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I can't wait to die.

I'm too chicken to kill myself. But I honestly can't wait for this sick sh*t to be over.

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sick, kill, wait, honestly, sht
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Hang in there buddy! There's always a new episode of "Life Sucks ***Ass," to watch.

Img 2679
(1 day after post)
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Life doesn't have to suck so badly. Honestly just getting serious exercise can lift a veil of depression. Go for a run or something, it will make you feel better.

(5 days after post)
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Hi there. Me too! I cant wait for life to take me. I dont think im too chiken though. Its the guilt. People are like oh no stay away from covid. Im like here!just give it to me and let me die ive had enough of all this ***

Original Poster
(5 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
Hi there. Me too! I cant wait for life to take me. I dont think im too chiken though. Its the guilt. People are like oh no stay away from covid. Im like here!just give it to me and let me die ive had enough of all this ***

i actually go back and forth between wanting it to go ahead and be over with for myself, or go ahead and be over with for the world, recognizing that may include me(i honestly don't believe this species has much hope, a little but, not much).

i can't argue the logic though is the problem. just to be blunt, suffering more to stop suffering doesn't make sense. it's why i can't do it. i hate everything around me and even hate being part of this species, but, let that bring me to killing myself? i don't believe in an afterlife like heaven so the only people who would be better off and around to know it are the people that caused me to want this bs to end in the first place. i didn't make myself feel this way, why should i pay for it when something/one else caused it? o.O

at first, i'd rather figure out a way to get revenge on anything/one that would make me feel this way. i'm not the type for that either though. causing suffering to stop suffering also doesn't make sense :( even if i sometimes imagine it'd make me feel a lot better if it did. :EvilGrin:

either way is a moot point though because you can't fight or kill an enemy that you cannot touch: Time or foolishness...

...i think it's hell. i already died and maybe they were right about the existence of hell. i didn't believe it and here i am.

everything in my life has been a neat little package wrapped in irony. it's been the theme. if this is hell, being put here and not knowing it is the ironic bow.

(5 days after post)
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I like how you express yourself because i can relate. Sometimes i just want those hurting me to see the hurt they are doing to me but it could result in getting locked up. Ot if i could leave those people messages before i went away of how they hurt me. But that would be a horrible thing to do. In a way i feel they wouldn't care so much and might even be relieved. But my family would hurt.

Original Poster
(1 week after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
I like how you express yourself because i can relate. Sometimes i just want those hurting me to see the hurt they are doing to me but it could result in getting locked up. Ot if i could leave those people messages before i went away of how they hurt me. But that would be a horrible thing to do. In a way i feel they wouldn't care so much and might even be relieved. But my family would hurt.

One lucky night I'll go to bed, fall asleep, quickly and hopefully painlessly never wake up. That's my dream.

I bet everyone that dies at night wakes up first tho.

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Viktor Frankl maybe.

Man's Search for Meaning is a good thing to read if you want hope.

(1 week after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I like how you express yourself because i can relate. Sometimes i just want those hurting me to see the hurt they are doing to me but it could result in getting locked up. Ot if i could leave those people messages before i went away of how they hurt me. But that would be a horrible thing to do. In a way i feel they wouldn't care so much and might even be relieved. But my family would hurt.

One lucky night I'll go to bed, fall asleep, quickly and hopefully painlessly never wake up. That's my dream.

I bet everyone that dies at night wakes up first tho.

If u die how can u wake up?

Ive had heart failure symptoms becore. It was beautiful. Bittersweet but never felt so peaceful in all my life

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 weeks after post)
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You've got to learn to enjoy small victories, grab every little moment of partial happiness and embrace it. I like the exercise comment, working up a sweat can give you a feeling of accomplishment and euphoria.

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(2 weeks after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I like how you express yourself because i can relate. Sometimes i just want those hurting me to see the hurt they are doing to me but it could result in getting locked up. Ot if i could leave those people messages before i went away of how they hurt me. But that would be a horrible thing to do. In a way i feel they wouldn't care so much and might even be relieved. But my family would hurt.

One lucky night I'll go to bed, fall asleep, quickly and hopefully painlessly never wake up. That's my dream.

I bet everyone that dies at night wakes up first tho.

If u die how can u wake up?

Ive had heart failure symptoms becore. It was beautiful. Bittersweet but never felt so peaceful in all my life

I passed out once. I think I fainted. I ended up on the floor looking up at my lamp watching the light fade from my vision into darkness. I thought I was dying. Right before the light completely went away, I got back up and was fine.

It was uucked fup. I don't remember anything beautiful about being scared of dying.

glad you're okay after that.

but just fyi i never said anything about expecting to wake up that part kinda confused me lol

Original Poster
(2 weeks after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
You've got to learn to enjoy small victories, grab every little moment of partial happiness and embrace it. I like the exercise comment, working up a sweat can give you a feeling of accomplishment and euphoria.

Mostly gives me back aches tho lol

I was big into doing this a while back. I lost something like 80lbs between exercise and dieting.

Though perhaps crucial to the weight loss, I do not attribute any feelings of happiness beyond that to any of the exercise though.

It was a lot of work. And resulted in benefits that were slow to see.

I've done a lot of hard work for absolutely nothing but to waste my time. I don't want to do that anymore. Time for the results to be worth the effort or it's not gonna be worth my time.

Exercise is one of those though, even though it's a pain in the ***ass. I'll get back to it one day lol

Original Poster
(1 month after post)
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Every day is proof.

I can't wait to get off this piece of ****shit.

I can't stand this place. I can't stand people. I can't stand this place. I can't wait to die. I can't wait>>>I can't wait.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 month after post)
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Read some books, it gives you a reason to keep going, if for no other reason than to turn the page and see what happens next.

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(2 months after post)
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Do u believe in God? He has kept me alive during my suicidal times and continues giving me strength

God bless

Original Poster
(2 months after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:
Do u believe in God? He has kept me alive during my suicidal times and continues giving me strength

God bless

I'm the opposite. I don't believe in god, at least not the way most people do. I'm not sure I'm spiritual at all in fact.

If I thought there was an afterlife, much less if I thought said afterlife were a better place than here, like the christians believe, I'D GO TO IT!

Subscribing to a religion would in fact be detrimental to my mental sanity issues I think.

Very glad it brings you peace and hope though!

Img 5499 photo full
(2 months after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:
Do u believe in God? He has kept me alive during my suicidal times and continues giving me strength

God bless

I'm the opposite. I don't believe in god, at least not the way most people do. I'm not sure I'm spiritual at all in fact.

If I thought there was an afterlife, much less if I thought said afterlife were a better place than here, like the christians believe, I'D GO TO IT!

Subscribing to a religion would in fact be detrimental to my mental sanity issues I think.

Very glad it brings you peace and hope though!

May I ask why you feel that believing in God would bring you mental health issues? If it is because of so much badness in the world, that is because we have been given freewill and we have chosen to live this way.

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