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Will 2017 be remembered for the empowered women coming out of the shadows of abuse?

soco wrote:
Docteur Ralph. Thank you for your contribution. Do you not think that there is still cultural mindset though that it is okay for males to behave this way? Not just celebrities and politicians but in general throughout society? I certainly do and putting the most aggrecious one in the WH didn't help.

Yes..... proof is in the pervasiveness of "boys will be boys" as an excuse for behavior

Men are typically dominant. Not saying that women can't be....

If you think about it and are honest with yourself... most men can overpower most women. Starting around age 16-60's.... men will be stronger than women, physically. And while women think about many things at once, men have a one track mind (not thinking solely sexually here... it's in all aspects of daily life) and are intently focused on the task at hand. Differences in biology.

This means that men can overpower women with ease, in most cases. (NOT ALL men, NOT ALL women, not all cases)

I think that all through history, men have taken advantage of this in ALL situations (not just to overpower women) and that the bad men.... or even entire bad societies who allow certain behaviors (or maybe not even "allow," but "look away") men have had many women and children victims. It becimes a generational and multi generational and even societal learned behavior that is almost ingrained and is hard to change.

Communication, empathy, understanding, and knowledge lead to change... and it takes TIME...even generations...to change. But there is no empathy or understanding without open and honest communication.

Think about the suffragettes and how resistant society(even other women) were to the change... and about the hardships those ladies endured to affect that change.... and it wasn't that long ago! My great grandmother never voted for a president... and I KNEW her (she passed when I was 15)

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I had given up on this site.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure plenty of people like you though....

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So I thought this site was gone forever, With adulting with cripling adhd I just forgot that it existed.

Welcome back :)

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I had given up on this site.

Do you mean the old help.com?

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Big-Al-One wrote:

Araz wrote:
That there are 6 media conglomerates that control almost all the news we get.
So much for our news being unbiased

This is so sad and true and people just drink it up without a second thought...
Why won't people wake up?


That said.... Elvis lives, imo

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Does anyone know of any pet shelters that accepts donations of unused prescription drugs?

I'm so sorry that your dog passed

Idk if donating to shelters for animals is different.... obviously you can't "really" share human drugs due to potential tampering/wrong rx, etc...
I would think potential tampering would be the shelter's biggest concern. If they know you personally, it may be less of a concern

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Do you think stay at home moms are lazy?

I feel the same.... I brought in good money before kids and I was somewhat "accomplished." We would not have done it if I had not alteady purchased 2 homes prior to marriage. Obviously we lived in one and continued to have the other rented out for maybe a year. When I sold that home, I made a nice profit that took care of about a year of my income, so that made me feel better about my "contribution."
And....being a SAHM meant that there were no work conflicts when my 2nd was born and was in NICU for 8 wks and had serious health issues for her first 2 years. I COULD give my all to her and not worry about losing a job.
When my mom fell and broke her leg, since I wasn't working, I was free to go to her house and cook and clean for her.
When my Granny broke her hip and had surgery and then had bladder surgery, I was able to go to her house and cook and clean for her... and to drive her to phys therapy, etc
When my Grandpa started to get dementia, and my Grandma was overwhelmed, I was able to go and relieve her one day a week (this was very hard because at this time, I had 2 in diapers and one potty trained...but gpa was also in diapers and he would yell and scream, scaring my kids.... but thank God I was able to help her out)
When my friend's PTSD got so bad....I was able to be there
When my husb tore his bicep and had surgery....I was able to take care of everything without having to worry about a job...
Kids' tonsillectomies, doc appts, sporting events, activities, recitals, sick days, broken arms, dentist appts, etc.... didn't have to take "paid time off...."
I get up most mornings before everyone and make breakfast. Dinner is usually home made and healthy vs slapped together junk.
Many, many friends (and even people who were strangers) have had snags in their lives and jobs caused issues with life... I've been that friend to pick up their sick kids from school, etc
Also.. I have volunteered extensively and have my kids volunteer too. We do soup kitchens, I have tutored people in shelters to help them get their GEDs etc.

Being a SAHM makes me feel like I'm "not contributing" at times... and society sometimes sees SAHMs as useless... but we do have a role, if we do it right ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Do you think stay at home moms are lazy?

I worked 3-4 jobs before kids; worked with the victims of the Oklahoma Bombing; went to school to get certificates/learn languages/etc....AFTER I got my BA. I was ALWAYS striving for "better." Before marriage, I had already purchased 2 houses.
Gave all that up and have been a (mostly) SAHM for 16 years. I have worked during those years off and on and have volunteered extensively in the community.
I also got my master's degree, started work on a Ph.D., and have been home educating our 4 kids

More later, when I'm at a keyboard....

But ultimately to do "SAHM" right... you do it for OTHERS. (Your loved ones)... and YOU are selfless....

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Do you think stay at home moms are lazy?

Hmmm... I could talk a lot about this. I am on my phone, though, so will have to wait til I get to the computer.

Ultimately, if a sahm gives all that she is able to BEING a good one and SERVING her family, she wont be lazy...rather, the work will never end. Though it's a different type of work. And the point of being a sahm is FOR your kids and by extension...your husb. It's not really so that YOU can live "a life of leisure...." which some stay at home moms think staying home means....as do others in this society

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Yeah, that might be true. I can't actually remember. Old age and all... ;)

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