164 replies, Replies 41 to 50

doctor please

I bet you all my imaginary money that the doctor was greek!
also, your post made me start thinking, what does it mean that the ants were inside the machine and not the person? and then I started a philosophical discussion with my self which I can't even word.. lol

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shame on you Soco! hahah I didn't know what to think when I read the title! ๐Ÿ˜„ I wonder what Mya thought when she read it.. hah

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men II boys

helpbot is reading between the lines it seems!

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Hey everyone, long time no see.

hey @CommanderIkari!
I wasn't part of the old help but I'm very happy to see this online community grow! so a warm welcome back from me! hope to see you around!

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I got what I wanted.

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
i often wonder if ya let loose with no dicipline will the puppy turn into a selfish animal or if it must be trained till it reaches adulthood? not a pet expert here.. but i can tell how other peoples pet behave tho just dunno if they were trained or they are a reflection of the owner?

a little bit of both I think. trainers often say that you can only teach dogs when they are puppies. but that's not true. sure it's a lot easier to teach them while puppies, but I've had many dogs trained in adulthood even though they were stray, feral or abandoned. if you let loose, they'll surely learn a lot from the owner, and they'll start having similar to the owner, characteristics, but they'll also start thinking they live in a pack and behave hierarchically. I'm not sure I've answered your question!

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I got what I wanted.

I don't know if you're doing a good job. all I know from my interaction with dogs is that it will get better, easier with time. right now you need to give your best and later on it will be very easy to take care of him/her. remember, what he/she learns now, will be forever.
so, off course you need to spend more time with the puppy than with the older one.
just believe in yourself, you're doing the best you can, don't wait for others to confirm this. when the dog is behaving the way he/she should, that's your confirmation.

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Talk to me.

I know who I am! I'm not the person you want to talk to! but I'm here if YOU need to talk! :)

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Art lessons.

it would help if you told us what kind of art and the age of the students.

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So...I have this thing about smoking weed.

Anonymous wrote:

DocteurRalph wrote:
I know a lot of people that have been smoking pot their whole lives and now are smoking wax. It's a whole lot stronger and most of them won't even smoke a joint any more.

this sounds interesting. i dont know anyone doing it tho :\

please don't do this ****shit. or any other ****shit. what you're asking, is a gateway to hell. and there's no returning. you'll always need something stronger until someday you'll realize that drugs don't help with the problem. they just musk it and they actually bring new problems. you have to find a new way to deal with life.

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I hate everyone.

let it out! it'll help! I'm here if want to get mad at someone! :)

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