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I'm so stressed and tired and even a bit depressed due to my long hour work.

I want to get rid of my stress but I don't know how.

I heard that sports makes you happy but I am too exhausted to move.

I heard that eating chocolate can make you happy but I don't want to because it makes me fat.

What else can I do??

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happy, eating, heard, fat, chocolate
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Van morrison
(8 hours after post)
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Meditate. It will relax you, ground you, give you energy and won't make you fat.

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I play video games. It works for me. Or replaces my bad stress with good stress.

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If you have family it is extremely important to have interaction with them. Assuming you are male, they miss you when you are gone. They shouldn't have to feel neglected after you arrive home. Time is the one thing we can never get back. This very minute you will never see again. Make it count.

(15 hours after post)
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EAT CHOCOLATE! Dark chocolate, not the milk chocolate crap. I like the 70% chocolate. 100% is just too bitter. But the darker the better! Even if you notice just a little lift in your mood it's better than where you started. But there is a noticeable lift(at least for me). A couple pieces should do it(i eat between 2-4 Ghirardelli chocolate squares.) You don't have to eat a lot so don't worry bout getting fat. Dark chocolate is less fattening than milk chocolate on top of it all anyway. You'll naturally only want a little because you feel more full than when you eat milk chocolate.

And find another job or a better situation in general. If you're not happy there get a new one. Seriously.
If you can't find a job you like, not that it's really up to you anyway, but if you can't you're just screwed.

Been there, done it.

Got screwed.

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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Thanks for all the advice , this morning I became very depressed. I went out shopping with my mom and I feel a bit better now. I'm working tomorrow but I don't really want to, I have been thinking about looking for a new job but there are many things to think about... but I'll think about it, thank you all!

(1 day after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
Thanks for all the advice , this morning I became very depressed. I went out shopping with my mom and I feel a bit better now. I'm working tomorrow but I don't really want to, I have been thinking about looking for a new job but there are many things to think about... but I'll think about it, thank you all!

yah don't force it. thinking it through first is a great idea. but ultimately it should lead to positive changes that make things better for you. it might take some time. but at least you'll be able to take the right opportunities when they present themselves.

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