210 replies, Replies 81 to 90

My new puppy has extra toes?

Yอคอญอฅฬ‡eti. wrote:
Huh, that's nifty. Serves as some positive proof dogs are evolving to supplant humans.

You know you can edit replies now, right?

I didn't know that but now I do

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My new puppy has extra toes?

Supposed to say one is a toe

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My new puppy has extra toes?

I called the vet. One is a tie, the other is a loose dew claw.

I'm gonna get the loose due claw removed so it doesnt tear.




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*How to feed a horse a sandwich.*

They like donuts too

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*How to feed a horse a sandwich.*

Rockster160 wrote:
I feel like a sandwich would do nothing for a horse. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Like one cheese it๐Ÿ˜‚

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How would you go about getting your heart throughly checked?

CarolineFCY wrote:
Question, the hurting with the deep breaths... do you feel it in your throat and/or your chest? Does it kinda feel like: if your airway was a vertical river, there's a stone (the pain) interrupting the flow?
I dunno, it legit hurts to do deep breaths these days and people keep telling me it's anxiety too. (Which sucks because what do they suggest for anxiety/panic attacks? Breathing exercises. Psh.)

I feel like physical activity/exercise is a catch 22. It's supposed to relieve stress and boost hormones that lower anxiety, buuuut it'll make you anxious from being breathless or being hyper-aware of your heart, whether it be the pulse or the pinch.

Hey, it's possible it is anxiety. But I'm super sensitive to misdiagnosing stuff as mental when it could be physical. Be descriptive and thorough so the doctor gets a good feel for what's going on. I also heard that it helps to tell them how it affects/impedes your lifestyle.

No. My airway doesnt feel blocked and it doesnt fewl like a stone when I feel the pinching

It just seems the pain in my chest is like stretched when I breath in. Like in some flesh as being pinching by something

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How would you go about getting your heart throughly checked?

CarolineFCY wrote:
It's worth going to an internet/nurse practitioner/primary care doctor, imo. But I've got health anxiety so I may be biased. They can check you out and hear you out and see if it's worth referring you to a specialist.

You've got a good diet going for you, so that's great! But the symptom sounds... well, painful. I vote for a check-up.

I mean, possible outcomes:
1) They tell you it's an anxiety symptom
2) You get a professional's stamp of approval on your health
3) They catch something early!

That's true. I once was thinking there was something wrong with my lungs cause I realized I can't take deep breaths. It actually hurts. It feels better to hold my breath then it does to take a deep breath.
But then they burst my bubble and said its anxiety ๐Ÿ˜… I felt stupid.

Oh and my blood pressure. I got normal blood pressure except when I'm anxious. They told me my blood pressure gets so bad when I'm anxious that if I dont calm down I'll have a stroke.

So I guess I wouldnt be surprised. But I don't know of its anxiety cause it just seems to happen differently
Like.its hard to explain but it's never happened during a panic attack or anything. It's more random. I'm doing something
Usually some physical activity and the pinch happens and makes me want to stop.

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How would you go about getting your heart throughly checked?

Side note, my mom drinks, smokes, doesnt eat fruits or vegetables, only eats red meat, uses lots of salt and disgusting amounts of butter.

I on the other hand do not drink, smoke, use salt and very rarely use butter. I eat fruits and vegetables as well as chicken and fish over red meats.

I consider my diet pretty healthy.

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wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world.

Then I'm going back to bed

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I'm scared!

Oh I know how to do all that. I've raised up babies before.
I've done this already. I just never allowed anyone to use my Male for a stud.

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