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I am just stuck in exhausting and depressing cycle of chronic procrastination.

I need help!!

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cycle, exhausting, depressing, chronic, procrastination
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Ah, procrastination..

If it is not just a 'plain lazy' (like my daughter), my theory is that there is something behind the procrastination. Is there some psychological, or traumatic issue that needs attention?

If you think that there is nothing like that, perhaps start with very small steps. Depending what you procrastinate (is it housework, school work, paper work etc etc), just take the tiniest steps, and reward yourself for it (again depends what would work for you; you can have a chart with star sticker to see what progress you are making, one star for a little effort, two start for a bigger etc., or you can give yourself some treat, an ice cream, chocolate etc., or buy yourself something more expensive).

If this does not help, is there anybody who can help you with what you are procrastinating with? Is a friend able to clean with you, and then you can have a drink/cake together after. Is there someone you can pay to do the work, like a cleaner?

I'm not sure if this helps. I hate doing paper work, I always avoid that until it really has to be done. Hope you will find the motivation to tackle the procrastination.

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Join the club.
We're still waiting for the application forms to arrive from the printer.

I mean, come on!!...!! It's been two years!!

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Ok so this is going to sound insane but trust me on this.

Stop snoozing. Set your alarm and when it goes off, count backwards from 5. By the time you get to 1, your feet should be on the ground.

Start with just this little step. If you look at your goals with a broad scope, you’re going to feel overwhelmed, and when that happens, it’s easy to get stuck. So take it one small step at a time.

P.S. I can’t take credit for most of this advice. I love Mel Robbins (her books the 5 second rule and the high 5 method)

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