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Any legal minds available?

I have a single paragraph on a one-page legal document decoded and translated to layman's terms.

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legal, decoded, translated, laymans, terms
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1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Here it is:
I, the above named Resident do consent to waive resigning of the complete admission agreement and all applicable consents, policies, and acknowledgemeets. I further acknowledge that there are no amendment's to the original admission agreement and consent forms and that the original agreement and all consent forms are still valid.

This is for a family member that is a permanent resident of a nursing home/rehabilitation facility. It is UNSIGNED, sent to us because we are his Healthcare surrogate. Thanks for any and all help.
And as much as I like to kid, please take this seriously.

(21 minutes after post)
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Not a legal mind, but it sounds like they are cancelling the “complete admission agreement”. Possibly for a revision of sorts, since it states that the other documents/consent forms are still valid.

I could be wrong. “Consent to waive resigning” sounds weird. Waive means to remove, and resign means to revoke- do they cancel each other out? Seems like a double negative.

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Sounded wishy washy to me also, hence the post.

Animation2 2
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Before you sign, you need to see the docs that it is referencing.....
Admission Agreement
Any Consents that your family member might have signed
A copy of the place's policy
And you need to make sure that there are indeed, no amendments....

Sounds to me like someone's trying to hide something

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We do have a copy of the original admission agreement, but there have been some revisions to it since. Before I sign it, I'm crossing out that last line.

Animation2 2
(6 hours after post)
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Cross it out, sign it, date it. And keep a copy of it

Better yet, tell them you aren't comfortable signing as is and see if they will revise for you. Whether they will or not will tell you a lot too

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Invest into a Black's Law Dictionary. Terms and definitions are quite shocking. Language structure and semantics is everything.

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Big-Al-One wrote:
Invest into a Black's Law Dictionary. Terms and definitions are quite shocking. Language structure and semantics is everything.

Anything like it online?

Animation2 2
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soco wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:
Invest into a Black's Law Dictionary. Terms and definitions are quite shocking. Language structure and semantics is everything.

Anything like it online?

Probably. We actually have Blacks Law Dictionary on our bookshelf and has come in sooo handy over the years.

But you are so good with tech stuff, I'm sure you could find it online, too

Also...maybe a free consult with an attorney?

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soco wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:
Invest into a Black's Law Dictionary. Terms and definitions are quite shocking. Language structure and semantics is everything.

Anything like it online?

Errrmmmm.... I honestly don't know

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Who buys books anymore? If not online I'll just go visit a local library.

Animation2 2
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soco wrote:
Who buys books anymore? If not online I'll just go visit a local library.

LOL...soooo funny. You're so right. Books are going to be obsolete. But there are still a few of us out there ;)

One room in my basement is nothing but bookshelves.....

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Try and find even an audio book on cassette tape. You can't. Even cds are going
and my hats off to you if you sang that last part.

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