164 replies, Replies 11 to 20

I think I was on to something with the 'social experiment' hypothesis.

guys whichever the reason of this post, this person needs help. even if they're imagining things, it's better not to mock them and it would be better to keep silent if we don't know how to talk to them. anything we say could make them worse.

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I think I was on to something with the 'social experiment' hypothesis.

I'm trying to figure out what these posts that have been made lately, mean. OP could you please explain?

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What I would do to build the Help community.

soco wrote:
Start a meme:
We have much better answers than Alexa.

"do you need help? because we surely do!" #sendhelp hah no don't make this a meme!

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What I would do to build the Help community.

also, when I google "help" I get results such as the urban dictionary and Wikipedia. you could make a small text with information there. I don't think it would help much, but why not.

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I'm stuck.

why hasn't anyone else replied to this? c'mon people! I know I'm a good helper but our girl needs some advice!
how are you doing JN by the way? have you got any doctors to talk about this? there must be some law protecting you in your case. a psychiatrist would know what you should do.
and no matter what the outcome is, you need to take care of yourself.
if you get well, you'll find another job. but you won't find another JN.
oh, and as I said before, keep us updated.

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i really dislike

you can go to your google account and disable everything. disable "related ads" etc. it's not a solution but helps a lot. also when you enter a website, you've got the option to only allow the necessary cookies and then delete them, or browse anonymously.

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I'm stuck.

I suggest you go to labour inspector. otherwise they'll probably find a way to dismiss you.

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Fill my heart with mercy please!

Love is not a grocery store to count what you gave, what I gave, what the other. you either give everything from your soul, or sit on your corner and count what you did not get.

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I must be the most experienced person on this site except for the few exceptions like that sherlock dude and a couple others I know are here but can't think of atm.

Anonymous wrote:

Kalinihta wrote:
listen anon. I know it must be hard having to go back to your parents house at 40, but truth is, it's not our fault. you've got noone to blame, can't blame yourself and decided to blame people you don't know on the Internet?
consider yourself lucky. at least you've got someone to go to. and you can start over. yes, it's not your fault, I'm sure you tried your best but life's unfair.
so instead of trying to bully people you don't know, try to see what you can do now to fix the situation you're in.
I wish you best of luck and you can give us an update on your new life anytime.
I'm here if you need to talk, if you're willing to stop getting defensive and get your sh!t together. :)

I'm not bullying anyone. I'm bitching that employers are full of ****shit. Pay attention.

When asked why we didn't follow a career path that was discussed at the start of my employment, my most recent employers only excuse is "I didn't give you the opportunity"

If she had said "you're a bad employee" or "you just aren't cut out for it" I would have considered the possibility it could be me. But it's not. My boss even said there's no reason she just didn't do it.

you're not just bitching about employers, you said that we're "spitting smart ***ass bullshit" and other things you said at the other post. well, I don't know if I'm dumb or not, all I know is that none of us had anything to do with your career. you're blaming the wrong people. anyways, I hope you find a solution to your problem. employers can be assholes sometimes, its none of your fault. wish you the best.

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I must be the most experienced person on this site except for the few exceptions like that sherlock dude and a couple others I know are here but can't think of atm.

listen anon. I know it must be hard having to go back to your parents house at 40, but truth is, it's not our fault. you've got noone to blame, can't blame yourself and decided to blame people you don't know on the Internet?
consider yourself lucky. at least you've got someone to go to. and you can start over. yes, it's not your fault, I'm sure you tried your best but life's unfair.
so instead of trying to bully people you don't know, try to see what you can do now to fix the situation you're in.
I wish you best of luck and you can give us an update on your new life anytime.
I'm here if you need to talk, if you're willing to stop getting defensive and get your sh!t together. :)

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