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My whole life along with social anxiety agoraphobia panic attacks obsessive compulsive depression i keep getting either mania or extreme bed ridden depression.

Then it goes back to mania. I can never predict which extreme it will take me. I do know alcohol or pot will initially give me some relief but after a few days will bring me to bed ridden depression. It has given me insomnia . This back and forth of emotions is exhausting. I had it most of my life. I know there really is no drug to treat it effectively.. I usually just accept this condition. But its getting old and would like some advice. I dont want heavy drugs that would knock me out cold. Does anyone know how I can go about treating this condition? Does anybody else have this? If so what works to stabilize this? Thank you for listening

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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life, depression, bed, condition, ridden
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(46 minutes after post)
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I think you may have just described bipolar schizophrenia. There's meds for that but i'm against pharmiceuticals.
Social skills can be difficult to acquire, the backlash is always unpredictable in an ever diversifying world.
Of course it maybe too easy to say grow a thicker skin? Stop worrying about everyone else thinks. Just keep honest and true and stick to your guns. Don't fear your mistakes.
"If" is a word that keeps people in bed. Sometimes puts people in a coffin.
No one wants to die as if they had never lived.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(8 hours after post)
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I would suggest seeing a doctor. I think you may eventually need a psychiatrist.

But there are caveats. It is the practice today to throw pills at every medical problem. And medications may, indeed, be necessary to get your brain chemistry right. I don't think pills are a permanent solution, however. The root causes of anxiety or depression must be identified, confronted, and booted from your mind.

What worries you right now? What are you most concerned about? What problems seem insoluble right now?

soco edited this post .

My whole life along with social anxiety agoraphobia panic attacks obsessive compulsive depression i keep getting either mania or extreme bed ridden depression. Then it goes back to mania. I can never predict which extreme it will take me. I do know alcohol or pot will initially give me some relief but after a few days will bring me to bed ridden depression. It has given me insomnia . This baback k and forth of emotions is exhausting. I had it most of my life. I know there really is no drug to treat it effectively.. I usually just accept this condition. But its getting old and would like some advice. I dont want heavy drugs that would knock me out cold. Does anyone know how I can go about treating this condition? Does anybody else have this? If so what works to stabilize this? Thank you for listening

Original Poster
(9 hours after post)
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Well sherlock. I spent my whole life just suffering and hiding this ****shit from the world. My father brutally abused me as a child and i think he was the cause of this ****shit. I know your not suppose to blame your parents but im sure his twisted abuse help bring it all on. Im middle age now and thought maybe its time to get help. I dont really want to drug myself silly. Thats not helping me getting drugged up. But maybe someone knows something i dont know to help make this all bearable. When you go thu life not trusting doctors and for good reason i am hoping i can maybe have some bearable years lefr

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(9 hours after post)
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First thing I would do is contact Lawlis Peavey PNP Center in Texas. They specialize in disorders and symptoms you have described. They do a complete physical and neurological assessment prior to starting ANY treatment, which is key. Call them to see what help they can offer you. They may be able to refer you to a doctor located closer to where you live.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(12 hours after post)
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I believe, Anon, that you need therapy to help you realize how an abusive father damaged your psyche and how to repair that damage. As an example, the famous author and evangelist Joyce Meyer had been *****raped by her father. After she got married, she treated her husband like dirt. She finally realized what she was doing and got therapy. She saved both her marriage and her own soul!

First and foremost, you have to realize that what happened to you was in no way your fault, that you did not "deserve" the treatment you received. Your father was beset by demons probably as a result of abuse. Sociologists estimate that a parent's influence will be felt up to 250 years down the generational lines.

You must also realize that the abuse you suffered does not define you. You are a child of God. You may have had the worst parents on the planet, but you are still a child of God--with rights and dignity conferred on you by the Most High.

Whatever happened in the past can be transcended. And, while we cannot change the past, we sure as heck can change the future.

The past is gone . . . the present is lost as it arrives . . . there is only the future!

Original Poster
(13 hours after post)
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Thank you sherlock. Much gratitude.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(16 hours after post)
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You're welcome.

Just hang in there and find a decent therapist, and unburden yourself of those thoughts and memories that make you feel bad.

All of those things can be banished!

Hiippie chick beautiful
(2 days after post)
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Sherlock is right.(again!)
But this is true too...."And other people spend most of their lives in an intermediate state, with lots of psychosis and lots of depression or mania, but not enough to be fully bipolar. These people are called schizoaffective. By definition, a person can't have bipolar disorder and schizophrenia at the same time."
My heart goes out to you...Apparently you have been through some really serious times, huh?
Me too...I have panic attacks that most people would never wish to experience...
But I am in a high stress job now, and it really does help...keeps the mind busy. THAT is important. Don't sit idle.
Be your own best buddy.
But talking to a professional is the most recommended solution.
Talk till you have let go of a lot of this crap that is overburdening you from the inside out.
You are not alone...<3
Just know that.

Original Poster
(2 days after post)
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Thanks caramia

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(2 days after post)
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I also agree with sherlock. I also study psychology so understand to a point how these types of conditions may arise from various life experiences. you might find that some meds they are able to give you, probably a concoction to begin with, will provide initial relief. however some form of talking therpy would indeed be a good idea.
theyll help you challenge the thoughts that make you anxious and cause you to have panic attacks and by doing so hopefully reduce symtoms of them til theyre at a managable level. your past will be explored and it might not be the glaringly obvious parts of what sounds like an awful childhood that have actually been the cause of your problems and there might be more current triggers you havent noticed or pieced together that are maing the issues persist. as for the depressive side of it often the understanding of what is causing the issues and the greater selfworth that comes from this helps allieviate the symptoms of depression and similarly may help deminish the impact of the agoraphobia.

youll find once you have the right therapist and theyre using the method that works best for you that the puzzle fits together and a better understanding and actively altering your cognitions and developing healthy coping strategies will diminish the severity of the symptoms. and youll get to a point where its much more manageable. though this might take some time especially if you have had porblems for a long time and not previously had help for them.

but i promise you its worth it and will be the most beenficial if you work with your therapist. ive had one and am starting to see another tomorrow because my issues have returned with a vengance. im not saying youll be cured, having studies psychology for the past few years i dont believe that any mental health issue can be completely cured in the same way a scar is left after a physical injury. but you can learn to cope so well that you can live a "normal" life.

i hope that helps you understand the process a bit better? if you have any specific questions about any kind of therapy or anything else let me know. between studying it and starting to learn to apply everything to actual cases of people with mental illnesses and personal experience i have a decent amount of knowledge about this area.

Original Poster
(2 days after post)
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Wow.. you guys are fantastic. P.v. much thanks and appreciation. I somehow feel ok with getting help as long as its the right help if you know what i mean. IM NOT WORRING ABOUT so called stigma. Thats the least of my problems.

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