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I’m in one of those moods.

Where i feel like no one likes or respects me and i’m just angry. I’m on my phone and its the middle of the night so i’m not getting into specifics. Just regurgitating the feels.

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night, feels, middle, specifics, regurgitating
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You're doing better than you think. I'm not sure how to word this, but when comparing yourself to others, you're comparing what others let you see (their best self) with your inner true self. You know every bad thought you ever had, but you've got no idea what's going on inside other peoples minds. The point I want to make is, you're equally worthy of love and respect. Some times you might not get the respond and the affection you need. That's not your fault, it's because everybody is troubled, most are self centered, and they've got much going on inside their minds. Instead of getting angry, I'd suggest, next time try to understand why this happened. What's wrong with the other person and responds to me in such a way? It'll help you a lot. Most of the arguments begin because people were already triggered by something else. Have you ever watched sea life documentaries? The big dolphin hurts the smaller and the smaller attacks to the smallest.

Orchid 2
(1 day after post)
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People can never dictate how WE FEEL. We subconsciously invite them.

Put another way: I truly believe that people who come into our 'sphere' are mirrors to how we feel inside. They reflect what we hide.

A really deep question you might want to consider: Do you like or respect yourself? If not, why not and do you want to change that?

Once you truly begin to respect and love yourself you can only attract nicer people who reflect that.

You commit to change and your interactions will change.

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