Still doin stuff for starbyface
last online: 07/21, 22:01
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I can't bring myself to eat.

This entire year, I've been having health and anxiety troubles. January, my throat felt too constricted to eat. February through March, anemia and gastritis and silent reflux. These past few days I can barely eat anything without feeling awful. Like it's not going to go down or it's not going to stay there. I'm nauseated because I'm hungry, then I'm nauseated because I ate.

What do I do? This is making me dizzy.

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Since writing this post CarolineFCY may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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eat, making, ate, dizzy, nauseated
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16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(36 minutes after post)
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Hi Caroline,

Thank you for reaching out.

What I would recommend in the short term is getting some Ensure/Boost meal supliments. That should help get you some needed nutrients.

That, however, is not a long term solution. What you need to do is go and talk to your doctor right away. They would have a better idea of what is going on and be able to help get you a permanent solution to this problem. :)

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(42 minutes after post)
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Thanks Padre :) My sister recommended the Ensure too, but we haven't gotten around to it. I have an appointment with my nurse practitioner and a counselor tomorrow at 8:15 and 5pm, respectively... it just seems so far away.

A friend recommended the BRAT diet, but my throat and stomach aren't responding well to bananas or bagels. For now, I'll see about malt-o-meal, but...

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(49 minutes after post)
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It seems like a long time, because in a crisis or even a difficult situation it is a long time. But that doesn't mean that it will be an insurmountable task to get to the appointment. :)

The BRAT diet might help, but that is more for easy digestion rather than the ability to get it down... That said it is probably a good place to start. If the bananas aren't doing the best then try applesauce. :)

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(1 hour after post)
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Thank you so much. After talking to you and a friend, I just ate a couple small spoonfuls of applesauce and some bites of cinnamon bagel. Some difficulty with the bagel, but they seem to be staying down so far. I think morning anxiety is a big culprit. Anxiety-fueled headaches too.

I think I should also set something up with my dentist. Some tooth pain on the left side of my mouth has been hindering enjoyment of food lately.

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(1 hour after post)
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That would be advisable as well. :) Always be sure to take care of yourself, in whatever way needed. :)

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 hour after post)
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Try making some soups and stews. Avoid bread products for the time being. Right now it's about getting your system readjusted to eating again.
Maybe a split pea soup with bacon or ham (I'd do one in a crock pot overnight)

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(1 hour after post)
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That's a good idea, we have a cherished InstantPot and crockpot in the house... I wonder if I can also manage potato soup with bacon or something.

Happy earth
(2 hours after post)
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My daughter gets nauseated when she doesn't eat and then she can't eat. Last time, it got bad enough that I took her to an urgent care clinic where they gave her a shot that was darn near miraculous. The nausea was gone within minutes. Right now I can't remember the name of the medication and I don't have it anymore. Since you're already scheduled to see your nurse practitioner, you might ask about that.

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(3 hours after post)
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Noted! As much as I hate shots, I'd love having an appetite more. I'll ask my NP asap, maybe she'll know what you're thinking about.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(6 hours after post)
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CarolineFCY wrote:
That's a good idea, we have a cherished InstantPot and crockpot in the house... I wonder if I can also manage potato soup with bacon or something.

That's nice! Don't forget to add the processed cheese (for real) and heavy cream!

(7 hours after post)
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I knew this girl who had the same problem, doctor suggested she should start with mixed juice, then vegetable soups and then start adding some meat in the soups and bread. He also gave her anxiolytics which are known to increase appetite.

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(11 hours after post)
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BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

CarolineFCY wrote:
That's a good idea, we have a cherished InstantPot and crockpot in the house... I wonder if I can also manage potato soup with bacon or something.

That's nice! Don't forget to add the processed cheese (for real) and heavy cream!

I'll try -- it sounds heavenly -- but I'll have to tread lightly! Just recently getting over reflux.

Kalinihta wrote:
I knew this girl who had the same problem, doctor suggested she should start with mixed juice, then vegetable soups and then start adding some meat in the soups and bread. He also gave her anxiolytics which are known to increase appetite.

Hmm, I think I can handle the juice. And despite what my mother and sister have said, I may need those anxiolytics... the panic attacks have been bad, and nonstop. In fact, they may solve a lot of my problems because I'm sick of losing weight.

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