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This is just so beautiful and true I just have to share.

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aww, what a gem!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Thanks, Nix.
She was 92 when she read that. A beautiful lady indeed.

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If we look into the esoteric and the mystery schools, the importance comes with the cleansing and polishing of the heart. That means the refinement of character through practice and experience. The focus on the shell is temporary and flawed, wasting time that can be used for betterment of self.
This is what is needed for individual growth and also for the growth of the general population.

The focus on the box, the label or the possessions of an individual leads away from the narrow path and also darkens and hardens the heart. We can see this all around manifested in many different ways. The focus of many is to lead people astray and make sure they do not discover what lives within as that would be a cause for (r)evolution.

I do not adhere to any religion, but hold to the belief in the teachings we can find worldwide. If we can look beyond the shell, we see the individual. If we look at the shell, we will never see the individual. This is one of the reasons the shell can be detrimental for the individual as it can prohibit personal growth. We also have false preachers talking about beauty and the graces, not knowing what is actually meant studying the teachings. The problems multiply when we combine half truths with false beliefs.

There is also the danger of believing that one see into the individual while merely staring at a wishful reflection. This causes all sorts of problems as leeway is given for atrocious acts and we also get the legitimacy for evil to come into existence and thrive.

The balance is difficult to obtain and uphold. One cannot simply choose to see only light, as there is a natural force in the balancing that mean we need to accept and see the darkness as well. And this also starts within the individual. If the individual do not recognize and integrate their own darkness into their being, the light will remain tainted. There cannot be made sound choices based on ignorance, it has to come from knowledge.

Many a time people learn about this through the life path. Some sooner than others. This does not mean there is a specific way of actions and choices that will always be correct. There is no such thing and a lot of the bad is needed to come forth to realize certain things.

Sometimes we can gain a lot of insight looking towards the elders amongst us. Some of them hold great wisdom from a lifetime of experiences and choices. Some of the things they talk about is only given context when personal experience line up alongside to provide understanding.
Naturally, this does not mean one should become a follower, but gaining wisdom from others experiences is valuable and it makes our own path shorter and more efficient.

We could dive into these matters and explore lots more of the depth, but there are times and places allotted for all these things.

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Sheโ€™s so cute. ๐Ÿ˜Š That was adorable!

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