you think you are ok for now:

Being that you've had the dry cough for over 2 months, I suspect that would not be related to COVID if you have would be odd if you caught it that soon, and even more odd if it lasted that long. I guess it's not impossible though, no one knows everything about COVID and it's different for everyone.

The chest pain might be related to the cough but it worries me a little...see my comment above.

The other stuff sound like flu-like symptoms and could definitely be COVID. They say to take Tylenol or Day/Nyquil for the fever (acetaminophen products).

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Weirdly I hardly coughed at all during my literally maybe once or twice. I did sneeze a bunch at certain points, as I mentioned.

My mom though DID cough a lot, especially at night, drove her crazy.

Original Poster
(6 hours after post)
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Ok. Im not in dire straights.
I glad you are ok.
Maybe its just the flu.

Original Poster
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Did the motrin help with the achs

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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Anonymous wrote:
Did the motrin help with the achs

Yes. HOWEVER Motrin is Ibuprofen and my dr advised to me that ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatories, are not preferable in this case. The concern is that anti-inflammatories wmay prevent inflamation that your body uses to try and slow down the spread of the virus in your body...or something like that.

However, this is not proven, and like I said, I used Motrin and I was fine. I would have used Tylenol instead but I have a liver issue and have been advised by my dr not to take Tylenol. And that was the only two choices I had, so....

Original Poster
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Got it.
You are very lucky you are ok. And your whole family made it.
Very scary.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Anonymous wrote:
Got it.
You are very lucky you are ok. And your whole family made it.
Very scary.

Honestly, as far as for me...I am in my early thirties and I do not have any major health issues so I wasn't really super afraid...the shortness of breath WAS a bit scary but I felt more safe after I was able to get the inhaler. My mom seemed to be handling well too, even though she is in her late sixties.

More scared for my dad because he's over 60 and has underlying health issues that COVID seem to make worse. The doctors were concerned he might go into cardiac arrest at least one point during the hospitalization. He's fine now, though.

Original Poster
(6 hours after post)
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Oh my God.
So sorry .

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Anonymous wrote:
Oh my God.
So sorry .

It's ok! He's up and about again and being his ole' pain-in-the-arsch self lol

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Sorry you had to go through this @Lano . Prayers to all of you!

(2 days after post)
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well i dunno if you guys remember my ailments back in january.. i try to tell people i already had it.. they keep telling me its not it.

get immune .. helps defer the contagion

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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soco wrote:
Sorry you had to go through this @Lano . Prayers to all of you!

Thank you.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
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NacthoMan wrote:
well i dunno if you guys remember my ailments back in january.. i try to tell people i already had it.. they keep telling me its not it.

get immune .. helps defer the contagion

I hope I'm immune. They're saying that getting it might not actually confer immunity. But no one seems to be sure.

61m5eztj 2l
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4 years ago I had a terrible cough. So bad that I couldn’t walk 100 metres without being out of breath. I fractured ribs from coughing. ( I regularly ran 10k at the time) it lasted 3 months at its worst, was 6 months before I could actually exercise again and 18 months before it completely went away ( I had coughing fits where I just couldn’t stop)

Obviously it wasn’t COVID 19 but it was hell all the same. Maybe you cough is something similar. Have you been tested? Is your government testing? Get a test for Covid if you can. And get well soon.

(3 days after post)
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the test will only check out if you are showing symptoms.. not when your fine n dandy

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