last online: 10/09, 19:48
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A Visit to starbucks

today i went into starbuks and ordered a coffee: me: I'll have one of the vanilla bullshit things....you know, whatever you want, one of those moccha cappa cleaning fluid giant anti-baby bullshit drinks you have... Cashier: (i know they want me to call them a barista but im not in freaking italy or some ****shit)
here's you latte sir (holding back a laugh)...

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Since writing this post Jebus-Zeus may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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laugh, sir, holding, bullshit, latte
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(0 minutes after post)

If you are contemplating suicide, hurting yourself, or you are seriously depressed: please, seek professional help!

Call this hotline (1-800-273-8255) operated by our friends at the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, anytime, for free, professional, and confidential assistance. While other Helpers are likely to reply to your post, please make sure you understand that your use of Help-QA.com falls under or TOS.

Note: I'm a robot that the Help-QA creators programmed. If this response is in error, I apologize, please ignore it.

Happy earth
(2 hours after post)
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How in the world did your trip to Starbucks trigger HelpBot?

(2 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:
How in the world did your trip to Starbucks trigger HelpBot?

coffee is a drug? ergo, starbucks are drug dealers?

(8 hours after post)
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:

smiley wrote:
How in the world did your trip to Starbucks trigger HelpBot?

coffee is a drug? ergo, starbucks are drug dealers?

I was going to say something, but this answer is better.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(5 days after post)
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I think Helpbot just always puts that suicide prevention thingy up when Jebus is posting. Or maybe it knows Jebby and thinks if he's walking into a Starbucks there's something seriously wrong today.

I've never been in a Starbucks for some reason, well it could be the $8 cups of coffee, but I've noticed a lot of people don't like them. I was riding with my son the other day and we were in front of a Starbucks and I told him to stop early and let the person turn in front of him. He looked at me smiling and said "I never let people cross the road here, they're going to Starbucks" and then he laughed.

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