164 replies, Replies 61 to 70

Suicidal or not...

two scenarios for death.
either you die and that's it. nothing. nada. or you die and there's afterlife. if you choose to die, you'll either become nothing, or you'll go to hell for commiting suicide.
if you choose to live, there are many scenarios. some good, some bad, but they're all something. well, something is better than nothing and, for sure, better than hell.
I'd say live to see where life takes you. if you want, you can do anything crazy that comes to your mind (except killing or torturing!). That is something. you must have something that you always wanted to do with your life but never did. or better, you could write a list of the things you always wanted and start doing them. if you're not satisfied with your life after doing those, then fine. but give yourself a chance. a chance to find joy in life. because if you find this, then, you'll wish you could live forever.
if you think that there's nothing to keep you going, you might be depressed. depression is a chemical imbalance of the brain. please seek medical advice before you make a choice that you can't undo.

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thought it was funny and awesome at the same time..

haaahahahahah bollywood is soooo funny! every time I watch this kind of movies I cry from laughter!
thanks for posting!

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Let's post some funny videos!!!

@Nix omg! yes! I've probably watched it too many times! and I'm embarrassed to say that I used to laugh with the other one with the suicide bomber who was skateboarding, which I can't find right now, and also this one: https://youtu.be/1MqJA2Wl93c

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My cat vomited.

cats digestive system is not so evolved. dogs can eat anything, but cats are meant to only eat meat. so, sometimes cats vomit and it's not something to worry about. BUT if she also has diarrhea or anything unusual, I'd suggest a visit to the doctor.
you said you recently took her to the doctor. did they give her any kind of vaccine or medicine? many cats vomit after they have their annual vaccines. and feel dizzy afterwards.

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Eleanor had 2 more kittens after almost 24 hours.

sorry for your loss.
but congrats for the other 3! as for the names, I'll make some suggestions, but I think you should pick the names yourself based on their characteristics.
Cora (means daughter and you could name her Cornilia or Coraline or Corina and call her Cora)
Eugenia (means politeness)
my personal favorite ancient is Electra. was planning to name my daughter Electra, if I ever had one! I can lend it to you if you want!

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Let's post some funny videos!!!

soco wrote:
Good one @Kalinihta !

thanks @soco !
you can all post something here whenever. a good laugh is always in need! :)

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My cat vomited.

since most of the important questions have been asked, there's one more scenario. did you change her diet? or is there any chance she ate something you're not aware of?
I highly doubt it was the smell of the litter box.

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Let's post some funny videos!!!

sorry I'm reviving this post, I just have to!
this guy is my hero! now I'm thinking I should do the same, without even recording! I'll just do humanity a favour! hahah

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That rabbiiiit!

nice! now you've got a rabbit hole! who knows where it can take you..
if I were you, I'd decorate it, make it look like a tiny door and I'd put a sign that'd say "Wonderland".

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trying to be poetic here but i dont even know what i just wrote

I have to say this, and I think some will agree. I like reading your poems NaCtHoMaN, and even though I'm not replying, I really enjoy them. there's really nothing to reply at such a post. but it's always a pleasure to read your poems, and they often make me think! thanks!

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